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Simple Styling

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kitchen styling (Sunny Side Up)

Sharing some simple styling today! Things have been a little quiet around here today after a fun weekend that had a not so fun ending! We took the kids to Palm Springs for the long weekend. It’s just 2 hours away from us and a quick and easy escape. We had beautiful, warm desert weather and spent most of the trip relaxing at the pool and just enjoying low key family time.

kitchen styling (Sunny Side Up)

One morning we took Kole to the zoo (girls passed and stayed at the pool) but he loved it. It’s a great zoo by the way if you have kids and are ever visiting the area. This guy just looks happy doesn’t he? Not a care in the world. :)

kitchen styling (Sunny Side Up)

Overall it was a great trip. Our last night there we took the kids out to dinner, spent some time after in the hot tub, came back to our room and watched a movie together and then went to bed. At 1:00 am I woke up SO sick. Long story short I got food poisoning! It must have been something I ate at dinner. Oh my word.. honestly one of the worst nights of my life. I was violently ill and I’ll spare you the gory details but at 5 am Kenny finally called an ambulance because I kept passing out. I spent the rest of the day in the emergency room. I was fine once it was out of my system and I had fluids in me again but wow. What a horrible night! I’m so sad too because the bad food was from one of my favorite restaurants and I don’t think I can ever eat there again! That’s the worst isn’t it!?

Anyway.. I’m so grateful to be home and feeling good again! I hope you had a nice long weekend that didn’t involve the emergency room. Clearly I like to keep things interesting. Ha.

console table styling (Sunny Side Up)

{similar console table here & here/similar baskets}

On to some fun styling because that’s WAY more fun to talk about right!? :) I’m loving my console table at the moment! I was a little torn on what to do with it because I’m ready for light and bright and Spring, but I’m also loving the dark, moody vibes that are trending and with the black pendant lights in my kitchen so close to this table I wanted to make sure everything was flowing and working together. I think I found a good combo!

console table styling (Sunny Side Up)

{Santorini Urn/similar faux cherry blossoms/scalloped bowl/wood chain link}

I put some faux cherry blossoms in a favorite vase (I love faux cherry blossoms this time of year!) and then added my pretty scalloped bowl with my chain link.

console table styling (Sunny Side Up)

{Dreary Abstract Landscape Canvas}

Then I ordered this canvas that I could not love more! It’s so beautiful and looks a lot more expensive than it was. I love that it has darker tones/colors but also some soft pinks and lots of white. A perfect way to create a moody vibe that still feels like Spring!

console table styling (Sunny Side Up)

I added these pretty candle holders and my favorite battery operated candles. (Remember these candles? I used them so much during the holidays!) I love turning them on with the little remote every night. So cozy!

shelf styling (Sunny Side Up)

I also added a few fun touches to this shelf by my kitchen pantry. Bringing in some soft pinks for Spring with these beautiful glasses, petal dinner plates and this cute floral framed canvas that I found on-line for just $10! This is where one of my cute new plants found a home too. :)

shelf styling (Sunny Side Up)

{faux peonies here & here/white planter/similar wood cakestand/petal cake stand/flowering thyme/similar vintage wood tray here, here & here/stoneware planter/petal dinner plates/pink glasses/white terracotta jars/similar wood cheese board/marble & wood board/floral framed canvas/Savor/Platters & Boards}

This shelf just makes me smile when I walk by it now. I love that about decorating and organizing. So easy to create happy little moments throughout your home. I of course have some unhappy moments too (a few rooms in my house are a hot mess!) but we’ll just focus on this shelf and the console table for now.

kitchen styling (Sunny Side Up)

{kitchen sources}

I’m tricky like that. :)

kitchen styling (Sunny Side Up)

Enjoy your day! Style a pretty console table and don’t get food poisoning!

I know I know.. where would you be without my sage advice and wisdom?



xoxo, Erin
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16 thoughts on “Simple Styling

  1. Oh goodness, Erin! I’m so sorry to hear that you got food poisoning and that you had such a terrible response to it. Thank goodness you are okay. But being so sick that you start passing out? That’s scary! So relieved you are doing better! I wouldn’t want to eat that restaurant’s food either. I do hope you let them know, though. You definitely deserve the happy moments in your house. You’ve selected a beautiful painting for your console table. I like the moodiness, too. You are much braver than I when it comes to looking for then actually deciding and buying things to decorate your home. I have such decision paralysis about that. I have little sense of what would look good in my home. I admire people who can pretty confidently “see” how it would look. Thanks so much for sharing and I hope this weekend ends much more happily than last week. By the way, loved the photos of the animals! :)

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! I used to get decision paralysis all the time too but I’ve done so much decorating through the years.. it gets easier to visualize things! Also I do a lot of returning. Sometimes when I share something I love on the blog I’ve tried 2 or 3 other things first that didn’t make the cut! Ha. I spare you all the not so great in-betweens. ;) So happy you liked the animal pics! I had to throw a few in there.. I like them too. :) Enjoy your weekend and thanks again for the well wishes! xo

  2. Oh my goodness Erin! So sorry to hear about your awful experience with food poisoning … and scary for the family! Glad to see you’re feeling better – and back to sharing your wisdom with us ;)
    (Also – I bet that tshirt of Kole’s from the zoo was foreshadowing for you for the next few days! I’ve gotta get one of those.)
    Thanks for the great inspo for the console table! I’ve got a pitcher with cherry blossoms in my entryway, and nothing beside it yet because it’s past Valentine’s, but I’m not ready for Spring. Too bad Target doesn’t ship to Canada anymore :(
    Take care!!

    1. Oh I’m laughing.. I had to go back and see what shirt Kole had on.. definitely foreshadowing! Ha ha.. I love that shirt too. I think we all feel like that sometimes! Such a bummer Target won’t ship to Canada! That surprises me! This is such a weird in-between time for decor isn’t it!? Not quite Spring but we’re all ready so I just start busting out the faux flowers. :) Thank you for the sweet comment Samantha! Enjoy your weekend! xo

  3. Erin,
    Wow, I just was typing my comment and woosh… off the page it went! We are in the middle of the predicted snowstorm, and I guess we came close to an internet outage. The power also flickered but I am on battery. I am SO ready for Spring. Was able to get my lit Christmas deer in but unable to get any of the other decorations in before this hit so the holidays live on in my yard.
    Erin, so glad you had the GOOD time BEFORE the sickness hit. Has happened X2 to me and of course it is usually when you are away. I have been FAR, FAR away during my episodes and it is not pretty. Right. The worst is not being able to go back into your fav eatery. IN my case it was NOT being able to eat a Fav. food again for months (a year!)PLS. Get on a good probiotic, so your digestive system fully heals. Health food store-best but Amazon has some……
    Onto better and more fun things than sickness! Decorating! Erin, you hit the nail on the head w/the console table. Beautiful, timeless piece and you have made it adapt to spring by the lightness of the vase and bowl and pastel flower branches! The reflected light will bounce off the brass candle holders/white candles. The baskets! The baskets underneath call to mind good weather-straw purses, beach bags. Reed, wicker, straw, ratan lightens up just by WHAT it is.
    The wood chain link is something I am just getting used to. I may jump in and buy one for my 3 seasons room by the pool THIS year. FINALLY! I am ALWAYS on the tail end of new trends! “Traditional N.E. you know ;-/My daughter started with the wood chain link right away. It is an “Erin thing” that’s starting to grow on me!
    Take care and take the probiotic!
    Sharon the N.E. traditionalist. TOO much of a traditionalist!

    1. Oh my word.. you have had so much snow Sharon! If it makes you feel better my Christmas cards are still up and I don’t have a snowstorm for an excuse! Ha.. maybe I’ll get ambitious and take them down now that it’s almost March. Tell me when the snow clears and you get your outdoor stuff down and we’ll end the holidays together. ;) I’m so happy you like the console table and I love that your daughter has the wood chain link! It will for sure grow on you.. just give it time. ;) I’m going to look up probiotics.. smart and I hadn’t thought of that. Thank you for the advice! I’m so much better but still not eating a lot.. just a little PTSD over here! What a nightmare night. Enjoy your weekend Sharon! Stay warm! xo

  4. Food poisoning is the worst!!! Thankfully you’re ok now 🌸. I need to Spring up my house….thanks for the ideas!!!

  5. I’m so sorry you got so sick. Happened to me once. I still can’t even look at the restaurant sign without my stomach turning…and it happened 22 years ago! Glad you’re feeling better:)

    1. Oh my word.. I know that’s going to be me.. NEVER going to the restaurant again! Such a bummer. I have a feeling I’ll remember this night for 22 years too.. ha ha. Thank you so much Lynette! Enjoy your weekend! xo

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