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Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All!

Oh friends.  Today’s discussion is serious business!  If you come here solely for decorating, organizing and fashion inspiration you might want to skip this post and come back for the next one!  To celebrate Father’s Day I was invited to join nine of my close blog friends in a “Married to a Blogger.. The Husbands Tell All” blog hop where our husbands answer questions about us.  Let me tell you.. it was NOT easy turning my blog over to Kenny.  I knew all too well that I either wouldn’t approve of what he was saying, OR that I would just want to crawl under a rock reading his answers!  (Both are true.)  So you’ll find my own commentary/responses to him below some of his answers in a sad attempt to defend myself!  I also added pictures.  Other than that, this post is all Kenny.  Read it with a grain of salt. Or don’t read it at all. ;)

If you need me I’ll be under that rock..

1) When did you first meet your wife and what was your first impression?

I first met Erin in the hallway of our high school when I was a Senior and she was a Sophomore. I was with a friend who was talking to her friend. The first thing I noticed about Erin was how cute she was.  Then she turned around and I saw what a cute butt she had, and the rest was history.

*(I seriously can’t believe you just said that.  I don’t know if we can continue.. )

2)  Which one of you more aggressively pursued the other?

I was definitely the pursuer. I think Erin was afraid of me at first. I kept asking her out and she kept saying that her mom wouldn’t let her date yet, so I decided to cut to the chase and ask her mom directly if I could take Erin out. Her mom said yes before Erin could tell her not to, which led to our first date.  (Thanks again Bonnie)

*I was scared of him!  And I was furious with my mom for saying I could go out with him!  But we hit it off instantly.  We have the same sarcastic sense of humor and laughed non stop.  I guess I should tell my mom thanks too.

So I married a blogger: Husbands tell all!

{Old favorites circa 1993 – our hair and those sleeves!}

3) What are the best and worst parts of your wife’s job as a blogger?

The best part is that Erin gets to do something that makes her happy.  Also all of the friends she has made with other bloggers and connecting with people who read her blog.  She loves that.  The worst part for me is that she stays up working too late every night and we never go to bed together.

4)  How do you explain what your wife does for a living to your friends and coworkers?

I just call her a professional blogger and let them take a guess about what that means.  Sometimes I get strange looks.  Sometimes they tell me they already follow her on Instagram.

5) What is something we might not know about your wife?

Erin has a large tattoo on her back of a phoenix rising from the ashes just like Ben Affleck.  Just kidding. Honestly I think if you’ve read her blog for a while you already know Erin.  She writes like she talks and is pretty open.  People who meet her who have read her blog first always say she is just like they pictured.  She is friendly, happy and sincere.  Everyone who meets Erin loves her.

*sweet babe.. thanks.  For the second part of your answer.  The tattoo part wasn’t amusing.  

6)  What does your wife do that drives you crazy? What would she say you do that drives her crazy?

It drives me crazy that she is rarely on time. I think she’d say I drive her crazy always harping her to be on time.

{Similar tee/AG jeans (on sale!)/Adidas sneakers}

*I’m laughing he said that because I just shared this “Running Late is my Cardio” tee on IG and mentioned that this is an issue for us!  I do tend to run a few minutes late all the time but I like to gently remind him that he only has to get himself ready while I’m always getting me + 3 other people ready.  Plus rounding up all the things my kids need.  Plus putting away the milk and turning off the TV on our way out the door.  Plus if I had his hair I’d be ready fast too. ;)

7) If you had an extra $10,000 that you could do anything you wanted with (no saving, investing, or donating allowed!), what would you spend it on? Would your wife be on board?

Motorcycles.  She doesn’t love that I ride them, but I think she’d be on board as long as she didn’t have to ride them with me, I promised not to take the kids on them, and I ride under 20 miles an hour on roads that no other cars are able to travel on.

8)  You get home from work and your wife is giving you “the look”. What have you most likely done to get yourself into trouble?

Erin is pretty happy-go-lucky.  We were at dinner with a bunch of friends once and they asked if Erin ever gets mad.  She answered that she gets furious sometimes.  I laughed and told them that her version of furious is most people’s mildly irritated.  We were all teasing her about it.  It’s true.  She doesn’t get mad much.  I’m a lucky guy.

9)  What’s your favorite trip you have taken with your wife/family?

We have taken lots of fun trips. Best trip with Erin was Italy about 10 years ago. Best family trip would be one of our fun trips to Hawaii. They are all good because they give us a chance to be together without interruptions.

So I married a blogger: Husbands tell all!

(Most recent family trip to Kauai)

10)  Do you have a “man cave”? If so, where?

I have a home office but I don’t use it much. Erin has taken it over with her treadmill and extra decorating stuff.  My man cave is probably our bedroom with the door shut watching a movie.  I’m hoping to claim our new theatre room as my man cave as soon as Erin finishes doing her thing in there.

So I married a blogger: Husbands tell all! (Sunny Side Up)

{Master Bedroom Sources}

*I’m kind of laughing that this is his man cave but it’s true!  So manly right.. ha!  Time to move “decorate the theatre room” and “clean Kenny’s office” up on the old to-do list.

11)  What’s one thing that your wife is super “picky”/particular about?

Uh, what’s one thing my wife isn’t super picky about?  She’s particular about everything — food, movies, clothes, organization, houses, etc.  It’s a running joke with her family.  We all enjoy giving her a hard time about it.  She’s the most high maintenance but low key person you’ll ever meet.

*What!?  Not true!  Ok.. a little true.  Alright alright.. totally true.  But I’m picky in the nicest way… ;)

12)  What’s your favorite dinner that your wife makes? What is your specialty?

That’s easy. She makes ramen noodles for Kole and lean cuisine frozen dinners for her and the girls. But if it’s a super fancy occasion she has a spinach lasagna recipe that someone gave her 15 years ago that she’s used about 500 times. I think that about sums up her entire cooking arsenal.  As for me, I’m good with grilling and all things breakfast food. Want eggs and bacon for dinner?  I’m your man.

*Thanks for totally throwing me under the bus on that one babe!  I knew you would.  For your information Kole loves ramen noodles and I make more than that Spinach Lasagna (although it has been a while and I’m due to toss it into the rotation again).   If I’ve made that 500 times you’ve teased me about it 10,000 times so I think we’re due to call it even.  

If anyone doubts that I really do mix up the lean cuisines once in a while you can see my go-to recipes here.  Spinach Lasagna recipe coming soon.  Ha.

13)  Are you a DIY-er or more of a “hire the professional” type of guy?

Totally a “hire the professional.”  I hate trying to fix something, wasting a bunch of time and making the problem worse.

*For sure.  My husband does a lot of things well, but DIY projects are not one of them and we’ve found it’s better for our relationship to just hire help!  Although I have to say that my husband helps with a lot of other things around the house and when a job requires more man power (which is often the case!) he is alway happy to jump in and assist.

14)  What do you think about your wife’s blogger friends? Who do you hear about the most? Have you met any of them?

Erin has met some of her favorite friends through blogging. I’ve met a bunch of them from all around the country.  They have stayed at our house and I got to hang out with some of them and their husbands on a trip to Colorado and New York last Fall.  They are all awesome and make blogging really fun for Erin.

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All! (Sunny Side Up)

(Colorado/NY Better Homes and Gardens Trip)

15)  Has your wife ever done a project that you secretly didn’t love but you never told her?

Erin knows how I’m feeling all the time. I can’t hide my feelings from her and don’t try particularly hard to. That might be another thing about me that drives Erin crazy!  I don’t mind Erin’s projects except when she goes on one of her typical organizing frenzies and I can’t find my stuff.  She puts things away in “their spots” when I already had a spot for my stuff on the kitchen counter.

*I actually love that.  I know how he feels about something before he feels it himself because I know him so well.  And things can’t live on the kitchen counter babe.  It just doesn’t work.  

16)  If you could live anywhere, where would it be? Would your wife agree?

I get bored super easy so if I could live anywhere it would be in many places at different times during the year.  Europe in the spring, Colorado in the summer, Utah in the fall, California in the winter and Hawaii for a few months somewhere in there too.  Erin is the polar opposite. She wants to be in one place and never leave. Literally. Build. A. Nest.

"Married to a Blogger.. The Husbands Tell All" (Sunny Side Up)

*What’s wrong with nests!?  Ha ha.. so true!  I’m a home body and would be completely content staying where we are now forever.  In San Diego.  In this house.  With this man and his stupid ninja faces.

17)  What’s your idea of the perfect Father’s Day?

Early morning motorcycle ride, nap in the early afternoon, six mile run in the late afternoon, dinner with Erin and the kids, and then alone time with Erin after. :)

*I think we can manage that.  At least the nap, run and dinner part. ;)

Whew!  Is that over!?  Ha ha.. Thank you to my husband for being a good sport and chiming in today!  I think.  It might be a while before I ask you back though.  Or before you get spinach lasagna again.  I know that’s a great hardship for you.  

I’m so excited to read what my friends’ husbands said about them!  You can check out all of their posts below!  This should be fun.. :)

Randi – Randi Garrett Design

Kris – Driven by Decor












































xoxo, Erin
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58 thoughts on “Married to a Blogger: The Husbands Tell All!

  1. Totally LIT post, Erin! I loved hearing what Kenny had to say. Got to know you and him a tiny bit better. LOL Thoroughly enjoyable read. Thanks, Kenny for taking one for the team. You did great. It shows that you two are made for each other and it sounds like you balance each other quite nicely. Thanks for sharing this, Erin. And Happy Father’s Day to Kenny. Maybe Erin will make you that super special Spinach Lasagna. ;)

    1. Ha ha.. I’m NEVER making him that again! He teases me about it so much because our first 5 years of marriage that’s all I knew how to make so I made it over and over! I was nervous reading his answers the first time. He gives me such a hard time about so many things I wasn’t sure what was going to come out! ;) Thrilled you liked it! Thanks Jeanne! xo

  2. THis was great. I got a good chuckle out of some of them. I actually sent #15 to my husband. I’m always cleaning up and putting stuff away and then getting “yelled” at because they can’t find something. LOL Well, if you put it where it goes the first time I don’t have to do it. Thanks, Kenny and Erin! :)

    1. Oh my word.. I was so stressed reading his answers the first time! You never know what’s going to come out of my husband’s mouth..ha! So happy you liked it Kelly.. thank you!! :)

  3. Haha!! I KNEW he was going to say your cute butt!! You shouldn’t be surprised, everyone who really knows you guys knows that’s a key point in the story! Oh man, hearing from Kenny just makes me miss you guys more. You two will always be our very favorite couple to spend time with, we miss you guys! Love you both so much!!
    Oh and I’m shocked there is a dinner recipe you haven’t mentioned on the blog! Haha!

    1. Ha ha.. Josie that was all I knew how to make when we first got married so I made it over and over and over! He loves to tease me about that. Definitely due to make it again. ;) And I about died that he said that about my butt on the blog. I was so tempted to change some of his answers! Ha! But I didn’t. They could have been worse.. you never know what is going to come out of his mouth. We feel the same way about you two! We miss you guys so much and wish we saw you more! Love you!! xo

  4. Your hubby is hilarious! I now see how true it is that you both have the same kind of sense of humor. That was a fun read and glad to know more about you Erin. Don’t worry Kenny didn’t make you less appealing to us…!

  5. Kenny is so funny! I keep giggling about your “tattoo”! Someday we will all get to meet! Love you my friend! Blogging would not be possible without all of you! xo

    1. You didn’t know about that tattoo Randi? Ha ha.. oh my word.. he is too much for me sometimes! You will definitely meet him! I have no doubt. Love you so much and I can’t wait to go read your post! xo

  6. Erin, I think this was my favorite post EVER! I adore and love your blog but getting to know you through the hubbies eyes is so fun! And it cracks me up that you had to get your rebuttal in there. LOL

    1. Ha ha! Yes! Had to have the last word. ;) YEA! So happy you liked this post so much Cindy! That made me so happy! You are too kind. Thank you! xo

  7. What a cute post, and kudos to your hubby for being so honest! I wasn’t really surprised by any of his answers except the “motorcycle” thing….crazy man!

    My hubby is one of those truly honest men, too. That’s probably one of the reasons we have been married for 49 years today….and you thought those flags were out for something else!

    Happy Weekend and Happy Father’s Day!
    Warm hugs,

    1. Carol! Happy 49 years!! Oh my word.. that’s incredible! And definitely something to celebrate big time! So happy for you and your husband! I hope you were able to do something fun together. I admire that you’ve been together that long so much. Sending huge hugs to you! (And I think the motorcycle thing is crazy too!) :) xo

  8. Loved this!!

    Both you and your husband said that you rarely get mad. How is this??? Any tips or do you think you were just born that way?
    Thanks Erin

    1. Hi Grace! I think it’s a few things! Part of it is just my personality. I absolutely hate contention of any kind so I usually don’t make a big deal out of much of anything because I like to keep the peace! But also I’ve always been able to keep things in perspective. I’m always asking myself “is it really that big of a deal?” The answer is usually no. Life is short and so precious. I hate to waste time with people I love arguing over silly things like who left their clothes on the bathroom floor. ;) xo

    1. Thank you so much Tana!! You are too kind! And you know how much I LOVE you too! Thanks so much for stopping by cutie! Made my day! :) xo

  9. Erin this is sooooo cute! Kenny is such a riot! I truly hope to be able to meet him one day – he and Neil would get along for sure, he loves his motorcycles!! You two are so adorable!! xox

    1. Thank you so much Tam! We really do need to get those two together someday! I have no doubt they would talk and ride motorcycles nonstop! Love you! xo

  10. Erin I’m totally cracking up!!! I just love you and Kenny and love his answers (ok the tattoo one was my fav but I laughed out loud at several)! I’m so glad someone else is the same in the cooking department as me and the next time I come over I definitely want to eat your spinach lasagna!! Love you friend and so glad we got to do this post together!!! xoxo

    1. Bree we are definitely in the same cooking department! I love that about you and all of the other millions of things we have in common! Loved doing this post with you too.. I’m so grateful for all of the fun times we’ve spent together! All of the late night roomie chats. :) We’ve been roomies from day one! LOVE that and love you! xo

  11. Okay twinsie! I need that lasagna recipe…if you can make them there’s hope for me😂😂 And what’s wrong with ramen noodles and lean cuisine??😂 Just add apples and a few cheese sticks and call it a complete meal 🙌🏻 Those high school photos…priceless and pretty sure you two won the cutest couple nomination!! Love you guys and can’t wait to plan another gathering soon!! Love ya!

    1. Shauna I’m cracking up! You have no idea how many times I add apples and a few cheese sticks to something easy and call it a meal! Ha ha.. we really are twins in so many ways! Love and miss you! Time to plan the next trip! xo

  12. This was THE BEST!!! Makes me miss you guys so much! This was totally you two! We need to get planning on our next trip so I can hear all of Kenny’s one liners in person :) xoxo

    1. Gina Kenny and I were JUST talking about our Fall trip today! I’m calling you to plan as soon as we are back in town! The last one was too much fun. Time to calendar! Plus I just miss your voice! :) xo

  13. Erin,
    This was great. Your husband sounds like his sense of humor is a lot like my husbands. I always tell him when we meet new friends that he can’t really show his true colors until we’ve known the people over a year. HAHAHA. Loved all the old pics. Happy Father’s Day to your hubby. Hope he gets to do all those things on his special day.

    1. Ha ha.. I’m laughing Jenn! That sounds like a good rule and one my husband totally needs to follow too! We should get the two of them together. ;) Thank you! I hope your summer is off to a good start! xo

  14. I love that you are a mixture off picky and high maintenance yet laid back and easy going. How in the world do you manage that?! Any tips welcome!! :)

    1. Ha ha.. not an easy skill to pull of Kristin! ;) Honestly I have no idea! It’s just my personality! I like things a certain way and try to get that when I can, but overall I’m laid back and go with the flow. Does that even make sense? Ha! xo

  15. This post is so sweet!! How fun to read about you through Kenny’s eyes. Made me laugh and appreciate you even more!! You work hard to share with others something you are passionate about and have a great suppirt system. I was just explaining about your blog and your organization and decor motivation to one of my friends a few days ago, and said I feel like I know Erin! She’s so genuine and that’s why reading and enjoying her blog is such a treat. :) Enjoy your day and happy Father’s Day to Kenny!

    1. Genelle you are such a sweetheart! Thank you! Your kind words made my day! I feel like I get to know all of you too and love that. I always wish I could have blog readers over for a BBQ or something! Would be so fun to hang out. :) I hope your summer is off to a good start! Thanks again cutie! So sweet of you. xo

      1. That would be so fun!! :) My husband travels to SD often for work and I’m like look for my fav blogger Erin! He just laughs and says um…its California… :D A girl can dream! Our summer has been great so far, thank you! Currently I am loving some nap time productivity on a rainy day! Enjoy the rest of your week!! :)

        1. Ha ha.. you never know! Maybe we’ll run into each other! ;) Cozy nap time productivity on a rainy day used to be my favorite when my kids were little! Enjoy cutie! :) xo

  16. I was totally laughing out loud about you saying that you get furious and Kenny basically saying no way – even when you’re telling me something and you say “I’m so mad”, you do it with a smile on your face – lol! You guys are just the cutest couple – loved this so much!

  17. Fun read! You and Brittany (addison’s wonderland) look like you could be sisters! Not twins, but related :) Both beautiful!

    1. Thank you Kristy! So sweet of you. Funny because when we go to blog conferences together we hear that A LOT! We call each other twin. ;) xo

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