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Favorite Things

Friday Favorites

FRIDAY is here!!  I’ve got a few favorites from the week to share!

mushing bananas
I had some bananas that were getting old so I decided it was a great time to make my banana bread muffins and try out my new mixer!  Except these two wanted to be the mixers.

mushing bananas 2
And the banana smushers.
And the stirrers.  Is stirrers a word?  In my dictionary it is.  Do you love how they each have their own whisk?  These muffins were made with a lot of love.  And a lot of patience on my part. :)
grey island
Especially when they moved from making muffins to playing “pirate ship” on my kitchen island.
grey islands 2
Clearly this is the reason I decided on two islands in my kitchen.  One is always under attack.  :)  I should have made them get down, but they were getting along so well and having so much fun sword fighting with whisks and spatulas.  I found myself adding in the occasional “ahoy matey” and “shiver me timbers” and letting it go.
El had a busy week of school projects and dance.  We finally finished her science fair project (thank goodness because science is by far my least favorite subject).  Did you all know that red m&m’s melt the fastest?  Fascinating stuff.

Organized drawers in my office!  YEA.  I’ve been a bit scattered with my organizing going back and forth between my office and kitchen.  Not much of a system in place but I’m making progress.  Lots of goodwill bags are piling up in my garage which makes me so happy.  More pics coming soon!  (I had a lot of questions on Instagram about what clear organizers I’m using for these drawers.  I’ve had these for years, but you can find some similar here or here.)
ballet-hair-bunI finally mastered this hair bun.  After only attempting it 284 times before mastering it.

Isn’t this heart waffle maker the cutest!?  It’s on sale and I’m ordering it!  I think it will be so fun for breakfast on Valentines day and other special occasion days.  We love waffles around here.  valentines-day-dinnerware-dinnerware-collection-o
I also have a major crush on this Valentine’s dinnerware set.  I’m usually not that into hearts, but something about these simple red hearts on white dishes is speaking to me.  I think I might need them.  After all, I have cleaned out a lot of cupboards…  :)


I’m so in love with all three of these pillows!  (Babe.. just a few V-day suggestions.  I’ll take any one of these.  Or if you’re having a hard time deciding I’ll take all three.)

Kidding!  Kind of.

Not really.

Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 10.40.29 PMTIC TAC TOE PILLOW

Kole and I play tic tac toe all the time.  And since he’s my little love I think I need this.  WE need this.  ;)Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 9.36.53 PM


This is on sale for a steal and I think it needs to live next to our fire pit.   Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 10.39.16 PM


Be still my heart.  My favorite for sure.  I’m a sucker for arrows (sometime I’ll share why) and the colors in this pillow are right up my alley and belong on my couch.

ruffle cross front tee
Remember my favorite ruffle cross-front tee?
banana republic ruffle cross front tee
I shared it in my Neutrals for Fall post.  Love those ruffles on the side and bottom of the shirt.  Gives it such a feminine touch.  It’s on sale!
ruffle tee
I’m getting the grey.  Screen Shot 2016-02-04 at 10.25.56 PM
But I really want the pink blush.  Pink blush is the new color for Spring/Summer and I wish it looked better on me!  Pink has never worked well with my coloring, but I do love this top in this color and might have to make an exception to my “I don’t wear pink” rule.
Also remember my all time favorite striped bag from Sole Society?  It sold out so quickly!
Screen Shot 2016-02-02 at 5.13.09 PMI was checking out some shoes on their site and saw they just got a similar striped bag in!  Love this one too and thought I’d let you all know for those of you who missed the first bag.  It comes in a really cute wide navy stripe too.  These striped bags are my absolute favorites!

This is the wall upstairs between my girls’ rooms.  My girls decided we needed a touch of winter around here.
So they created a snowflake wall.
I don’t want to ever take it down.  Each snowflake is so unique and special.  Just like my girls.  They inspire me.
And now this is one less spot on the “to decorate” list.  ;)


Are we all ready for the Superbowl!?  GO BRONCOS!  They are our #2 when the Chargers let us down.  Which sadly is often these days.
football cheese and cracker platter
6 layer refried bean dip
These are my most loved Superbowl treats.  Maybe because they are my only Superbowl treats. :)  But they are loved and devoured in minutes just the same!  Recipe for my bean dip here.  (It’s SO good.)
heart coke
One last favorite.  :)

Enjoy your weekend everyone!

*affiliate links used

xoxo, Erin
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21 thoughts on “Friday Favorites

  1. Hi Erin!
    Love the snowflake wall! I HAVE to ask you is that a pull out microwave??? Oh my word if it is I am getting one! We are about to redo our kitchen and I was just talking with my husband about where we could hide the darn microwave I hate it sitting on the counter but want one where the kids can be self sufficient with it. I’m going to research it now!!!! Love the post! have a great weekend! :-)

    1. Hi Stacie! It’s a micro-drawer and I absolutely LOVE it!! That was what I wanted too.. to hide the microwave but make it accessible to the kids. One of the best decisions we made! Ours is a Thermador and we have been very happy with it. Hope that helps! Enjoy your weekend cutie! xo

  2. Oh yay, I can still come by to visit, since you are rooting for the Broncos! Hee, hee! What a fun filled post. I adore the photos of your everyday living. :) Thanks for sharing those! Hey, I’ll take the kid mixers anytime, but I do agree you sometimes need an extra dose of patience. Yay, organized drawers for the win. Too bad you don’t do pink, because that pink ruffly top is so pretty! But you’ll have to share the gray when you get it. You can see the ruffle so well in that color. That s’more pillow is amazing. You find the neatest stuff! All those pillows are great. And so are the treats and the bags and well, this was a great Favorite Friday post! Full of all kinds of good stuff. Happy Weekend! :)

    1. Ha! We are united in our Bronco love this time! :) Thanks so much Jeanne! You are too kind to me! Your comments always make my day. Enjoy your weekend! Fingers crossed our team takes the win! xo

  3. Hi Erin! Loved the post, your kids are adorable. I was just wondering if it would be possible to make your links open in a separate window? When I click on them, it goes right to THAT page and frankly, I wasn’t done with your page yet. :) So I have to navigate backwards to get back to your page which is where I could hang out all day!

    1. Thanks so much Jillian! Oh my word! I didn’t realize it was doing that. I’ll look into it for sure! Enjoy your weekend! Thanks again for your sweet words about my blog. :) So happy you like it! xo

  4. love the favorites as always Erin!!! but I hate to disappoint you and Kenny when my Carolina Panthers win the Super Bowl!!! much love from North Carolina : )

  5. Love the Kitchen Island Pirate Ship :D :D
    And the “Foodball” is so cool, maybe I’ll do that for Super Bowl!

    By the way, how do waffles in the US usually look? I’m from Germany and the heart shape is like the default-waffle ;)

    Love your blog,

    1. Thanks so much Marina! Waffles are usually square here. You’re making me want to move to Germany where all waffles are heart shaped. Ha! ;) Enjoy your weekend! xo

  6. It’s always so fun to see pics of your children just being children and having fun! I absolutely love seeing children involved in preparing food and on the counter is just fine! You never know, one of those kiddos might grow up and be a chef….mine did!

    That across the body top is adorable, but then you look cute in everything!

    The snowflake wall is precious and must have taken your girls quite some time to make all those….I wouldn’t want to take it down either!

    Have a wonderful weekend, Erin, and keep on enjoying all those little moments with your kiddos!

    Warm hugs,

    1. Thanks sweet Carol! Your comments are always so thoughtful! Oh how I would love it if one of my kids became a chef! They could cook for me all day. Unfortunately they probably aren’t getting the best training for that around here.. ha! ;) Enjoy your weekend and thanks again for your heartfelt words! xo

  7. I adore the snowflake wall. My little girl loves to hang snowflakes from her ceiling in the winter, but the wall idea looks so much simpler. Less jumping off the bed trying to get stuff to stick to the ceiling :) Your family is darling.
    I’ve been reading your blog a long time. Amber Olofson Mortensen is one of my best friends so I started reading you through her and just stuck around – I’ve even been to your mom’s house. Ha! such a small world.:) I live in St. George now, so it’s fun to see your posts when you are here.

    1. Nicole! Oh my word! I need to meet you! So fun you are Amber’s best friend! Love that girl. :) We’ll have to grab lunch sometime when I’m in town! Thanks for your sweet comment! So fun to hear from you. I feel like we’re already family. ;) xo

  8. Erin, I had made banana muffins too this weekend…. Plus I added in Valentine m&m’s (they’re still healthy right?!) Your daughters bun was perfect, she must have your thick hair? My daughter has naturally curly hair so we do a lot of up do’s. I follow They have a lot of videos on different ways to wear a bun with a bun maker plus other cute ideas. We get pretty bored with our own do’s. What did I do before Pintrest and You Tube tutorials?! 😁 Happy Monday Matey! ⚓️🚣🌊
    PS Love all the snowflakes ❄️❄️ How did you stick them to your walls? I have a fear of scotch tape on my new walls?

    1. I’ve seen that site before Amy! SO many cute hair styles! I need to check it out again.. thanks for reminding me! And m&m’s in the muffins!? Why haven’t I thought of that! YUM. My kids will love that! I used blue painter’s tape to hang the snowflakes! Works great! :) xo

  9. OH MY! I love those ruffled shirts – a pity we don’t have them here because they’d all look good on me :) as I say, i’ve never met a grey shirt I didn’t like.

    LOVE those organised drawers – my heart skipped a beat.

    Here’s a cute one for you, Erin. I said to my one twin, Kendra, stop messing with your water. And she said, “I’m not messing. I’m doing science experiments”


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