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Christmas Inspiration and Favorites!

Ok.. DON’T HATE ME!  I know I know.. it’s so not time for Christmas yet.  BUT.  It’s coming. :)  You all know that every October about half way through the month I share my favorite Christmas decor because by the time I get my home decorated and start sharing pictures some of the fun new items are already sold out.  This weekend there are some major Columbus day sales going on so I wanted to get this up quick if you want to shop the sales!  Also, even if you wait until the first of December to decorate and don’t buy anything new, it’s fun to get Christmas decorating ideas and start planning ahead.  Planning ahead is my favorite!  It keeps me slightly sane during some pretty insane months. :)  Speaking of planning ahead I have something else fun I’m sharing with you all tomorrow so come back and say hi!

I’ve rounded up all of my Christmas posts from last year that share how I decorated my trees and my home!  Click on each link below the pictures to get some inspiration and ideas!  Also at the bottom of this post I’ll link to all of my favorite Christmas decor that I’ll be using in my home this year.  Some new things were delivered today that I’m so excited about!  Oh my word.. does this post make you all as excited as it makes me!?  I’m seriously giddy just typing this and thinking about decorating for Christmas this year.  TOO much fun.  Happy early Christmas prep everyone!  I’ll be back to all things pumpkin spice next week. :)

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Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)

Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)


Christmas Inspiration and Favorites! (Sunny Side Up)



Favorite Wreaths & Garland:

Favorite Stockings:

Favorite Tree Skirts/Collars:

Favorite Ornaments:

Favorite Signs:

Favorite Small Trees:

Favorite Banners/Garland

Favorite Pillows:

Favorite Throws:

Favorite Random Christmas Decor:

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Christmas Inspiration and Favorites!

  1. Noooooo! Say it isn’t so! I understand why you are posting about Christmas decorating now, but I want to look away anyway. LOL I’m so not ready to think about it. I get all giddy to decorate and then life hits me in the face. But I do enjoy seeing how others decorate, so there’s that. Thanks for the heads up and the nudge to preplan. :) Happy shopping and happy weekend. Looking forward to seeing what else you’ve got up your sleeve.

    1. Ha ha.. I’m sure a lot of people feel the same way Jeanne! I always get mixed reactions to stuff like this. Some LOVE it and others just aren’t ready. I get it! But it will be here before we know it so trying to get a jump start on it all. ;) Thanks cutie! xo

  2. Your blog is just amazing – it is evident that blogging is a passion of yours and it shows! Thank you for sharing your favorite Christmas decor in a timely manner! Appreciate it!

  3. Yay! I love your Christmas posts in October! It always gives me a kick in the pants to start getting my lists made! I am happy to report that I have bought several gifts already, lists are made, and Christmas Cards are printed 🙂 I made a goal to buy one gift each week starting in October! I absolutely LOVE Christmas! It’s right up there with my power sheets goal planner and my simplified planner! If it’s not on the list, it will not happen!

    1. Amy! I am SO impressed! And a little jealous! Your Christmas cards are done!? That’s always the hold up for me. Ha. So nice to get such a great jump start. You are motivating me and I love it! xo

  4. Eeek!!! Yes! So exciting! At my mom’s group at church this past week, the speaker had a 30-minute message about firat keeping Christ in Christmas, but also about event planning, decorating, gift-giving and how to stay organized with all of that. I LOVED IT! I honestly thought of you. :) Organizational nerds unite!! And Christmas lovers unite!!

    1. Genelle we need to be neighbors.. seriously! We would have too much fun together! I want to hear that speaker. So right up our alley! UNITE all the way! ha ha.. ;) xo

  5. Oh I love your Christmas in October! It has my wheels turning on what new things I should be adding to our decorations! Please share where you purchased Kole’s bookshelf, we need it!!!

    1. Thank you so much Brandi! I know.. I love thinking about Christmas decor early too! I just can’t wait to decorate! Kole’s bookshelf was from Restoration Hardware! I need to do a source page for that room! Hopefully soon. :) xo

  6. Erin,
    I love your style! So classy! You always master the balance of nodding to the seasons for the kids’ enjoyment, while providing an inviting ambiance for all ages.
    Also, I once commented before to commend you on your devotion and respect for your blog readers, and am inspired to see that you consistently put in the time and effort to interact and respond. Sets you apart girl!!
    Melanie Carter

    1. Melanie you are such a sweetheart! What a kind, thoughtful comment. I’m so happy you like my decorating style and it means a lot to me that you feel that way about me. You seriously made my day. :) Thank you so so much!! xo

  7. Although I’m enjoying the beautiful colors of fall, the leaves, flowers and pumpkins, I know it will end and the Christmas season will begin. I’m ok with this. I think.
    As I was looking through your beautiful photos, I started counting trees. I believe I counted 5 not including your son’s room. So my question is this, “How many Christmas Trees do you have decorated each year?”

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