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Weekend Organizing

organize your purse
Happy weekend everyone!  Anyone doing a little organizing?  I have several areas that have been driving me crazy!  I’m excited to tackle them.  It’s always funny to me how I’ll put off cleaning a space for so long and then when I finally just jump in and organize it, it takes hardly any time and makes such a difference.  Why do we put things off so long?  Sometimes just thinking about how we NEED to organize something takes more energy than actually diving in and doing it.  :)

Here are a few things we can tackle this week that don’t take long at all!

card organizer
Spend a few minutes organizing your purse.  Use small zippered pouches or accordion files to keep everything in place.  I go into more detail on this in my Top 3 things to keep organized post.
Spend a few minutes organizing your bathroom drawers.  These were drawers in my previous house and I still need to go through my bathroom drawers in our new house!  Hoping to get at least one or two of them cleaned out today.
organized spoons-forks
Last but not least I’m tackling a few of my kitchen drawers/cupboards this weekend.  I was supposed to have my whole kitchen organized in the month of March.  Oops.  It’s not.  But it will be!  I’m just going to work on one  drawer or cupboard a day until it’s done.  Baby steps to an organized kitchen.

Hope this gives you a few ideas of what you can tackle in 15-20 minutes this weekend!  Happy organizing!


xoxo, Erin
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6 thoughts on “Weekend Organizing

  1. Erin, you always inspire me to organize! I swear – I had so much of my house organized right after Xmas – and now I feel like every room is a mess again! How does that happen?! It drives me CRAZY! And, I agree, sometimes I spend so much energy thinking about all I have to do instead of just doing it. I always feel so much better once it’s done, though! I am hoping to tackle a little bit this weekend. Plus, my husband and I are planning on moving our son into the bigger bedroom in our house and turning his current room into a playroom. I am NOT looking forward to doing all that because it will require a lot of painting and furniture moving, but I know I’ll be so glad when it’s done so that all of his toys are not all over our family room all the time. Our house seriously looks like Toys ‘R Us threw up in it. All of the little pieces to all of his toys drive me insane. Our goal is to get the bedroom move done before he starts kindergarten at the end of summer. I’m hoping to have it done sooner than later, but we’ve been so busy lately. I don’t know how you do it all!
    Enjoy the rest of the weekend!
    Shannon in PA

  2. Great tips, Erin. In fact, I remember the purse one before (getting zippered bags) and found a couple to use in my purse several months ago. Thanks for the tip, I know exactly where to go to find certain things now. Yay! I completely agree that we must expend much more energy thinking about it than just getting it done. We humans can be such procrastinators! Have a happy day!

  3. Hi Erin
    I just love it when you write so frequently without taking too many days off blogging on your blog, I simply love it. Please do write frequently because there are people like me who like to read your post even if its just one line.

    1. Wow. What a sweet thing to say Shmyla! Thank you! I try to write as frequently as I can! Some weeks that’s easier than others. :) It means a lot to me you enjoy my blog Thanks again for such a sweet comment! xo

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