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Easy Spring Cleaning

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend! We ended up going to a friend’s house for Easter dinner so I got ham instead of pizza after all! I was on salad duty. Easy and done. Good things come to those who slack off.


Kind of. ;)

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

We’re getting back into the swing of things around here after a fun week in Kauai for Spring Break. Not a bad view right!? Take me back! We met my sister and her family there and it was so nice getting away and spending time with family. I was supposed to be going in for knee surgery as soon as we got back from our trip, but because of a few other things that came up I ended up having to re-schedule my surgery. I’m kind of bummed because I was ready to get it done and behind me, but also happy that I’m not spending this spring/summer on crutches. Silver lining for sure! I’ve decided that I’m going to make the most of this extra time I have (that I thought I would be spending in bed!) by wrapping up some organizing and other un-finished projects around my house.

I know you’re all very surprised by that decision. Ha.

I did two things today that instantly made me happy. First, I planned out our summer. I always print out my June/July/August calendar pages (in my printable library.. you can download them here). We use our on-line calendars for every day things, but I like to visually see what’s going on during the summer months. We finalized all of our travel plans snd I signed Kole up for a few summer camps. It feels good to have that done because it will be a busy summer for us and all of the things going on during those months were swirling around in my head. Now it’s organized and written down on paper and planned and I can forget about it!

The second thing I did was print out my “20 Easy Ways to Spring Clean” list. I shared a Spring Cleaning list a few years ago and I’m sharing it again with a few inspo. pics! If you want to instantly feel better about your home print my Spring Cleaning list (link is also at the end of this post.) Then pick one item to tackle each day! It’s so easy and fun and you will feel amazing when this list is complete and checked off!

Here we go! 



Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

1 – Toss any old medicine in your medicine cabinet.

2 – Clean out the glove compartment in your car.

3 – Wipe out your fridge and freezer.

4 – Clean out and donate any clothes you didn’t wear over the winter or last spring.

5 – Organize the apps on your cell phone (delete any you can!).

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

{bathroom organization post here}

6 – Wipe out and organize your make-up drawer.

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

7 – Buy a new throw or pillow to brighten up your couch. My recent favorite pillows are all linked in this post and several are on sale!

8 – Toss cleaning products that are expired or that you don’t use anymore.

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

{madewell transport tote/madewell canvas transport tote}

9 – Clean out your purse and buy a new one if it’s old/dirty. I wrote a post on purse organization here. Nothing like a clean purse! If you’re looking for a new purse of course I love Madewell totes! Here are a few others I’m crushing on at the moment..

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

{balloon sleeve peplum blouse/half moon bag/ag jeans/similar booties here & here}

Also my cute half moon bag is still in stock in green!

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

10 – Splurge on flowers. Real flowers..

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

{large gold planter/small gold planter/faux pink peonies/larger faux peonies – I added a few in the larger vase!}

or faux! In my opinion faux flowers make a better splurge because they are a gift that keeps on giving! (Table details are in this post.)

11 – Pick a closet that’s driving you crazy and clean it out.

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

12 – Sweep your porch and add some plants, flowers, a new rug and/or a wreath.

I swept my porch last week! I’m using my same faux Eucalyptus trees and jute rug this spring. Still working on my porch and I’ll share it as soon as it’s done!

I rounded up some fun spring doormats if you’re working on your porch too. They are all so happy!

1-yellow citrus doormat   2- hello script doormat   3- three stripe doormat

4- floral greeting doormat   5- knot weave doormat   6- window pane jute doormat

Spring Doormats (

1- bloom doormat   2- sunny days doormat   3- vertical stripe doormat

4- hello spring doormat   5- hare & there doormat   6- rise and shine doormat

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

13 – Organize a junk drawer. 

14 – Print new pictures to display around your house. (I’m working on this one now!)

15 – Toss/donate/replace old bathroom rugs.

16 – Clean out your bedroom nightstands.

17 – Organize your computer desktop and folders.

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

18 – Donate old blankets you never use. 

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

{new furniture details in this post}

19 – Spray off and clean your patio furniture. I wrote a post on how I clean my outdoor furniture cushions here!

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

{ziploc bag organizers are linked in this post}

20 – Last but not least.. organize a kitchen drawer or cupboard that is usually a mess. 

Spring Cleaning Tips (Sunny Side Up)

You can print out my Spring Cleaning checklist HERE and get started today! Feels so good. :) Below are some of my go-to favorites for cleaning and organizing. Bring on spring! We’re all going to have the cleanest houses on the block!

Just in time for kids to get out of school and destroy them again.


Spring Cleaning (

1- quartz countertop cleaner   2- portable handheld vacuum cleaner

3- bona multi-surface floor cleaner &  bona hardwood floor care kit

4- high pressure washer   5- dyson vacuum  6- power scrubber

Spring Cleaning (

1- purse storage organizer   2- drawer dividers   3- garage organizer

4- wood letter trays   5- mop & broom holder   6- drawer organizers

xoxo, Erin
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17 thoughts on “Easy Spring Cleaning

  1. Sounds like you had a fun spring break trip. And it’s a bummer that you have to wait to have that surgery done, but it sure sounds like you are going to use that time where you would have been recovering well. And that you got ham without the hassle, too! You know how to live right! ;) Look at you getting all ready for summer break! Fun times for sure. I liked your list of things to do, all easy and doable. Thanks for sharing it. Thanks for all you do, Erin! I hope you have a rest of your great week. :)

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! Definitely going to make good use of the time I have while I can still get around. ;) I love that list for the same reason.. it’s so easy and doable! Makes you feel productive too which always inspires more motivation for me. Nothing like a good checklist right? :) I hope you’re enjoying your week so far and getting some nice weather! xo

  2. Great pic of you and your friends. Where did you get your sandals, too cute! Also #13 organize junk drawer, where did you get the individual containers, especially interested in the vacuum sized one. I purchased the vacuum after seeing it on your blog. Also purchased the sports equipment metal organizer rack. I love all of your ideas and you have great taste. I also had my husband build me a shiplap gallery wall modeled after yours. All of my friends want one now too. I’ve shared your blog more times than I can count. Thanks so much for sharing your life and ideas with all of us. Have a great day!!

    1. Thank you Melissa! Aren’t those sandals cute!? They are linked below the second picture in this post!

      I’ll see if I can find a link for the junk drawer organizers and add that to my next post. It makes me so happy you used the shiplap wall idea! YEA! So much fun. You are so kind to share my blog with friends.. that means so much to me! Your comment just completely made my day. :) Thanks again! XO

      1. Were you able to locate the link for the junk drawer dividers? I am not sure if I just missed it or if you haven’t been able to share it yet. Thanks so much!

        1. Hi Melissa! So sorry I just saw your question.. they sold out. :( I’ll definitely share the drawer dividers again on my blog if they ever bring them back!

  3. Thank you for this post. I love how gorgeous and simple your home is. I’m so so inspired. I have printed out so many things from your library today. From block time, monthly calendar and to do list, spring cleaning list, etc etc. Thank you for what you do Erin. Enjoy spring!

    1. Oh that makes my day Wanja! I’m so happy those printables are helpful! I use them all too. Nothing like a good check list right? :) Thank you for your sweet message.. it means a lot! Happy spring! :)

  4. Erin,
    I am late to reply! So sorry but at least I am not days late like sometimes! ;-D
    At the beach place so just got this.
    Isn’t it amazing that when you get productive on one thing it leads to another-then another…..
    Also T.Y. for the list. Sometimes all it takes is someone ELSE to tell you what and how to do it to stop that overwhelmed feeling.
    So Glad about your trip. You are so lucky to be a hop skip and jump away from such a lovely place!
    I will get going on the list as soon as I return home. I plan to hit 1 thing per day. AT LEAST!
    Wait! I also need to do that stuff here! I will get going……
    Tomorrow Morning I am buying myself some flowers! YES! ;-D
    NOT overwhelmed at all!
    Happy spring!

  5. Hi Erin!
    Can you share where you stayed in Kauai? Thanks for all your organization inspiration also.

    1. Thank you Melanie! We always stay at the Westin villas in Princeville! We have a time share with the Westin in Maui and have been so happy staying there.

      1. Looks nice, thank you so much for letting me know. I love how you respond to all your readers. It’s classy. :)

        1. Such a thoughtful thing to say Melanie. Thank you! Getting to know the kind people reading my blog (like you!) is my favorite. :)

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