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Fun Ideas for the 4th!


{Kitchen pics and sources here}

I got an e-mail a few weeks ago from the editor of Women’s Day magazine.  It was so sweet.  She was letting me know that they had featured my 4th of July Pretzel Hugs.  She told me that they loved my blog and if I had any other great recipes to please send them her way and they would consider featuring them in the future.

That just made me laugh.  I think you all know why.  :)  Unfortunately I don’t think I’ll be sending over a round-up of amazing recipes.  Recipes just aren’t my thing.  BUT.  I have been making these pretzel hugs for various holidays (Christmas and Valentines mostly) before they were a thing on Pinterest.  I was making them with my kids before Pinterest was even a thing itself!  So I’m happy to take credit for this one. ;)  If you want to know how to make these yourself, here is an older post with instructions.  Just like any recipe I make.. they are extremely tricky. ;)

Speaking of the 4th, I’m getting so excited to spend the holiday with my family!  We have lots of fun traditions to look forward to and are counting down at my house.  I had a happy Pinterest party tonight rounding up some fun ideas and thought I’d share a few of my favorites!


My favorite holiday treats and decor ideas are always the things that are the most simple to re-create.  LOVE these easy “Star Spangled Watermelon” sticks and I know my kids would too!



Popcorn.  I’m a fan.  What a fun way to spruce up this beloved treat for the holiday.



Another off the charts easy treat that kids would love.  Definitely doing this when all the cousins are together!
This picture of my sweet El was taken years ago!  We always make our annual 4th of July cheesecake.  The cheesecake is from a box of course.. because.. well.. I’m in charge.  But I feel all sorts of fancy adding the blueberries and strawberries.
Red-White-and-Blue-Strawberry-Cheesecake-Bites 1


This is the same treat but another fun version!  Put the cheesecake on a slice of a strawberry for easy bite size treats.  I’m going to try these and cut the leaves off of the strawberries so you can just pop the whole thing in your mouth.  YUM.


I’m not really into crafts, but this is one I think I need to try.  I’ve seen it done before with mason jars but I LOVE the stars and stripes painted on these wide canisters.  And the tulips!  Too much fun.  On my list for next year!


Another example of how less is often more.  I love how inviting this porch feels with just simple flags placed inside of plants.


Red, white and purple.  My favorite flower combination.  For the 4th or any time of year!


This is so fun and easy for the kids!  Buckets with flags, bubbles and other 4th of July goodies.



And I am head over heels in love with these nails.  I love a good pedicure, but I NEVER paint my fingernails.  It chips off easily and I’m way too practical to deal with re-painting them often.  But those navy and white stripes!
They totally match my all time favorite sweats that I shared in this Favorites/Fashion post.  Which I’m now calling my “all time favorite 4th of July sweats.”  (Matching nails not included.. but I need them.. right?)  :)
Because I mentioned tradition, I have to end this post like I have been ending every 4th of July post in the last 7 years I’ve been blogging.  Happy 4th planning everyone!



p.s.  Check out all the fun I’m having on Pinterest here.

xoxo, Erin
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16 thoughts on “Fun Ideas for the 4th!

  1. How exciting to get an email from a magazine! That’s so cool! I think you should share your applesauce cookie recipe with them! :) I giggled at your reference to your fabulous (cough*cough) cooking skills. :D But, still, it’s a great feeling, I’m sure, to be featured. You sure found some fun and festive ideas for the the 4th. Those flowers look amazing. And I really liked the canisters, too. Well, all the stuff you featured looked fantastic. Have fun getting ready! :) Hugs!

    1. Thank you Jeanne! Oh my word.. totally forgot about my applesauce cookies! Guess I have TWO recipes to send in.. ha! ;) You are such a sweetheart. Hope you have a wonderful 4th this year! xo

        1. K.. I have THREE recipes now! How did I forget my muffins! Time to take over the magazine. Ha! ;) Thanks Julie! You made me laugh. xo

  2. Congrats on the feature girl! Anything cooking or baking related just gives me hives thinking about it..haha! If only I could hire that live in chef ;) Loved your roundup of cute 4th of July ideas and I must go order those stripe sweats now! Too cute. Happy 4th of July to your cute family!

  3. Oh, Erin, how fun! Congrats on being featured in a magazine! Is it in the stores/online now? Those pretzel hugs you make are adorable. :) You could send in your tried and true banana muffins.They are so yummy! I love the red, white, and purple flowers combinations too. They are so bright and festive looking. Thank you for all your great ideas all the time. Glad you are enjoying your summer!

    1. Thank you so much Nancy! You are such a sweetheart. I think it’s on-line. :) Someone else just mentioned my banana bread muffins.. guess I have more than one recipe after all! Ha! ;) Wishing you a wonderful 4th with your family! xo

  4. Congratulations on the magazine feature. That’s fantastic. We love the pretzels. We call them Belly Buttons and just like you they’ve made the rounds in our community for about 15 years. They can be customized for any season. Those patriotic jars are perfect! Are they rectangular?

    1. Oh that’s a fun name for them Patrice! I know.. love those jars! They look like rectangular canisters to me. I’m going to watch for some and try making it next year. :) xo

  5. Congrats on the magazine feature. And even though I do a ton of cooking for my super large fam of 7 kids I live for your fashion fave posts and your sweet bubbly blog style and prefer it over any cooking blog I look at. Thanks for the 4th of July round up. I needed an idea for a family picnic on the 4th. Hugs:)

    1. Oh you just made my day Kim! Thank you so much! That means so much to me. You are my absolute hero with 7 kids! And you cook! And plan family picnics!? I’m so impressed. Your kids are lucky to have you. :) Hope you have the best 4th with your family! xo

  6. that is pretty cool Erin way to go!!! I’ve had that nail pin pinned for years and still have never tried it. I’m more a keep my toes polished verses my nails but I will say you should try shelac. I’m sure I’m spelling it wrong but it’s kinda like gel nails but not as much commitment and not harmful for your nails. It lasts about 10 days and when I take my daughter for manicures a few times a year I get the shelac for her and then I don’t feel like I’m wasting my money!! lol Happy 4th!!!

    1. I’ve heard of that Aria! I’ll definitely have to try it. So frustrating when you get them painted and it chips off two days later! Happy 4th cutie! Hope it’s a good one for you and your family. :) xo

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