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Fall Wrap Up

Ok.. massive picture dump today! I feel like I have so much to share with you all lately my head might explode. FUN decorating is happening at my house for Christmas at the moment and I can’t wait to share it all with you soon! But first I have some pics from the past two weeks to share.  A trip, some fun home decor, a little fashion, a great cookie recipe. Basically I’m all over the place in this one so you’ve been warned. ;)

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Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Back track quickly to Halloween.  I asked Kole what he wanted to dress up as and he told me “I wish I could just wear my robe and be comfy all day.”  (If that doesn’t give away that he belongs to me I don’t know what does! Ha. I honestly LOVE the recent time change for that very reason!  I can put on my pjs even earlier.)  I told him we could totally make that happen and went on a costume hunt looking for anything that would work with a black and red checkered robe!

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

{Fall Porch}

So happy late Halloween from the Big Bad Wolf, Little Red Riding Hood and .. her grandpa?  Our fairytale is tweaked ever so slightly. ;)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Love the outtakes from our quick 2 minute photo shoot.  Let’s just adjust that mustache.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Kole could not stop laughing at Kenny’s wolf costume!  My girls were cracking up at it too.. the nose on it was just funny looking.  This man is such a good sport.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

I was thrilled when I found costumes that went with his beloved robe so perfectly!

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Do you all remember when I gave this to him last year before Christmas?  He has honestly LIVED in it for the past year.  It’s so funny to me that he loves it so much!  But I get it.  Softest robe ever!

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

I put in a dedicated hook for it in his bedroom between his closet and bathroom.  :)  I also bought him the same robe in another fun pattern to give him this year for Christmas.  It’s this Tucker an Tate Hooded Plush Robe and it’s honestly so soft and warm and cozy.  Read the reviews and you’ll see why Kole is obsessed with his!  I’m loving the patterns they came out with for girls this year too!  If my girls were younger I’d be giving them the pink buffalo check or the red Christmas tree robe for Christmas.  FUN gift idea if you have little kids!

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

{2018 Family Room Christmas Tree/Wool Jute Rug}

This pic of my kids watching Rudolph is a favorite from last year. :)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

We made a quick trip to SLC the weekend before Halloween to surprise my sister’s husband for his 40th birthday.  It was so funny!  My sister told him and the kids that there would be an activity Saturday morning so they didn’t plan anything else.. something that would take the whole day.  They kept asking questions.. “Do we need to wear certain clothes?  Will it be cold?  Will we like it?”  My sister was laughing because they were all dreading this “activity” she had planned!  Our flight left San Diego at 4 am so we got to her house around 9:30 and they were all still in pjs.  She told them to head to the mailbox to see dad’s gift before they got dressed for the “activity” and we were all waiting at the mail box!  Too much fun!  They kids were SO excited when they saw us.. jumping up and down and Shawn was cracking up when I yelled “Surprise!  We’re the activity!”  We have so much fun with my sister and her family and loved surprising them!  We had a fun day planned.

Favorite Christmas Decor (Sunny Side Up)

{K’s shoes/K’s vest/my sweater/jeans/similar boots here or here}

First a quick trip to Gardner’s Village.  The weather was beautiful during the day!  Crisp and cold and the leaves in SLC are stunning this time of year.  Got to wear my new favorite sweater I shared in my last post. :)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

We go to Gardner’s Village to see all of the witches at the witch festival!  My kids have fun memories of this activity every Fall when we visit my sister and her family.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

They have a fun scavenger hunt for kids to see how many witches you can find (they are all the place and dressed up so funny).  We ate and shopped and enjoyed some fun Fall activities and then went to my sister’s house.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Then that evening we gave Shawn our gift.. tickets for everyone to go to the football game.  Go UTES!  This was supposed to be a party for Shawn after all. :)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Game was fun but I FROZE to death.  It got so cold and San Diego has made me a cold weather wimp!  This pic made me laugh because my eyes look like they are glazed over.  I was struggling.. ha!  I love my green coat but I need something warmer this year.  Below are the coats I’ve been looking at and considering!

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

The next morning it snowed!  So much fun!  My kids were loving it.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Wrap UpFall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

{my blue crewneck sweater (so cute and comes in lots of colors!)/AG jeans/similar wedge booties}

It melted fast but was such a fun way to end our time in SLC!  We let the kids all hang out together at the house and the 4 of us got lunch together before it was time to leave.  A quick trip but so worth it!  We wish we all lived closer to each other but have learned we just have to prioritize time together like this throughout the year.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

I snapped some pics of my sister’s house quick with my phone while I was there.. it was so cute and cozy for Fall!

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Her style is a little different from mine.. more modern and moody.. but I love it!

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Happy 40th Shawn!  I actually brought my sister and her husband together years ago.  Cute story for another day.. they forever owe me. ;)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Car and I spent a lot of time sitting here in front of her cozy fireplace catching up!  I love how she had a seat made for it and added pillows!  It’s so inviting.  Thinking I want to do that for mine because our marble is so cold and hard to sit on.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

She had her Halloween pics on a string in front of her kitchen window and I loved it!  Such a fun idea!  This would be a cute way to also display Christmas pictures or cards this season.

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. totally switching gears because this random post isn’t long enough. ;)  Addison and I made some pumpkin cookies and they were so quick and easy!  Thought I’d share the recipe quick if you’re interested.  Ad has a severe egg allergy so baked good are usually a hard NO for her.  (Makes birthday parties rough!)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

This pumpkin cookie recipe has only THREE ingredients and no eggs!  Right up our alley. :)

Fall Wrap Up (Sunny Side Up)

They didn’t bake quite as fluffy without the eggs and vanilla but still tasted really good considering!  If you don’t have egg allergy issues in your family I’d try this pumpkin cookie recipe below.  They are delicious and still so easy! (We followed this minus the egg and vanilla.)

  • 1 box spice cake mix
  • 1 15 oz can of pumpkin puree
  • 1 egg
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • chocolate chips (the more the better) ;)

*Bake at 375° for 10 or so minutes.

Ok.. last but not least I’ve had so many questions lately coming in about artificial Christmas trees!  I get mine all over.  I’ve had trees from Balsam Hill, Wayfair, Pottery Barn, Home Depot, Tai Pan, etc.  I rounded up a few that look amazing below if you’re looking for a new tree this year!

Enjoy your day!  I’m off to finish adding greenery to my mantel.. it’s looking so pretty!  Can’t wait to share it soon. :)

xoxo, Erin
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14 thoughts on “Fall Wrap Up

  1. Love the Sambas that K is wearing. That shoe has been a favorite of my son since he was a high school student (he turns 38 next week). Such a great versatile everyday casual run-around shoe that is classic in styling for the guys (and for gals too).

  2. If you’re reaaaaalllllyyyy looking for a super warm coat, might I suggest a longer Canada Goose one? They are amazing. I do not own one because the arms run a bit short for my super tall self. Another great option are coats by Garneau. I’ve had mine for 15 years and it’s still in excellent shape–and I wear it every day in the winter, as it gets extremely cold where I am. Good luck coat hunting. Your house looks lovely.

  3. Oh goodness! I adore these types of posts, Erin! I feel like I get to know you guys a bit better and see how you live your wonderful life. Thank you for sharing with us. What a fun trip, but sorry you got so cold. You need some gloves and to put that hood on! That might have helped a bit. LOL The activities looked like a lot of fun and you got a bit of snow time, too. Yay. Such a hard thing for your daughter and her allergy, but neat that you can find ways around it. Thanks for sharing all you share, Erin. Have a great rest of your week!

    1. You’re such a sweetheart Jeanne! I’m so happy you enjoy the lifestyle posts.. thank you! And I know right.. ha! I am not educated on how to dress for serious winter weather! Next time I’ll have a warm hood on for sure. ;) xo

  4. Enjoyed reading all your Fall posts, but how do you access the pix that obviously go with them? It shows a photo with a turned down edge but it won’t respond when I try to click on any of them??? I have done your pumpkin recipe as a cake in a 13 x 9 pan – no egg but add about 1/4 to 1/3 cup of water to make it more like a batter (though it is still stiff) bake like the cake box says (I check it about 5 minutes or so early). For cookies I add chopped walnuts, raisins and Quaker Old Fashioned Oats (don’t care for chocolate and pumpkin combo), don’t really measure, but it is about a third of of each for a fairly lumpy dough and let it sit for about 15 minutes before baking. Your “pumpkin table” is so pretty and natural and the bathrobe Halloween costume is adorable. I remember when my mother was pregnant with my youngest brother (I was in High School) she and my stepdad went to a Halloween party dressed as the parents from The Night Before Christmas with robes/flannel nightwear and stocking caps. Necessity was indeed the mother of invention as nothing else would fit., Have a great Thanksgiving. Looking forward to what you have planned for Christmas.

  5. Looks like a fabulous trip! Do you know the brand of mules your sister is wearing in the pic where you are wearing the blue crewneck sweater? I’ve been looking for some exactly like that but not having any luck. Thanks!

    1. Hi Kate! I asked my sister and she said they are Madewell! Called the “Kirstie” or something like that. I hope you find them! SO cute. :)

  6. Can’t wait to read about you setting up your sis and brother-in-law :D One tip for the egg allergy- a lot of vegans make a “vegan egg” substitute by mixing ground flaxseed and water (I believe 1 tbsp GROUND flaxseed + 3 tbsp water = 1 “egg”). You mix them and let it sit for a little bit and it gets thicker. It doesn’t work in everything, but it does in A LOT of baked goods! Hope that helps :)

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