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Fashion Friday (Haven and weekend recap!)

blue wrap dress
Happy Friday everyone!  Made it to the weekend.  YEA.  :)  Kicking off Fashion Friday this week with a dress I absolutely LOVE.

heathered faux wrapped dress
This is the Heathered Faux-Wrap dress from Banana Republic.  I love so many things about it!  The color, the fit (very flattering because it’s fitted at the high waist – smallest part of a woman – and it’s gathered loosely around the hips) plus it’s SO comfortable.  Soft as a t-shirt.
banana republic dress
Usually I don’t love fitted t-shirt type dresses on me because they are too tight in the back – I’ll just put it out there and say that my butt is anything but small and flat. Baby Got Back anyone?  ;) But this dress actually has a looser fit and gathers on the sides so it’s much more flattering than similar styled dresses.
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This picture of it on Banana Republic’s website also shows how it’s a bit longer in the back than it is in the front.  One of my all time favorite dresses and I have been living in it! (True to size and it’s on sale!)
with girls by front door
I just wore it a couple of weeks ago to church with my girls.  (Shared this pic on Instagram).  I seriously can’t believe these two are going into 4th and 6th grade!  Pass the Kleenex.  And then some more.
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The shoes I’m wearing are Vince Camuto’s Ankle Strap Sandals in beige.  They come in other colors but I bought the beige sandals last year because I needed a good neutral shoe to go with all of my navy and blue dresses.  I have been surprised at how much I’ve worn them!  Really comfortable for a high heeled shoe and a great dressy neutral.
me and my girls
Quick sidenote about my girls.  They tried out for another play a few days ago and we just found out tonight that they both got parts!  So proud of them.  Not sure I’m ready for the next few months of craziness that will follow because of said play, but I’m so happy that they are so happy. :)  The good news is that this play will be done mid October BEFORE the holidays hit so things shouldn’t be quite as insane as they were when the girls were in Annie.  Knock on wood.
haven friends
I also wore my comfy faux-wrap dress one night of the Haven conference in Atlanta.  I had a blast meeting so many of my blog friends in person!  Regardless of what topic you share on-line, blogs are so personal.  You really get a feel for what people are like in “real life” so it’s always a bit surreal to meet on-line friends and feel like you’ve known them forever.  One of my all time favorite things about blogging!  Pictured above: Sam/Megan/Jen/Me/Jen (so in love with her sweet baby girl!  We all wanted to hold her!) /Jen/Gina  I kid you not – three Jen’s in this group!  Too funny.  :)  Absolutely love these girls and their blogs!  I met so many more amazing bloggers at Haven.  It was a weekend I’ll never forget!
friends at haven
These two are close friends of mine and were my roommates at Haven.  Gina (left) also lives in San Diego and we met through my blog!  She has read it for years and commented once in a while.  We started chatting through e-mails and then ran into each other for the first time at none other than the Container Store.  Go figure. :)  We have been close friends ever since!  Jen (right) I met through Instagram and we connected immediately.  Like I said.  The relationships made through blogging are my favorite!  Moral of this story is: if you ever run into me in the Container Store please say hi.  We’re probably besties and just don’t know it yet.  ;)
me and bre
Another friend of mine I met through social media.  Bre from Rooms for Rent!  Love her blog and Instagram feed.  I’m getting a bit sidetracked, aren’t I?  Back to the fashion!  This outfit above I shared a few weeks ago.  Got it all at the Nordstroms sale (you can read details here) and it has been on repeat ever since.
Here’s another fun dress also from Banana Republic I wore at Haven that is similar to the faux wrap dress.  It’s a gray t-shirt dress but with the exact same fit.  Slim through the high waist and looser around the hips.  Very flattering!  I’m wearing it with a Kendra Scott ‘Rayne’ Stone Tassle Pendant necklace.  Whew!  That’s a mouthful.  :)  Love these necklaces so much!  I borrowed this coral necklace from Gina because the one I ordered wasn’t in yet.
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My exact grey dress must be sold out because I can’t find it on-line but this is a very similar dress only sleeveless.  Really cute and fun to dress up with a sweater or cute jacket in the Fall.  It’s the Ruched Jersey Long Dress and it’s only available in black right now but I’m debating getting it too because you can always use a good basic black dress!  It has great reviews and if it fits like my other two dresses I know I’ll like it.
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One more grey dress from Banana I’ve been eyeing.  This French Terry Shirtdress is adorable!  A fun, casual every day dress and I think it would look darling with my Cloud Gray Converse Sneakers I shared in my last Fashion Friday post. (This dress is 40% off right now!)
My Kendra Scott Tassle necklace finally came in btw.  Isn’t it pretty!?  Did you know I was a fan of this color?  Ha!  ;)
I think this exact color sold out during the sale, but of you go through the colors available at Nordstroms there is one similar and they also have one in mint!  These necklaces go so well with everything.  One of my favorite staples for Fall!
family pic copy
I just wore my new necklace and gray dress last weekend out to dinner with my family.  They all came to San Diego to surprise my husband for his upcoming 40th birthday!  Such a fun weekend.  He had no clue they were all coming!  I was so tricky and even kept it a secret from my kids.  It was just as much fun surprising them before my husband came home from work!  It was the first time I’ve had my whole family together at my place since we moved into the new house.  15 people total and for the first time since we moved here 13 years ago we fit everyone comfortably.  ;)
girls at fidels
BEST weekend ever.  Love these two so much.
girls in SD
Aside from dinners we spent most of the time in our backyard and pool.  I cried when everyone left!  Wish they all lived next door and we could have weekends all together like this more often.  I wouldn’t let anyone leave until we had our next trip planned.  :)
Sorry!  Sidetracked again.  This post is a book (what is it about Fashion Fridays that make me ramble so much!?)  Bought this adorable bracelet and necklace for a friend’s birthday gift and wish I would have picked them up for me too!  I’m usually not that into jewelry but lately I’ve been wearing more and loving it!  This is a Chevron Pendant Necklace (similar on-line here) and the Half Moon Cuff Bracelet from Brass Plum.  SO inexpensive and cute!  (Only 10 bucks for that cute bracelet!)  I really love this $8 arrow bracelet too.
chevron cuff bracelet
Speaking of arrow bracelets, one of these Chevron Cuff bracelets will be on my Christmas wish list this year!  They cost a bit more but are so beautiful in person.  Loving arrows right now.  They are all the rage in home decor too!

K I’ve rattled on long enough!  I know I’ve been heavy on the Fashion posts lately but Fall Fashion is my favorite!  Excited for what’s ahead.  In fact, aside from a play orientation meeting for my girls we are heading into a low key weekend at home.  I may or may not get out some Fall decor and start playing around.  I know I know.  It’s too early!  Or is it?  Our weather doesn’t change here so it really wouldn’t be that big of a deal if a few faux pumpkins started popping up.


Just a few?


Enjoy your weekend everyone!

xoxo, Erin
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24 thoughts on “Fashion Friday (Haven and weekend recap!)

  1. You are rockin those dresses. I wish I had met you at Haven. It’s so crazy there and so easy not to see everyone. Your hind side looks a lot better than the Kardashians!

    1. Thank you Kim! I don’t know about that but very sweet of you to say! Funny because I call these two outfits my Kardashian dresses. You can see why! ;) I so wish I would have met you at Haven too! I’m planning to go again next year so hopefully then!? It really was crazy, but what a fun conference. I learned so much and was all fired up to get to work and then came home to my kids and summer and I’ve done NOTHING new. Ha! Hoping to get motivated when my kids are back in school. Thanks for reaching out cutie! Excited to check out your fun blog. :) xo

  2. Erin, you are adorable! Don’t ever change. I adore your fun and sunny personality. Wish I could pull off the wrap dress (or really any dress and fashion) the way you can. You are a teeny thing with a great visual line. I think you have great fashion sense and style. Loved seeing all the goodies you like and all the photos of the events and gatherings. Very happy for you that you got to surprise your husband for his birthday. And big, huge congratulations to your daughters for landing parts in the upcoming play. That is awesome. Happy Friday and happy weekend to you. :)

    1. Thank you sweet friend! What a thoughtful comment. Your kind words mean so much to me Jeanne. You always have the sweetest things to say and that says a lot about YOU. A true friend. Thanks again for always putting a smile on my face and happy weekend! :) xo

    1. Hi Betsy! I should have mentioned where I got them in the post but they are several years old so I know they won’t have them anymore! They were from Children’s Place. :) If I come across something similar I’ll share it in a post! Thank you! xo

  3. Hi Erin,
    Love your Fashion Friday posts!! Can you please tell me where you found your daughters dresses? I have an Addison who LOVES all dresses and sparkle. Also, any chance you will be doing a back to school post for kids outfits?
    Thank you for your help!
    Best Wishes,

    1. Thank you Kelly! So sweet of you. I would have linked to those dresses but they are about 3 years old! Can’t believe they still fit so well (I did buy them big!). They were from Children’s Place! What is it about Addison’s loving sparkles? ;) I will for sure do a back to school post with the kids’ outfits! We have found some cute things. Thanks again Kelly! xo

  4. 1. Yay! Congrats to your beautiful girls!! :D
    2. Love all the dresses and accessories! You look great! Did you seriously have 3 kids?! Hot mama :)
    3. Aww family time is the best!! Sad when everyone lives far apart, but glad you were able to spend time with yours. Btw, what is that green gem thing in your sister’s hand? Lol!
    4. glad you had fun at the conference!!
    5. Love the container store!!

    Haha bullet pts because my comment would have been all over the place otherwise!

    1. Susan I just love you and your bullet points! Ha! Made me smile. :) Thanks cutie! You are always the sweetest! And the green thing in my sister’s hand is her crazy sunglasses! Lol. xo

  5. Love your Fashion Fridays!! You are so styling and so are those adorable girls of yours! Sounds like such a fun time with your family and at Haven! Love those necklaces and basically everything you wear! :) Hope that didn’t sound too creepy! Hope you have a great week!

  6. Love those dresses on you :) And I love the necklace you chose, by the way! So pretty! Yay for Ellie and Addison {get ready mama!} We will be there cheering them on. Loved being at Haven with you, it was such a fun experience. Your family is adorable! Looks like you all had a great time together. xoxo

    1. Thanks cutie! Haven really was so fun. I need to get my kids in school and go over my notes! Ha! Haven’t even looked at them. We need a note review date. After our shopping date. :) xo

  7. I LOVE your fashion Friday posts! You always look great and it is inspiring to see different dresses/outfits to know what you may also want to shop for. Thank you for including your daughter’s designer (haha) too. My three girls wold love those dresses! I am hoping you update your hair tutorial or at least write a post about the how you are styling those adorable waves!
    Enjoy the last few weeks of summer with your cute kids!

    1. You are such a sweetheart Danielle! I do need to update my hair tutorial.. that feels like ages ago I did one, doesn’t it!? Thanks so much cutie! xo

  8. Wow Erin, you look amazing! I have very thin legs and am always in pants or capris. No dresses here. Love all the jewelry too. I look forward to fashion Fridays. I even purchased a few of the necklaces I saw on you. Thank you so much for sharing the links and opening up your home.

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