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How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

Monday I was in a total slump.  You know when you have those days when you just can’t seem to focus and energy is low and you’re having a really hard time getting motivated to tackle your life?  Adulting can be rough sometimes.  Am I right?  I can totally see you nodding right now. :)  I think I hit a wall yesterday for two reasons.  Part of it is our weather.  San Diego is a bright and sunny place most of the time, but we have a couple of months during the year that we get a lot of cloud cover (especially where I live near the coast).  Locals call it “May Gray” and “June Gloom” and a lot of people love the change of clouds and cooler weather.  I would love it too.. if it happened in November when it’s supposed to!  But right now for me the clouds are just feeling gloomy and they are inspiring nothing but sweats and an excessive amount of snacks. :)  The other reason is because honestly I think I just hit major burn out at the beginning of this week.  May has been crazy and last weekend was non-stop with late nights.  I got the kids off to school Monday and had so many things to get done but I was feeling very DONE myself.  I wanted to turn on Netflix and give in to the lack of motivation, but that just wasn’t an option.  So after a few hours of wandering aimlessly attempting to be productive and seriously struggling, I pulled out an old friend!  My little secret to how I get out of a productivity slump.  Because let’s face it, they can be hard to shake!

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How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump

Friends meet my Miracle Timecube Timer.  I know what you’re thinking.. a timer?  Really?  But yes.  Really.  I’ve had this for quite a while and it always seems to come through for me when I’m lacking motivation and need to kick things in high gear.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump

This particular timer is my all time favorite!  It comes with options of 5 or 15 minutes…

3 Things I'm Loving

or 30 or 60 minutes.  Whenever I’m feeling zero motivation to do something I get it out and tell myself I just have to focus for a set amount of time and then I’m done.  So if the house is a mess and I feel overwhelmed with where to start and I’m not in the mood to clean, I’ll set the timer for 30 minutes and tell myself I just have to start somewhere and clean for 30 minutes.  If I need to write something that I keep putting off, I’ll sit down at my computer and tell myself I just have to focus and write for 15 minutes.

I know it sounds so simple but having the timer going and feeling like I only have to do something for a short amount of time helps SO much.  Why is that?  Because the hardest part of doing things we put off doing is just GETTING STARTED.  Of course, what usually happens is that once I’m past that “getting started hurdle” I get in a groove doing whatever I was avoiding and when the timer goes off I want to keep working past the time I set.  That’s why it really is a “miracle timecube timer.” It just gives me that kick that I often need to get started!  It also helps me really focus on one thing for a set amount of time.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

I especially love this timer because it’s so easy to use.  You just put the time you want face up and it immediately starts counting down.  Sure.. you could use your iPhone or a clock, but the timer makes it more fun and I like the simplicity for my kids.  I use it a lot with them too!  Here are some ways I’ve used this timer:

  • When the house is a mess and kids are home I’ll say “I’m setting the timer to 5 minutes!  Let’s see how much we can all pick up before it goes off!”  Suddenly cleaning is a game and my living room/kitchen is miraculously cleaned in just minutes.
  • When Kole is struggling/complaining about starting homework I”ll tell him “we just have to do your homework for 15 minutes and then you can take a break!”  By the time 15 minutes is up he’s usually close to done so then we just finish it up.
  • When Kole wants to get on the iPad I’ll tell him he has 30 minutes and set the timer so that he doesn’t accidentally end up on it for longer than he should be.. not that that has ever happened around here.. ;)
  • And of course, I use it ALL the time for work.  I’ll tell myself to just focus on one thing (writing a blog post, answering e-mails, editing pictures, etc.) for 30 minutes and then I can take a break.  It really helps me block out the rest of the world and just stay focused because I know I’m only working for a short period of time.  I need this because I tend to get distracted really easily working from home!  I’ll work for 10 minutes and then remember I need to put clothes in the dryer and before I know it I’m re-organizing a closet. :)  This keeps me focused on my one thing I need to get done.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

Speaking of the one thing I need to get done.. have any of you read this book – The One Thing?  It’s so good!  Another thing I do when I’m in a slump is pull out one of my many time management/productivity books and look at some of the things I’ve highlighted.  Nerd alert!  But I don’t care. :)

Btw.. Kenny told me the other day that if I just took all the time I’ve spent reading about time management and actually just worked instead I’d be a lot more productive.  Ha!  He’s probably right.  

But don’t tell him I said that. 

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

Anyway.. I seriously LOVED this book!  So much that I’m reading it now for a second time.  This is what it actually looks like (I always ditch book covers pretty quick).

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

The main idea is that to be successful you need to go extreme and only focus on one thing.  So if your goal is to lose weight, it’s not time to also grow you business or learn how to play the guitar.  Losing weight (and all that it takes) is your constant focus and #1 priority.  Then each day ask yourself “what’s the ONE THING I can do such that by doing it everything else will be easier or unnecessary?”  Find the one thing that will move you closer to your goal each day.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

A few of my take aways from this book:

– Successful people make their focus very narrow.  They start with a large list but are able to narrow it down to ONE thing.  THE one thing that has top priority.

– Whether you say “later” or “never” you don’t do anything else until your one thing is done.

– Multitasking is not efficient or effective.  (Fascinating reading his thoughts about miltitasking!)

– You need to regularly work at something until it becomes a habit and regularly works for you.  Build one habit at a time.

– Lists are invaluable, but they have a dark side.  (What what!?)  Achievers are able to whittle out what’s not important and focus on their one important thing vs. just checking to-dos off of a list all day.  (Ouch!  That is so me!  Working on that one..)

– A balanced life is a lie.  (SO fascinating reading his thoughts about balance!)

– Time block your day so that your One Thing gets done.  Set regular appointments with yourself and protect them at all costs.

I could go on and on.. so many great take aways from this book!  I highly recommend it if you need a some re-direction or motivation in your work or personal life.  And then I highly recommend re-reading the notes you took if you’re in a slump. ;)

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

{Reglan Sweatshirt/AG jeans}

Ending this post with a few pics of what I’ve been wearing lately.  Completely inspired by our weather I’ve been living in comfy sweatshirts.  Maybe not the most stylish in Spring/Summer fashion, but definitely the comfiest. :)

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

This Make and Model Pullover hoodie is so soft!  Pjs that are acceptable to wear out and about.  Of course my favorite comfy Zella crop pants have been on major repeat.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

Another favorite pj/sweatshirt with my black Zella crop pants.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

And remember this Dream Scene sweatshirt I bought soon after my knee surgery in January?  I’ve seriously worn it out!  My favorite go-to when I’m cold.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

So I bought it in black too!  It’s the comfiest sweatshirt ever.  And I’m wearing it with.. drum roll please.. you guessed it!  My Zella crop pants.  I think I’ve had them on 6 out of the last 10 days.  Kind of embarrassing and yet.. I’m not embarrassed.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

This Treasure and Bond sweatshirt is also really cute and comfy.  I love it with jeans.

Dress for success!  That’s what I always say… ha! ;)

And in case you’re thinking that my counter looks awfully clean in the picture above, I snapped a picture of what the rest of my office looked like the day that picture was taken.

How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump (Sunny Side Up)

You can see my timer box (don’t ask me why I keep it in the box but I do!), my camera, several notepads with lists (clearly the “one thing” concept is a work in progress over here), my Skinny Pop popcorn and a Coke Zero.  Essentials for a typical day at he office. :)

And in case you don’t want to follow my lead and dress like you’re crawling out of a major slump this month (or crawling into one?) Nordstrom just kicked off their half yearly sale!  I rounded up my favorite fashion picks below that are marked down and I have a feeling most of them will go fast.  The good stuff always does!

A favorite timer, a favorite book, favorite comfy clothes and a good sale.  We’ve covered a lot today friends!  My work here is done.

For now.





























xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “How to Get Out of a Productivity Slump

  1. Oh, how well I remember the gloomy days that would hit right as school was winding down. So easy to feel blah! The timer idea is classic, thanks for the reminder and your timer looks pretty cool, too. It is just fascinating that getting started is such a hurdle, but once you do that, the rest seems so much easier. Thanks for the mini review on the book, too. I smiled at what your husband said. I’ve told myself the very same thing. LOL It’s like I think I can become more productive/motivated/organized by osmosis and absorbing the information. Darn. sure wish it really did work that way. I will look into that book. You sure look cute in your comfy clothes. Good luck keeping yourself out of the slump. I hope things settle down soon for you. Happy Wednesday! Slump, er I mean, happy hump day! ;)

  2. Dear Erin,

    My sister introduced me to your blog knowing I want to eventually reside in San Diego. I have been flowing your blog for about a year and love your wonderful design ways.

    I am wondering if you would kindly share the manufacturer name and style of the carpet/ runner on your main staircase. It is a patterned gray.

    Kindest regards,


  3. Thank you for this post! This could not have come at a better time for me. I immediately went and ordered the timer and the book!

  4. I absolutely LOVE how you show us that you really are a completely normal young woman who can have a messy room occasionally! Love your blog!!

  5. Erin, I absolutely LOVED this post! It’s funny, I’ve been unmotivated all week and haven’t done any blogging. Even though I have sponsored posts due soon and two summer tours to photograph. And I realize now, the weather has A LOT to do with it! It’s been grey and gloomy and it just makes me lethargic! So thank you for this! You’re amazing and I love the timer idea – so simple yet so clever!

    Hope we get some sun soon!


  6. This reminds me of how they say professionally the most successful people are the ones who leverage just a few skills really, really well. You don’t have to be good at everything and they say you shouldn’t try to be, you just have to learn to leverage the things you are good at to make everything else around you work really well.

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