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My Organized Kitchen (Part 2)

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Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

{faux pink peonies/white jars/cutting boards here, here & similar here/navy rugs/rug pads/marble tray/faux plant here & here/silver pendants/navy & gold pendant}

Happy Saturday friends!  I’m sharing more of my organized kitchen today!  I thought this would be a 2 post deal but apparently I take too many pictures (especially when it comes to organized spaces!) so it has now turned into a 3 post deal.  Are you surprised?

I didn’t think so. :)

If you missed my first organized kitchen post you can find it HERE.  I also shared often asked kitchen details in that post (counters, paint, floors, etc).  Today we are moving around the perimeter of my kitchen and then starting to tour the storage in one of my islands.  Let the tour begin!  Or should I say continue..

(All kitchen sources and some fun weekend sales are linked at the end of the post!  A lot of my favorite things are marked down this weekend!)

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

We knew we wanted to entertain a lot in this kitchen so I added two trash pullouts (with two trash cans in each) in the design.  One set is in my first island that we use daily and then we have this set that we mostly just use when we have parties/people over and need more trash cans!

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

I labeled them so people could easily tell which to use for RECYCLE..

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

and FOOD.

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

When the trash pullout is closed you can open these lower cupboards that I use for our mixing bowls and strainers.  You might remember me mentioning how crooked this top shelf is when I first shared the before of this cupboard (you can see how bad it’s slanting!).  It has been driving me crazy for a while and my carpenter was just about to fix it when the stay at home order hit so we’re living with it like this a little longer.  :)

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

{silverware organizers herehere or here}

The drawer above it holds our silverware.

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

The upper cabinets above our silverware drawer hold our every day dishes.  I bought this Cambria Stoneware Dinnerware Set in Stone over a year ago for my birthday and I’ve loved it!  Beautiful, durable dishes that have worked great for both every day and special occasions.

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

The the cabinet to the right holds our every day mugs and glasses.  I’ve been asked why I have my glasses turned upside down and the mugs facing up.  There’s a great reason for this.

It just felt right to place them that way.  Ha.

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

Here’s a shot of this section with some of the cabinets open.  (If you couldn’t tell how bad that bowl shelf was sagging you can now!) ;)  I have two sinks in my kitchen and a dishwasher next to each sink.  I wasn’t sure when we designed the kitchen if I would love having two dishwashers or not.  Six years later I absolutely LOVE having two.  I definitely use one more than the other, but at least every other day I’m using both.  If you are building or remodeling and have a big family or entertain a lot I would absolutely recommend two dishwashers if it works with your design and budget.

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

{pink peonies/stripe hand towel/navy rugs/rug pads/navy & gold pendant/gold mirror tray/similar scalloped plates/Cambria dishes/ceramic bloom vase}

Let’s look inside everything in this little section!

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

We have our filtered water system under our sinks so I just use this cupboard to store dishwasher soap and hand soap.  We have Thermador appliances and I was told that Finish is the best detergent to use with a Thermador dishwasher so that’s what I use!

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

Moving to the 3 drawers to the right of our dishwasher.  I didn’t photograph the first drawer because it just holds Addison’s Asthma medication and inhalers.  This second drawer is our official “kid drawer.”  Cheap, plastic cups, bowls and plates that they use when they are fixing themselves a snack.  It’s kind of funny to me because I started this “kid drawer” in our previous house when my kids were little.  I wanted them to be able to reach their own UNBREAKABLE dishes.  It doesn’t make as much sense now that my kids are older, but they like it and it sort of stuck so we still have a childproof kid drawer.  For my teenagers.  Ha. ;)

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

The bottom drawer is for our water bottles.  (Hydroflask and Swell)  The small containers hold my husband’s cooling towels and stuff he uses when he exercises.  I mentioned this in my first organized kitchen post – we have a lot of storage space in this kitchen (something I worked into the design when we built our home after years of living in small kitchens with limited storage!) so items are more spread out and organized differently than I would organize them if that weren’t the case.  This is one example of that.  I would never have a drawer of just water bottles if we were short on space.  In my previous smaller kitchen I used something similar to this organizer.  A great option if you want to keep them in your pantry or a cupboard and save space!

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

Nice and organized!  I even got all of our dishes washed for these pictures so I could show you empty dishwashers.  NOT an easy task.  If that doesn’t show you all how much you mean to me I don’t know what will. ;)

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

Ok.. island time!

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

These are our most used every day trash cans.  I have labels on the top of the grey cabinet front that show RECYCLE and FOOD.  One of my favorite features I added to our kitchen design is this pull out cutting board over the trash.  I love it!  I chop vegetables and food on this and then just slide the trash right off.  It’s the little things. :)

There is a small drawer below the cutting board that I use to hold my dish brushes and sponges and odds and ends.  I use the full circle dish brushes and love them!  I just use small porcelain plates to hold them.  (Similar plate here.)

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

I don’t store much under this sink because our filtered water stuff takes up so much room.  Just dish soap and then a little hook on the door for a hand towel.  This is our most used dishwasher.  I’m surprised it hasn’t just shut down on me I’ve used it so much the past month!  Anyone else doing an insane amount of dishes with everyone home?  Or is this everyone’s normal and just a shock to me because we usually incorporate a little more take-out in our menu? ;)

Organized Kitchen (Sunny Side Up)

I took this picture to show the location of the 2 dishwashers.  Both empty!  It’s a modern day miracle!  And will never happen again.  I love you all and you’re welcome.

Ok.. that wraps up post 2 on my kitchen organization!  I’ll be back very soon with the last post in what has now become a mini series.  I’m sorry if my picture overload is putting you to sleep!

Clearly kitchen organization is a topic I’m passionate about.  I’m hoping a few of you feel the same way.

You too!?

I knew I loved you guys.  Maybe I’ll empty both dishwashers for you all again soon.  Give me some time to think about it.








xoxo, Erin
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22 thoughts on “My Organized Kitchen (Part 2)

  1. Looks great, Erin! What a job it was to go through all your spaces and organize them all. You do have loads of storage and I have a teensy bit of drawer envy…okay, how about storage envy? Your drawers are so roomy! Everything looks amazing. I hope you are able to bring your carpenter in soon to fix the slanty shelf. I thought my eyes were playing tricks on me at first. You have an amazing space in which to cook and love your family. Thanks for sharing. .

    1. So sweet of you Jeanne! Thank you! I know.. plenty of drawer space in this kitchen! I went a little overboard when we were building. Isn’t that shelf funny looking!? Ha. Enjoy your weekend! I hope you’re getting some nice weather these days! xo

  2. Your kitchen is so thoughtfully organized! Thank you for sharing. I was just wondering what you are cooking these days, with everyone at home. I am retired and at home with just my husband and the struggle is real! Please stay safe an healthy!

    1. So sweet of you Pam.. thank you! The struggle really is real with cooking. Always for me! We’ve been doing a lot of really basic stuff.. chicken and vegetables, fajitas, taco soup.. sometimes we have pancakes and breakfast stuff for dinner. The occasional frozen pizza. Whatever I can come up with! I shared a post with some of my go-to recipes and a lot of them are on repeat right now. I’ll add a link for you, but keep in mind I am NO chef and they are really simple things. :)

  3. Love your beautiful kitchen! I am in the market for a new dishwasher. The one we inherited with the house was ancient and died shortly after. We are not able to re-do kitchen at this time and need to find an 18 inch dishwasher, they were so much more than full size!

    1. Thank you so much Patricia! Good luck finding a good one! A good dishwasher makes all the difference doesn’t it!? I hope you’re staying safe and healthy! xo

  4. Love!, love, love your house! My husband laughs every time I show him a post and say “see my girl’s San Diego house? Isn’t that cool! We should do that!” Love the organization!

    1. You are too kind Cheri! I love it! I’m honored you like my home enough to share it with your husband! You two are welcome to stop by anytime. ;) Stay healthy and safe! xo

  5. Looks great, Erin! I don’t know how I ever missed the fact that your home has 2 sets of trash/recycling containers and 2 dishwashers. How nice! I am with you on all the dishes… with all 6 of us at home eating 3 meals a day, I run mine 2-3 times every 24 hours.

    Looking forward to part 3!

    1. Thank you so much Clare! I honestly don’t know if I ever really shared that we did! I’ve been wanting to put together a full kitchen organization post like this for so long and just never had time to do it until now. And right!? The endless dishes! Very thankful for dishwashers. Can you imagine washing them all by hand all day!? xo

  6. Love it Erin. You had so many brilliant ideas! My mom had a pull out wooden cutting board in the house I grew up in, I really wish I had done that, you don’t really see them anymore. Definitely adding that in my next house.
    I still love those pink and gingham dishes! Sooo cute! Are those the Wal Mart ones? I remember when you got them I totally wanted them, I still do so I think that’s a good enough reason to buy them, right?

  7. Do you have two–or an extra big–hot water tank(s) to be able to run two dishwasher loads at once? I’d LOVE to have two dishwashers, but between showers (long and hot, in my case!), laundry, and dishes, I’m constantly limited by our hot water supply with how much I can get done!

  8. I LOVE everything about your home! I’d love to ask, what color is your is island? I’m getting ready to redo my island and love this color!

  9. Thank you, your skills are to be admired. Beautiful kitchen so well put together. Having redone a kitchen just a few years ago I’m still in pretty good shape organized wise. However after seeing your kitchen I wish I had thought of facing the dishwasher with cabinetry. That looks beautiful and so seamless.

    1. Thank you so much Kathleen! I really appreciate your sweet comment.. so kind of you to say! I really debated that decision! It’s often hard to know what you want until after you’ve lived with it awhile. So happy you were able to redo your kitchen!

  10. I want to know the island trash and recycle can dimensions and where you got them please. We are remodeling now and are sitting down with the contractor next week to discuss cabinet and drawer combinations and options and I want that kind of drawer for sure.

    1. Hi Heather! My cabinet guy who built our island built it all and bought the trash cans for me.. I think he just picked some out and built things around it. So sorry that’s not much help!

  11. We’re going to be building a new house soon and I’m loving your posts! I was wondering if you could tell me what dishwasher it is that you use? It looks like a great one! We have one in our current house and it is one that I have to wash the dishes before putting them in or they will not be clean. I very rarely use it. For our new build…I want to get a dishwasher that I use.

    1. Hi Tracy! Thank you! Our dishwasher is a Thermador! We got a package deal with all of our appliances so everything in my kitchen is Thermador. We’ve been happy with it!

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