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How to Keep your Sanity this School Year!




How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Back to school.  It’s that time again!  Our summer is winding down and I have mixed feelings this year!  Excited to get back into a routine and for new beginnings, but also sad to see summer end.  I’m a little anxious about this school year because I have three kids in three different schools with different start times and end times and breaks.  (Their Spring Breaks are literally one right after the other three weeks in a row!  Such a bummer.)  Add that craziness to our already hectic activity schedule and I have no doubt I’m in for a wild year!  I get tired every time I think about it.  Ha. :)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

So I’ve been working hard to get all of our systems in place and on top of things around the house.  I’ve found lots of ways to help keep my sanity in tact during busy seasons of life and I’m sharing them with you today!  I need the reminders myself and I hope that some of these tips help you keep your sanity this school year too.  Moms need to stick together. :)  And if you don’t have kids or your kids are grown I hope you still find a few tips that are helpful for your current season of life!  Organization with or without kids is always a good thing. :)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)


I know.  We’ve been talking a lot about paper control lately but it’s such a HUGE thing that is essential to keeping your sanity!  We all know how much paper comes in the home on a daily basis and if you don’t have systems set up to handle it, it ends up all over counters cluttering our homes and our minds and making it hard to stay on top of things.  For my personal paperwork I set up these wooden bins in my office.  The top row is for personal paperwork and the bottom row is for work paperwork.  LOVE having a place to keep all of these loose papers I reach for daily.  (More details in this post.)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

If you don’t need multiple bins like I have I’d recommend at least having some sort of “inbox” where all of your urgent papers can land.  Things that need your attention soon.  I check this box at least once a day and this helps me make sure that important things don’t get lost in the shuffle!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

For random papers my kids need to hang on to I have this hanging file system in my office that I’ve had forever.  If you’re looking for something similar I just found this inexpensive solution that folds up and is perfect for managing papers!  I also love this system and a few more options below.

*affiliate links used

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Papers I need to save long term are filed in my drawers.  So happy to have this little project behind me!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

(Details in this post if you missed it!)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

For random school/art work that my kids are proud of and we want to display I have these cork boards in my pantry.

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

I love having a place to quickly pin up tests or assignments my kids are proud of.  Or that cute little note they wrote me or the wedding/baby announcement that came in the mail.  I got these cork boards from PB and they’ve now replaced them with this similar option.  I also love this one and it’s on sale right now!  Below are a few other great options if you have room for a pin board in your kitchen, office or hallway.

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Art work I’ve been displaying on our shiplap display wall through the summer months.  Then I toss a lot of it!  More on school work/art organization is coming. :)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

(You can read all about our shiplap display wall here.)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)


I always feel much more sane during the school year when the spaces are organized that my kids’ are using often.  Landing zones for shoes and backpacks especially need to be organized.  My kids are always so excited to clean out our mudroom every summer. ;)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

(Mudroom sources here)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

In our previous home with no mudroom or space for shoes/coats/backpacks I used a wall in our garage to keep things organized.  You can see more details on this set up in this oldie but goodie. :)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

We also clean out the kids’ closets every summer.  So nice to get rid of clothes that are too small or they aren’t wearing and clean out the clutter!  It’s crazy how quickly things pile up in kids’ closets isn’t it!?  It’s like they can’t help but collect every little insignificant item that comes their way!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

(Details on Ad’s closet organization in this post.)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

And of course if you have any type of office/craft room/homework room that the kids use for homework it’s so important to have that area cleaned and ready to go!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve been working on my hot mess of an office all summer and am so excited to have cupboards and drawers streamlined!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

If you use a kitchen counter or table for homework have a drawer or bin nearby ready with pencils, crayons, etc.  Nothing like sharpened pencils and new crayons is there!?  My favorite. :)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Having a set zone for homework that is clean and ready to go when kids start makes a huge difference!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)


I’m all about creating routines and shortcuts that help things run smoother each day.  Simple things like laying my workout clothes out the night before, pre-packing lunches, etc. are a huge help during busy mornings when I’m tired and my brain isn’t quite awake yet!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Think about your every day routines and how you can simplify them.  Kole’s bedroom is upstairs and every day when we were ready to put on shoes and head out the door I’d have to send him upstairs to grab a pair of socks.  Lightbulb moment two years ago when I finally asked myself why I wasn’t keeping socks downstairs by the shoes!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Our powder bathroom is also downstairs close to our garage.

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Soon after we moved into our home I set up this drawer with extra toothbrushes for mornings we are running late.  If the kids haven’t brushed their teeth they can do it quick in the powder bathroom before they run out the door vs. running back upstairs.  Does anyone else lose their kids when they send them upstairs? :)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

I didn’t put one for me in this drawer because I get dressed and my teeth brushed early.  If I don’t get myself ready before I get the kids ready it doesn’t happen!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Another helpful time saver for busy mornings is having a set place for snacks/school lunch stuff.

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

I have two drawers in my pantry that are just for snacks and they make it easy for my kids to grab something quickly to take to school with them.  If you don’t have drawers in your pantry just pick any kitchen drawer!  Or put a “snack” basket on the counter.

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Having all of the lunch snacks corralled in one spot that the kids can reach makes lunch packing a breeze!  (You can see pics of my full pantry here.)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Another routine that we started this summer that helped immensely with keeping my kids on track was using our Daily Expectation Charts.

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

I’m not going to use them for my girls this school year.  Loved them for the summer, but my girls are just too busy with school/activities and they know their room/bathroom needs to stay clean and they help with house chores when they can.  But I will definitely continue using this chart for Kole (my 8 year old) during the school year!  I’ll add homework as one of his daily tasks. These motivate him so much and having set things to get done each day laid out like this keeps him off of the iPad and doing better things with his time!   (You can read more about my expectation charts and how to download your own in this post.)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)


This is my favorite time of year to set new personal goals and routines.  The start of a new school year is such a fresh start and I always feel motivated to work hard and be productive after having an unstructured summer.  It’s a much easier time for me to set goals in September vs. January when I’m in a post holiday funk and just want to veg in sweats all day. :)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Now that kids are back in school take some time to really think about YOU.  What are your goals and dreams?  What do you want to achieve and work towards?  Maybe you just need more time for self care if you’re a busy mom always meeting the needs of your kids and others.  Making time for yourself can be a goal too!  Whatever it is, write down your goals and decide on small steps to work towards them each day.

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Here are a few of my past posts that might help us all get motivated!

Three Time Management Tips to Increase Productivity

Five Tips to Manage Your Time Better (Eat That Frog!)

How To Get Out of a Productivity Slump

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

I also plan on re-writing a few of my Current Projects pages so I know next steps for the projects I’m working on.  I made some progress this summer I’m excited to share with you all!  (You can read more about this printable and snag your own here!)

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

And of course my to-do list printables will be on heavy rotation.  I’ll be using my time blocking page the most and scheduling out my day in detail so that I can make the most of the small kid-free time that I have!  Just my drop off/pick up schedule alone needs its own printable.. ha!  Say a prayer for me. ;)  (You can read more about my favorite to-do list pages and print them for yourself here.)  It’s so important as moms that we are taking care of ourselves and working towards something that makes us feel fulfilled and happy.  You owe it to yourself to figure out what that is if you haven’t already!  It makes all the difference for me and truly makes me a better mom/wife/friend/overall person.


How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)

Last but not least I think it’s so important to get motivation and inspiration from others!  We can all learn so much from what others are trying and finding success with.  I’m so excited to share a big event that I’m going to be a part of next month!  I’m going to be a featured speaker at Get Organized HQ and you are all invited to join!  Get Organized HQ is a FREE event with 20+ organizing experts to help you streamline your life and home.  The best part is that you can join us without hiring a babysitter, changing out of your yoga pants or even leaving your house!  My kind of event. ;)  Mark your calendars now, Get Organized HQ runs from September 10th – 14th.


More than 20 organizing pros from across the country are joining to share their knowledge to help you get organized and run a happy home with less stress and more structure!  I’m really excited about the speakers at this event.  They are all bloggers and YouTubers who have great tips to share in all areas of life, work and home.  At Get Organized HQ the speakers will be covering everything from quick meal planning to healthy eating on budget, home management, creating routines, self-care, photo organization (I’ll be paying close attention to that one!), decluttering, eliminating paper clutter, home decorating, budgeting and finances, cleaning methods, streamlining your wardrobe, and more!  My session is focused on office organization.  Of course it is. ;)  This was my first time doing anything video related.  (Other than IG stories which I’m not that great at.. ha.)  I’m trying to break out of my comfort zone!  I hope you’ll tune in.  :)  

So that’s it!

  1. Set up systems to control the paper
  2. Clean and organize kids’ spaces
  3. Create routines and shortcuts that make life easier
  4. Set yourself up for success
  5. Get organization motivation and inspiration from others

My best tips for keeping your sanity this school year!  I’d love to hear any other tips/tricks you have in the comments!  Like I said, we can all learn so much from each other.  Here’s to happy school days ahead for all of us!

How to keep your sanity this school year! (Sunny Side Up)
































xoxo, Erin
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23 thoughts on “How to Keep your Sanity this School Year!

  1. Oh Erin, I do feel for you this coming school year. I do have faith that you will rock it with your organizing skills. You have been doing a lot of pre-planning and preparing to make your systems run smoothly. Thanks for all the tips you’ve shared!! Best of success to you. Thanks for the heads up on the upcoming online event. I signed up! As long as the info will be there if I can’t actually participate in real time that is. :) Enjoy your last few days of freedom and good luck when school actually starts. You got this!

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! I think that online event is going to be packed full of good info! You can definitely watch it later but I think you have to pay. Or you can just watch what you do have time for that week for free! I hope you are getting into a good routine! Ad started yesterday but El and Kole are still home with me. Next week will be a rude awakening around here.. ha! ;) xo

  2. I can’t wait to see how you deal with the artwork the kids bring home. I have one pre-schooler and we are DROWNING in his artwork. How do you decide what to keep? How do you store it?

    1. Oh my word Rachel.. I know it can be SO overwhelming! You really can’t keep much! That’s the one thing I’ve learned with 3 kids who are getting older. They bring home so much stuff. I’m going to be talking a lot about this on the blog this Fall! Stay tuned. :) xo

  3. Love this! A friend and I were just discussing how to make school mornings easier.
    I have to ask, where did you find the chair pad for the metal chair in your office? We have so many of those chairs, but they are uncomfortable. Thanks for all the advice!

  4. Where did you find the pink hamper in your girls’ closet? I am looking for one with a “small” footprint like that!

  5. Oh Erin! This was just the boost I needed today. Thank you so much! Your school year this year sounds a little like mine last year, with everyone on their own schedule. Now, this year I have my eldest in her 3rd year at a local community college, my middle kids (twins) off to 2 other colleges far away and an eighth grader. Somehow I powered through last year and I know you will make it through your busy year, too! I did a lot of driving the past few years, but I treasure every moment I had with my teenagers…somehow they were more open to talking in the car than they were anywhere else. Go figure! Thanks again for all you do. Blessings! Clare

    1. Clare your sweet comment was just what I needed to hear today so thank you! The driving has become insane around here and I was talking to my mom about it and she suggested hiring some help with drop offs/pick ups. I thought about it but then decided not to because my kids and I have some of the best conversations in the car! And really my oldest is so busy that sometimes the car rides are the most time I get to spend with her each day. Not ready to give that up even though my life is very similar to an uber driver these days. ;) I know it will fly by so I’m trying to soak it all in! So happy you survived your crazy year and your kids are all in happy places! Best feeling. :) Thank you so much for your kind words! xo

  6. I love everything about this organization! I also LOVE clear bins :) Is it a challenge for things to stay organized throughout the school year?

    1. Thank you Noelle! It definitely can be! When you have several kids going in all different directions and their homework/schedules/activities/paperwork to keep track of it can get overwhelming quick! :) xo

  7. This was such a great post! Thanks for sharing lots of content with so many resources! I appreciate the posts like this that are a helpful resources vs. lots of pictures. Thank you!! Great read to continue motivating me to take on the school year.

  8. These are such wonderful tips! I really enjoyed reading and writing myself some notes. Thank you for sharing, Erin!! It allllllmost makes me excited to have my boys be school-aged, except not really because then they won’t be a baby and a toddler anymore. :) Best wishes to you and your family as things get rolling this fall!!

  9. Can you share sources for the tray and containers you used for pencils, markers, etc. on the homework table? Thank you!

    1. Hi Kerrin! Those are actually supposed to be plant pots! :) I bought it from a store called Tai Pan years ago in Utah. Sorry that’s not more help! If I ever find something similar I’ll share it on my blog! xo

  10. Love all your idea’s!! The labeled toothbrushes…love it.
    Our girls pack their lunch the night before. And after school, we get home around 340pm. I give them a break until 4pm to bathroom/ wash hands/ computer time until after ALL homework,bath & lunch is packed for the next day!
    I have a bookcase that has a
    Lid container labeled for each child & school works goes in that. Then I purge it! After reading your post about school work, you have helped me get rid of really unnecessary school work.Thank you Erin!
    Good luck on your Get Organized event. You will be great!

  11. I want this BIG, beautiful, mud room. OMG, my family I would love this space. You did a fabulous job in the snack draw and pantry. Thanks for sharing.

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