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Over 20 ways to organize your home and life!


How is the organizing coming along everyone?  Did you all make a year plan?  I’m seriously so excited about my plan (you can see it all here!).  It feels so good to know that everything I want to get done this year will eventually get done.  I’m just tackling my house in small bite sized manageable pieces.  :)  The month is quickly flying by and I’m almost finished with my January spaces (attic/extra room/play room).  Hoping to take pictures and share them soon!  Today I’m sharing over 20 ways to organize your home and life!  I thought I’d pull up some of my past organizing projects to give us all some motivation.  I know I can use some right about now!  Some of these pictures are from spaces in our previous house and some are from the new house. Hopefully you will find something in this round-up that will help you with the spaces you are currently working on.  (Click each link for the full post!)

Organizing shoes/coats/backpacks in our previous house.  My makeshift mudroom.  :)
Organized mudroom in the new house.
Tips for getting your inbox under control.
Organized wrapping supplies.
Tips on keeping your purse organized.  (Yikes!  I just cleaned mine out today and it was a mess.  Clearly I need to follow my own advice.)  :)
Inside the purse organization.  
Similar solution for organizing your recipes.
 Pantry organization in my previous house.  This is still my top “pinned” post!  (btw – many of you have requested pics of my new pantry..  they are coming at some point!  The new pantry is currently having a label identity crisis – ha! ;) – so as soon as I get that straightened out I’ll share it with all of you.
Organized bathroom drawers.  I’m so anxious to tackle my drawers/cupboards in my new bathroom!  They need a serious deep cleaning.
Our organized craft cupboard in our previous house.  (One of my favorite organized spaces!)
And organized craft supplies now in the new house.  Same system.  If it isn’t broke, don’t fix it.  :)
 Organizing kids’ outfits for school.  Makes mornings so much easier!
organized-school-outfits organized-childrens-closet
How my girls are currently organizing their school outfits each week.
Short on space?  You can fit quite a bit in a small closet if it’s organized well.  This is a closet in my previous house that I organized to hold both toys and clothes.  
Tips for organizing kids’ school work.
Time Management Binder – stay on top of your to-do’s!
Organized medicine/spice cupboard.
 Organized Linen Closet.
Did you see my mom’s laundry room overhaul from this past summer?  Quite possibly my favorite organizing project to date!  Took me three days.  And nights.  And you need to see the “befores” to fully appreciate it.  Here are a few more pics from that project…
organized-cleaning-supplies organized-laundry-room-drawers
Lots of organized eye candy in that post!  Full post on my mom’s laundry room makeover here.
Organized art caddy.
And organized art/school supplies again.  :)
Organized camera equipment.
Organized junk drawer.
Organizing pictures on your computer.

Whew!  I don’t know if this post was motivating or just exhausting!?  :)  That’s a lot of organization.  Remember if you’re feeling overwhelmed with all that needs to be organized in your home this year, you don’t have to tackle everything at once!  Make a year plan and just take it one space at a time.  Baby steps to an organized home!  We can do it!  Who’s with me!?  (cue the Rocky music playing in the background…)


xoxo, Erin
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17 thoughts on “Over 20 ways to organize your home and life!

  1. Thanks for the motivating post, Erin! After your post mentioning Cozi, I downloaded it again. This time onto my phone and my tablet. I even added a list of items I needed at the store (and pulled it up when I went to said store). Haven’t had the chance to do much more than that. Tiny baby steps. I’m still feeling a bit off after having gone back to work part time. Seeing what you can accomplish is indeed motivating for me, so I appreciate your pulling this together. :) Hope you are having a good week!

    1. Baby steps for sure Jeanne! And definitely cut yourself some slack with your new transition back to work! It takes a while to get into a groove with big changes like that. xo

  2. I love all your organization photos and posts!! If you lived next door we would be fast friends. Had a question? I have the same MS small divided file that I keep in my purse and it is divided similar to yours. I noticed you have a section for receipts. Are those receipts for things you need to return or do you keep all of your receipts in there until you file them elsewhere. I usually put my receipts in my wallet next to my checkbook, but it really clutters up my wallet. I had never thought to put them in my file instead.

    1. Hi Lauren! Thank you! Right after I buy something I keep my receipts in my wallet too until I get a minute to write them down. As soon as I record them I toss most of them, but the ones I want to hang on to go in that MS divider. Then every few months I go through those and toss ones I don’t need anymore. Little system that has become my routine! :)


  3. Great ideas Erin. I haven’t organized anything yet this year. (Things stayed pretty neat and tidy.) I have a whole new task to undertake. We have decided to put our house up for sale and I will be packing things away and staging my house. A little nervous and a little, (a lot) excited. Can’t wait to see where this journey takes us.


    1. Cathy!! That is such exciting news!! YEA! Are you staying in your area or going somewhere completely different? Like next door to me in SD!? I wish. :) So excited and happy for you!


  4. Very motivating Erin! Which now leads me to believe that we’ve come to the point in our relationship when I can say to you these three little words… THAT! MUD! ROOM!!!

  5. You really are a master organizer! So many great ideas, all in one post! You may need to come over to help whip me in to organizing shape! I dream of having every space in my home look like this :) My mission this month is to get all our paperwork under control and my work space tidy and organized. It’s suffered a little neglect recently :)

  6. Oh, how I want to be Erin! :). Or, maybe I could still be Meg with all of Erin’s storage and organizing skill!! Your closets, drawers, bins, baskets, etc. make my heart so happy (and I admit…I am green with envy!) Have you shown us your Master bedroom and bathroom yet?! I can’t wait to see it

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