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My Summer Goals


{Full post on this Outdoor Entertaining area here}

Summer is just around the corner.  Can you all believe that?  I can’t believe that.  Where did the school year go!?  We spent last weekend at my mom’s house in Utah (I’ll share more about why soon) and all of the sun and outside time with family made me so excited for carefree summer days!  I was thinking a lot about this upcoming summer on our drive home.  There are three goals I want to set for myself this summer and I’m hoping that by sharing them with all of you I’ll be a bit more accountable than I otherwise would. :)  After all, January isn’t the only time we can set goals, right?  Right.

I’ve found that the secret for goal setting (at least for me!) has been to not only come up with my goals, but to also be specific about the steps I’m going to take to achieve them.  So here is what I’ve come up with so far!  Subject to change if needed.  :)

GOAL #1 – LOSE 5 POUNDS.  I should say “focus on my health” or something that sounds like I care more about my health than how my jeans fit.  But if I’m being honest, I care about both :) and losing 5 pounds will give me a more concrete goal.  Here are the 3 steps I’m going to take to be more health conscious and rock my skinny jeans. ;)
21-day-fixc1)  Sweat to my 30 minute 21 Day Fix DVD’s every morning.  In the past I’ve followed the 21 Day Fix workout DVD’s and Food plan to get in shape quickly.  I mentioned this program last November in my 2015 Favorite Things post.  I LOVE the fitness DVD’s.  There is a different one for each day of the week that focuses on different muscles, although they are all total body workouts.  No travel time.  Short and to the point.  Intense, but you can do everything at your own level.  They are really motivating and if I do them every day I do see results!  For me with my kids all home for the summer it’s a perfect workout.  I’m also hoping to fit in walks/jogs with my friends and husband here and there, but my plan is to make the DVD a “must do” every day and any other exercise I get will just be icing on the cake.  A fat free cake of course. ;)
IMG_9884healthysnackc2)  Plan healthy meals and snacks for 3 days in advance.  This is such an obvious thing to do, but it’s honestly the reason I usually FAIL when I try to drop a few pounds.  If I have healthy food in my house ready to eat I do really well.  My problem is that I often don’t take the time to buy and prep healthy snacks/meals.  Then I get busy.  Then I get hungry.  Then I reach for anything that is fast and easy.  Which is usually not healthy.  Planning for a week is overwhelming for me (food isn’t my strong suit!) so I’m going to try just planning 3 days ahead.  I’ve learned more about eating a healthy variety of clean foods from the 21 Day Fix meal plan and I’m going to loosely follow that.  I say loosely because you know.. balance in all things. ;)  If you already do or are starting the 21 day fix I recently started a Pinterest board with helpful posts I’ve found! You can find me on Pinterest here.
3)  Be more active with my kids.  See these lounge chairs?  Last summer I was so excited about all of our new outdoor furniture that I decided to park on these couches daily and read my HGTV magazine while my kids swam.  Not this summer.  This summer I’m swimming with them!  And biking with them and hiking with them and running around the yard with them.  The girls and I are scheming up a little backyard bootcamp full of exercises we are going to do together.  I’m determined to keep us all active!  And then I’ll allow myself some lounge time with a magazine after.  Because like I said before.. balance in all things, right?  That just might be my summer motto.

GOAL #2 – ORGANIZE AT LEAST 3 SPACES ON MY 2016 LIST.  Remember our lists we all wrote?  Back in January?  Of ALL the spaces we wanted to organize?  Yeah.. now it’s ringing a bell.  ;)  I’ve crossed a few things off of my list, but I still have a long ways to go and I’m hoping that with less running around with my kids and a more low key schedule I’ll have some un-interrupted organizing time to get these spaces finished once and for all!  My heart wants to purge and organize all the things in my house this summer, but my head knows that summer is busy in its own way and I have a lot of decorating going on that also occupies my time, so my goal is to just finish 3 spaces.  Here is how I’m going to make that happen.

1)  Go through my “to-organize” list and prioritize the top 3 spaces I want to finish.  

2)  Write down what specific steps need to be taken to finish each space.

3) Calendar some days/times to make it happen!  And then stick to it.  

I’m sure you’ll be hearing more about this one. :)

GOAL #3 – SPEND QUALITY TIME WITH MY KIDS.  You guys.  My oldest is starting Middle School next year!   She was 5 in this picture which feels like 10 minutes ago.  I seriously can’t believe it.  We have her fully home with us for just 6 more years.  These summers are fleeting and I want to make sure I take full advantage of this time I have with my kids.  Especially while they still (for the most part) like to hang out with me. ;)  I’m going to really focus on being present and making our time together count.  Here are a few ideas I have floating around about how to make sure this happens:

1) Sign up for less summer camps.  We are really slowing down this summer and I’m so excited about it.  Last summer my kids were signed up for several camps and between camps and vacations we didn’t have a lot of down time at the house.  Quite a few mornings we were waking up early and I was fixing lunches.  What!?  Not my idea of summer. :)  This year my younger two are each in one short camp and El will still take her dance lessons.  Simple and low key!

2) Brainstorm fun ideas of things we can do together.  And make a list.  Of course. :)

3) Write out a low key summer schedule that allows time for work and play.  Pick one day a week for a fun activity with mom.  Chores will still happen and I need time to get my work done so I’m going to strive for a good work/play balance!

4) Set some sort of daily time limit on how much iphone/computer/TV time will be allowed each day.  (Still trying to figure out this one because it’s a newer struggle for us… any tips on how you limit electronic time is greatly appreciated!) 

So that’s it!  My three summer goals.

Lose 5 pounds.  Organize at least 3 spaces on my list.  Spend quality time with my kids.  Fingers crossed I can stick to them.

But if not, I won’t beat myself up because…

balance in all things.  ;)

Do you set summer goals?  I would love to hear one of yours if you do!

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xoxo, Erin
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32 thoughts on “My Summer Goals

  1. I love all of these goals! If I had to write them, these would be it. I do have to think of actual plans to do with the kids (13 and 10 boys.) I also have to make a date for them or they won’t happen! I do feel like time is flying by, and I need to be in the present with them. Thanks for the inspiration.

    1. Thank you Amy! I agree.. I really have to plan things out or the days fly by and before I know it, summer is over and we didn’t do half of the things we wanted to do! I hope you enjoy your summer and that we achieve our goals! Fingers crossed for both of us. :) xo

  2. Happy Almost Summer, Erin! Your goals sound great…doable and manageable! I’m sure you can achieve all of them. Most of all, don’t stress! Do the best you can and keep that balance you spoke of. I’d have probably been just like you if I had those gorgeous outdoor chairs. Although your pool looks ever so inviting!! Have a great summer and keep us posted on your progress. Good luck with the tech stuff. It’s an ongoing thing in households now. Did you see the news blip about the gal who was checking her phone during her West Point graduation march? NO joke. They showed it on the news. So sad! Put that thing away! Sigh…Good luck and enjoy your day, sweetie!!

    1. Jeanne I didn’t see that and can’t believe it! Well.. I guess I can. The cell phone obsession is really just crazy, isn’t it!? I’ll go out to eat and see so many people on them at restaurants while they are eating! I want to say “turn it off and visit! Isn’t that why we go out to eat?” I’m sure I could be on mine less too.. it’s hard when your “job” involves a lot of social media. Definitely important to put perimeters on screen time for the kids and ourselves! Enjoy your day too cutie! :) xo

  3. I think these are great ideas! An idea you could do about putting away the electronics is having a “time out” station where all the electronics go for an allotted amount of time and when that time is up, you reward yourself with a treat of some kind. :) Chick-fil-A is doing this challenge at their restaurants where you put it in a “chicken coop” while you are eating and if you are successful in not using it, you get a free ice cream cone. Have a great day and I hope this helps! :)

  4. Such a great post Erin!
    I wish I only had 5lb to lose 🙈🙈
    I’m with you in cutting down on camps. Through the year we have piano, soccer, cubs, yws, activity days, baseball. .I’m saying 1 small camp and that’s it..but then I have to make sure they are not on the TV and electronics the whole time too.
    The struggle is real!

    1. The struggle is SO real Heidi! If I come up with a way to monitor the screen time I’ll let you know! Oh and I could totally stand to lose more than 5 pounds too! I just came up with 5 because it’s a small enough amount that it’s more likely I’ll actually do it. ;)

  5. Erin – I am a long-time follower and first time commenter!! I love your goals about spending more time with your kids!! My baby is only 15 months, but I am already stressing about moving out when she turns 18 :(

    I saw a great idea on how to limit screen time by “not limiting screen time”! The gist of the idea was that you can offer them unlimited screen time once they finish everything on the list (which was comprised of 1. Reading for X number of minutes, 2. Done something outside for X number of minutes, 3. Made your bed/ cleaned your room, 4. Done one chore, 5. Done something creative/artistic etc. etc. / customizable to your own desires/needs) Basically, it was trying to encourage them to get their jobs done, and to get them distracted in doing other things that they forget about the screen time. I thought it was a great idea!! The lady that posted it said that for the first few weeks – there was a lot of tv/ipad/whatever time, and she was worried that it wouldn’t work, but as the days went on – there was less and less. It’s worth a shot and definitely something I am planning on implementing when my little bug gets a bit bigger.

    1. Okay, I found it – it’s called the “Momentum Optimization Project” (she hopes to capitalize on the morning momentum and get her kids off their butts and out of the house before they plant their butts in front of the tv and get nothing done for the whole day) and she has an “in-school” version and a summer “version” and she is pretty relaxed about enforcing it, but I think that it has such great potential!!

    2. Hi Britt! So happy you decided to comment! It’s nice to “meet” you. :) K – that sounds like a genius idea! Love it! We tried something similar one summer where my kids had to have their jobs done before any TV, etc. but then it backfired because they would wake up SO early (they only wake up early in the summer or on Saturdays.. drives me crazy!) and I would still be asleep and didn’t want them doing chores w/o me there to supervise. Anyway.. I’m going to look into this idea! My kids are old enough now that something like this might work! Thanks so much for the suggestion! And love that little 15 month old every second you get. You will blink and she’ll be in Jr. High. :( Thanks again cutie! xo

  6. I am going to try “Circle” by Disney to help with controlling screen time this summer. I just heard about it and I have a 14 year old and a 16 year old. If it were up to them they would be on their devices all summer long! Your plan sounds great, I think I will try to do the same thing!!

    1. Nancy!! Oh my word! I hadn’t heard of “Circle” and just looked it up. How cool is that!? Seriously thinking we will do that too! I love it! Unless it’s controlling my IG/Pinterest time.. ha! ;) Thank you so much for the tip! I might have to mention that on my blog at some point. Everyone needs to know about that great idea! xo

      1. Absolutely! I heard about it from a podcast I listen to called “Sorta Awesome” I had heard about it a couple of months ago and forgot about it. You should try it out and tell everyone about it!

      2. I have a Circle and love it! I have three boys 15,13, and 7. I can set limits accordingly and bedtime for wifi. You can also pause the wifi usage for one specific person if need be to get chores done. I highly recommend it!

  7. You can do it!!! I’ll be your cheerleader! Especially love the idea of boot camp in your yard with the girls, how fun!! I can just picture it! Maybe with a pink flamingo cruising by in the pool…lol!! Miss you girl!

    1. Thanks my beautiful friend! You are already my motivation!! I’ll just keep telling myself that if I work hard enough I might look half as good as you do in a bikini! And yes.. pink flamingo will definitely be invited to all outdoor parties from here on out! Ha! A constant reminder of our fun trip! :) xo

  8. I’m right there with you on losing 5 pounds, working out and clean(er) eating. I say cleaner because I love cake and you only live once. I don’t drink, so, cake is my vice 😊🍰 but, I am going to limit the amount. Because balance is everything, right? I think I got through my organizing list. Are we ever really done organizing though? I hope so, at least through summer. It’s my favorite time of year. Here’s to a fun and healthy one Erin. xo

    1. I’m so jealous you finished your list Cathy! I sure thought I’d be further along than I am. If I didn’t spend so much time blogging I would have had it all done in a month. ;) I remember how much you love summer! Hope it’s your best one yet. :) xo

  9. We are also trying to limit electronics this summer. I am thinking about giving 2 hours of “screen time” each day–that can be an iPod, TV, computer, or anything else with a screen. If they want to use it to watch a movie, fine. If they want to watch an hour in the morning and an hour at night, that’s fine too! I expect some resistance at first, but I think they’ll get used to it. I will also allow exceptions during travel, because I want my time in the car to be peaceful!

    1. That’s a great idea Cas! And I totally agree about the travel time. There are always exceptions when I shoot up a prayer of thanks for the iPod or DVD player! ;) xo

  10. Great goals, Erin. I need to set some summer goals for my family too. I love 21 Day Fix…now when I am dragging myself out of bed in the mornings to do my daily workout I will think, “hey, Erin is doing this too” :) My oldest is only 5, but I can already feel time slipping away. I definitely want to take advantage of spending time together this summer and maybe starting a new summer tradition. I hope you have a relaxing and fun filled summer!

    1. Thank you so much Kristin! K.. I’m going to tell my self the same thing! That you’re doing it too! Somehow that will make it feel easier, right? :) xo

  11. Hi Erin. I have been following your blog for a while now all the way over here in England and this is the first time I have commented. I have 3 girls (10, 8 and 5) and I’m always keen to see how other mums with 3 children plan to cope over the summer holidays! This was a great post. Would love to hear about what sort of daily schedule/routine you set up. I know you have done some great posts in the past about getting ready for summer but with slightly older kids now it would be great to hear how you might adjust a bit for that. Screen time is also an issue in our house and I definitely want to set some rules for the summer break regarding use of iPads and phones.

    1. Hi Caroline! So nice to “meet” you! I’m so happy you decided to say hi. :) I will definitely post more about our daily schedule/routine when we settle into one. I always feel better with some sort of schedule! Regardless of how low key it is. :) Thank you and enjoy your summer with your sweet girls! Those ages are so fun. We are both in a real sweet spot with our kids. :) xo

  12. I love it all, Erin! Please let me know what you come up with in the “limiting electronics” department! It’s a struggle over here and I’m determined not to yell “get off your phone” all summer! I need to set a specific amount of time, but I’m just not sure how to go about it??? Ah!

    1. SAME Haneen! I’ll post what we are doing soon! I think I’ve found something that works for us! I’ll also share other ideas people mentioned. The struggle is real! ;) xo

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