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Friday 5!

Happy Friday!  I hope you’ve all had a good week!  So much to chat about today so let’s jump right in shall we? :)

*affiliate links used

1) Ok.. you all know that I am a total sucker for all things time management.  It’s my favorite topic to learn and study because while I’m an organized person with my surrounding and belongings, I haven’t always been as organized with my time.  After years of reading books and listening to podcasts on this subject I’ve learned so much about how to be more intentional and productive with the time I have.  Something I desperately crave as a working mom of 3!  I know many of you can relate.  Last Fall I was geeking out over my favorite topic looking up things on-line and I came across Productivity Bootcamp!  A program all about productivity.  I was so intrigued!  Of course I was. :)  The more I looked into it the more excited I got about learning from Jordan (who was new to me at the time!) and I bought the program!  Then I thought about how to hide it from Kenny because he just shakes his head and always says “if you’d just work on your stuff instead of spending all of your time studying about productivity you’d actually be productive.”  Ha.  Guess there’s a little truth to that. ;)

BUT.. I bought the program and I watched every one of her videos (a lot quicker than suggested because they were SO good) and I LOVED them!  I soaked up every word she said.  I took notes and I tried some of her suggestions and honestly learned so much from her.  Even though at this point I feel like I’ve established my own systems and routines that help me stay focused and productive, it’s always so enlightening to see how other people do it and pick up an idea or two I can incorporate!  Jordan is a mom of 8 (you heard me!) who runs a successful blog on budgeting.  She also has a program called Budget Bootcamp.  The reason I’m sharing this all with you now is because I noticed that for the rest of June (which isn’t long) both of her programs are 30% off!  I haven’t done her Budget Bootcamp (I’m sure Kenny would rather I listened to that one..ha) but I really enjoyed Productivity Bootcamp and wanted to share it in case any of you are feeling overwhelmed and struggling to manage your time.  I reached out to Jordan to tell her how much I loved her program and she gave me a 10% off code for my readers (enter SUNNYSIDEUP at checkout), but for the rest of this month it’s better to just get the 30% off (enter TAKE30 at checkout).  Now that I know Jordan better (she is seriously amazing) I have no doubt that the Budget Bootcamp is also great.  I just wanted to share the sale in case either of these programs would be helpful to any of you!  I actually watched some of my Productivity Bootcamp videos a second time during the stay at home order to gear up and get ready for when things get crazy again. :)  You can check out both of her programs HERE.

Hallway Molding (Sunny Side Up)

2)  I started getting questions on IG about the status of our hallway molding and I realized that other than mentioning this project in an earlier post I never shared our progress on the blog!  Right before the stay home order hit I had my carpenter add some molding to this hallway.  It’s something I debated doing when we built our house but decided to wait and then later regretted that decision!  Better late than never. :)  You can see how it stopped after our front entry before so now I’m just taking it all the way down the hallway.

Hallway Molding (Sunny Side Up)

I snapped a few pics at night with my iPhone so ignore the horrible lighting, but these show what we had done.  I’m so excited about it!

Hallway Molding (Sunny Side Up)

Hallway Molding (Sunny Side Up)

Hallway Molding (Sunny Side Up)

{lantern pendants}

My carpenter finished installing the molding and my painters came and caulked everything.  They were just starting to tape things off to prep for paint when everyone was sent home in March!  Bummer we weren’t able to finish it, but it was the least of my worries with everything going on at the time.  My painters are busy again now that everyone is back to work so I’m patiently waiting for them to come and finish the job!  I could do it myself (I did a lot of painting in previous homes!) but it would take me so much longer and wouldn’t look as good.  Also this is a tricky job because we have to match the white paint exactly to the rest of the white paint that it will blend with in my hallway.  We can’t just use the exact same color of white without tweaking it a little because paint fades over time so it would look too bright right next to 6 year old paint.  I’m happy to wait and leave this one to the pros. :)  I’ll share paint progress as soon as it happens!

Hallway Molding (Sunny Side Up)

{arched metal framed floor mirror}

3)  My new hallway mirror came this week!  I seriously looked for the perfect mirror for this spot on and off for over a year.  My ceilings are tall and this hallway is really wide so I wanted something both tall and wide but the only mirrors I found that met the measurements I wanted were from Restoration Hardware for around $4,000 or more.. yikes!  I sacrificed some height with this mirror but I LOVE how wide it is and I LOVE the style and I LOVE that I didn’t have to spend $4,000. :)

Hallway Molding (Sunny Side Up)

It’s so beautiful in person.. these pics just don’t do it justice!  Mirrors open up a space so much.. I love the reflection we now have of this hallway.  I’ll share more/better pics when the molding is finally painted!

kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

{faux pink peonies/white jars/cutting boards here, here & similar here & here/navy rugs/rug pads/marble tray/faux plant here & here/silver pendants/gray vase/similar bowl}

4)  I always get asked about the marble and wood cutting board I have in my kitchen and I found an almost identical round serving board on Amazon!

Friday 5 (Sunny Side Up)

Here are a few other Amazon home favorites I landed on this week.  The sponge holder looks so handy (perfect place to let your sponge dry on the counter!) and I love the herb art prints for a kitchen or pantry wall.  Adorable vintage looking bread bin and of course I had to have some cute lemon dish towels!  All so fun to brighten up our kitchens in the summer.

1 –  Sponge Holder  2 – Lemon Dish Towels  3 – Round Serving Board  (another fun option here)

4 – Vintage Bread Bin   5 –  Herb Art Prints

Friday 5 (Sunny Side Up)

5)  A cute new outfit I’m envisioning!  The shoes and jeans are staples in my closet and I just ordered the pink jacket and top to try!  I really want this crochet hobo bag too.. SO cute.

1 – Floral Flutter Sleeve Top   2 – Puff Sleeve Denim Jacket   3 –  Wedge Sandals

4 – Crochet Hobo Bag  5 –  AG jeans

Friday 5 (Sunny Side Up)

{getaway cargo pants/despina strappy sandal}

Also these favorite Zella cargo pants from last summer are back in stock and going quick!  They are so comfortable and light weight and a great fit.  I’ve worn them 3 times this week.. can’t seem to quit elastic waistbands these days. ;)

Friday 5 (Sunny Side Up)

Friday 5 (Sunny Side Up)

Alright friends.. that’s it for now!  Signing off with a pic I snapped quick today of me with my little buddy.  Love him.  We both plopped on the couch around 3 pm and decided we didn’t want to get back up.  Maybe time for another round of our latest obsession (since I introduced it to Kole) Princess Bride?

It’s summer so..

as you wish. 


xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “Friday 5!

  1. A lady after my own heart…The Princess Bride! Love it! And how awesome that you introduced it to Kole, who is looking mighty grown up. Sniff, sniff. I’m feeling all kinds of nostalgic because my older daughter turned 19 yesterday! What?! And my younger one keeps teasing me that she will be 18 in October! Nope, not possible! LOL Anyway, fun catch up post. That mirror looks amazing. I don’t think I have a wall large enough in my home to accodoate that mirror, but it looks beautiful. That hallway is going to look fabulous once the painters get to your project. And you always find such fun and pretty fashion pieces. The productivity course sounds interesting. Might have to take a peek. Have you ever shared what podcasts you listen to? I’d love to know. It’s always fun getting new podcast recommendations. Have a fabulous weekend, Erin!

    1. Jeanne! 19 and 18! Not possible is right! It really does go by so quickly. I was just talking with my mom about it.. how long she and my dad haven’t had kids at home. There’s a lot of life to live after they move out! She reminds me of how fun it is when I feel sad that my kids are growing up too quick. :) Thank you so much for your sweet comment! I’ll have to share my favorite podcasts in a post! :)

  2. Erin, will you be hanging the hallway mirror or leave it leaning against the wall? If it’s hung it may add some height . Just a thought. 😊

  3. Hi Erin🖐🏼..thanks for recommending Jordan Page. She’s real cool. I’ll definitely look into her program. Coz I could use some help.
    Love your wardrobe..simple and elegant 😊…Be well.

  4. Hey Erin! As always, your home and the decorating choices that you have made are beautiful. I used to love decorating, but for whatever reason, since moving into our current home (six years ago), I haven’t had the motivation.
    I spotted three wooden pillar candle holders in your entryway and was wondering where you purchased them? I couldn’t find anything in your entryway photos for a source. Thanks much!
    I hope that you and your family are enjoying your summer?!! -Shari

    1. Hi Shari! Thank you so much. Motivation with stuff like this comes and goes doesn’t it? I totally understand. I bought those candles at a boutique in my home town but I’m going to share that area soon on the blog and I’ll link to some similar options! Coming this week. :) Thanks again for your sweet comment! xo

  5. Cannot wait to see your hallway once it is complete. Molding adds so much to the space!
    Quick question about your cutting boards: Do you actually use them or are they just decorative?

    1. Thank you so much Donna! I agree! It really does. I actually use them! I don’t use the cutting boards over my oven for every day cooking/chopping (we have a pull out cutting board in my island that I use for everyday stuff.. I’ll link the post I shared it in below). But I do use them when we have people over.. mostly for small charcuterie boards, cheese and crackers.. that sort of thing. They are great to use for food or just to look pretty in your kitchen or both! :)

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