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At home birthday party and bathroom organization

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10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

*picture taken by El :)

My baby boy turned 10 Monday!  So we threw a huge party for him!  The invite list was crazy!  So many people we couldn’t fit them all in the house.  So we sent them all home and decided to just invite his mom and dad and sisters.  And Peaches.  Our pet lizard.  Because who needs party guests when you can invite a lizard? ;)

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

I heard from so many of you after sharing Kole’s birthday on IG that you remember when he was born!  Some of you have been with me for the long haul and have been reading for years.  10 years for some of you and you remember pics like this one.

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

And this one.

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

And a personal favorite.  This one. :)  This is what happens when you are raised by 3 girls!

It honestly means the world to me that many of you have been with me so long.  Once you’ve been reading for over a year consider yourself family.  I’ll invite you all to Kole’s next birthday party!

Unless we’re all still quarantined.

Which is why his guest of honor this year was Addison’s lizard.  Ha. ;)

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

I snapped this with my phone the morning of his birthday right after his 4th grade class sang happy birthday to him on zoom.  So sweet of them!  He is living his best life going to school every day in his beloved robe.  He begged me to not make him shower and do his hair the morning of his birthday and I thought.. why not?  Live it up buddy!  We threw on a hat and his first day of being a 10 year old was off to a great start.  :)

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

{distressed Arabesque wool rug}

Of course after that I had to get a little creative since we couldn’t throw a fun party with friends for him like we did last year.  We got to work decorating our table and Kenny made a cake.

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

Ad wrote the sweetest poster – 10 things she loves about Kole.  Number 4, 5 and 9 are my personal favorites. “You are one of the best dancers I know – moves like Jagger!” (Kole’s favorite song).  “You have style!  I love your blue hair and robe!”  (ha!)  and “You are the best godfather to Peaches.”

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

Then I scoured Pinterest to find a fun gift for him.  He is at that age that is a little tricky.  Growing out of toys but not really into teen things yet.  He loves food so I had considered getting several gift cards to food places and then I found this darling gift idea and they have the printable and everything!  (Thanks girls!)  I bought gift cards to all of his favorite places and just attached them with colorful clothespins I had at the house.  Such a simple and fun idea and Kole loved it!

10 year old birthday party at home (Sunny Side Up)

Then we played a fun game.  I wanted to share it here because my kids had so much fun playing this.  It would be fun for a Friday night family tradition during this quarantine when we are all home together so much more.  You buy a lot of candy (like I said.. kids love this) and every item is different.  This is what I bought because this is the stuff my kids love.  There was a Recess too but that was eaten before I could take this pic. ;) Then you need 2 dice.

You all sit in a circle with the candy in the middle and set a timer for 5 minutes (we used my phone).  The first person rolls the dice and if you get doubles OR your two dice add up to 7 (so a 5 and a 2 or a 3 and a 4, etc.) you get to take one of the treats.  If you don’t get doubles or 7 total you just pass the dice to the next person.

Now.. the fun part!  You can choose an item from the middle of the pile OR you can steal something from someone else!  That’s what makes the game so fun.  You are moving fast (only 5 minutes to get as much candy as you can) and everyone is stealing candy from each other.  Kole and Ellie kept taking the Recess from each other.  Ad and I were fighting over the gummy bears.  Kenny was loving it because nobody wanted the candy he kept choosing.  We all got laughing so hard.  When the timer goes off you get to keep whatever you have!  We ended up putting all the candy back in the middle and playing it a few times just because it was so fun.  If you try playing it with your family let me know!  Also feel free to share any other fun game suggestions in the comments.  I know we can all use ideas like this right now with kids home!

After our game we ate dinner (Kole’s favorite) and then sat down on the couch for Ellie’s gift.  She spent the last two weeks working on a slideshow with pictures and videos of Kole growing up.  We played it on our big TV and by the end of it I was in tears and we were all laughing (lots of it was clips of him dancing.. he is always cracking us up with his dance moves!).  Seriously the sweetest gift ever.  I’ve watched it over 10 times!  My kids are so funny.  They always judge their gifts by “if we can make mom cry.”  Apparently it doesn’t take much so if I don’t cry, their gift is a bust.  Ha.  You could say that Ellie knocked this one out of the park. :)

We had the best night celebrating our sweet 10 year old boy and while I know it was hard for him not having a traditional party with all of his friends, he was such a good sport and told me later that he loved his birthday party and could I please put his gift cards somewhere safe so that the sisters don’t get them.  I always have to suppress a laugh when he refers to them as “the sisters.”

Love that boy of mine. :)

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

{bathroom rugs}

Ok.. TOTALLY switching gears.  Because why not?  We are living in a time where clearly anything goes so I’m rolling with it. ;)  I’ve been organizing up a storm (as you all know) and am finally ready to share my bathroom drawers with you all.. but first!  A quick clean out of under my bathroom sink.  I tackled this space early this year and shared it on IG stories but never got around to posting it here.  Things were such a hot mess in this cupboard.

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

{details on all of my bathroom rugs and lots of fun options in this post}

I pulled everything out on my large rug and made three piles – KEEP, TRASH, GIVE TO MY GIRLS.

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

Before long I was making major progress.

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

Then much quicker than I thought I was done!  This was all trash to recycle!  Products that were gone or packaging I just hadn’t tossed.

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

And the AFTER!  SO much better right!?  I gave my girls some products I knew I’d never use (they love trying new things) and then after scrubbing out my cupboard I put back all of my tried and true go-to’s.  This honestly only took 20 minutes and I couldn’t believe I had put it off for so long!  Just getting started is always the hardest part isn’t it?

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

This Divided Lazy Susan has been a game changer in this cupboard!  It holds products I use often but can’t fit in my drawer where I keep most of my every day stuff.  I love how easy it is to turn and easily grab what I need!  *A few favoritesCetaphil lotion, Enjoy hair straightener (LONG time favorite), My Amazing Blow Dry Secret dry shampoo, Lavende foaming bubble bath – sometimes essential oil smells are too much for me but this one I like.  Really relaxing and I love the bubbles!  I also love Amazing Grace bubble bath/shower gel – it was in my shower when I took this pic!  Tula Cleanser (also if you don’t have their brightening eye balm..ah!  You have to try it!  LOVE it.)

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

Of course I also love all things MOROCCANOIL (especially their Hydrating shampoo and conditioner and their main oil to smooth out my hair after it’s done!)  This set is a great deal right now if you want to try out the hydrating shampoo/conditioner and it comes with a travel size oil.

While everyone else is stocking up on toilet paper I’m stocking up on my MOROCCANOIL hair products!  Ha.  #truestory

Organized Bathroom (Sunny Side Up)

Feels so good to have that messy cupboard nice and clean!  I know I’ll keep it that way now.  Once I’ve really organized something I work hard to put things back where they go.  When I have no system set up all bets are off and things get messy quickly.  Anyone else like that?  I’ll be back soon to share the rest of these drawers!

Take care everyone.  Stay healthy and safe!  I’m heading out on our evening family walk.  Something I look forward to every day.



xoxo, Erin
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13 thoughts on “At home birthday party and bathroom organization

  1. That lazy Susan is perfect! I have a large cabinet as well and it’s always a mess. This is my answer – thank you ;). And could you share more about the clear mat on the left? I’m using extra shelf paper and it’s NOT cute and would love an alternative!

    1. Hi Julia! YES! Love that lazy susan! There isn’t a mat on the left! It’s just the bottom of the cabinet.. I don’t use any type of shelf paper/lining/mats. :) I hope you’re staying safe and healthy! xo

      1. Ah it just be a shadow :). Well someone should make a clear mat then! Thanks for the info and hope you are all healthy too

  2. Happy Birthday sweet Kole! Looks like you guys made the most of it and I love the creative gifts and also the candy game. So fun. You have SAVED me with the divided lazy Susan! I have a huge cupboard and cannot fine anything in the bathroom and this seems so helpful. Can you tell us about the clear “mat” on the left side? It’s much prettier than the leftover shelf paper I am using :)

  3. Happy belated birthday to Kole! It looks like a winner of a day. What sweet and thoughtful girls to celebrate their brother so wonderfully. I know they aren’t always sweetness and light, but it is wonderful that they show him so much love sometimes. ;) That smile on his face when he is wearing the robe is priceless. What a tough time to turn 10, but it’s a memorable time and he’ll never forget it. Thanks for sharing a part of that day with us. I’ve not been reading quite that long, though I wish I had. I think he was 3 or 4 when I found you. Thanks for sharing your organizational posts. I went in and cleaned out our linen (catch all) closet on Monday (or was it Tuesday)? Oh, my, gosh. That wasn’t a 20 minute job by any means! I almost gave up halfway through when my hallway was LOADED with so much stuff you could barely get through. How in the world did we stuff so much stuff in there? But I persevered and am so happy to have it off my list. Wow. Your tasks keep help me motivated, so thank you!

    1. I know.. he will always remember this birthday for sure! Thank you Jeanne! My girls definitely stepped up their game for him. :) I’m so happy you got your linen closet cleaned out! BEST feeling! Isn’t it crazy how stuffed things can get? I’ve been there many times! Feels so good to get rid of things! xo

  4. Happy birthday, Kole! I think you succeeded in making him feel special. You’re on a roll with all the smaller decluttering projects, such a good feeling I’m sure!

  5. Love, love the gift card idea. My son just turned 11 in January and this age is tough to buy for! He would totally freak out over that candy game. The kid loves sugar! I will definintely keep that in mind for his birthday next year. Hope your son had a special day. I’m sure it will be a birthday he will never forget!

    1. Thank you so much Jessica! It’s definitely a tough age to buy for! You’ll have to try this when he turns 12. And the candy game! So much fun. My kids want to play it again this weekend but I can’t have so much chocolate hanging around the house.. I’m the one eating it all.. ha! Thank you! I hope you’re all staying safe and healthy! xo

  6. I’ve ordered the divided lazy susan – haven’t received it yet. I also ordered the faux cherry blossom stems (3 of them) and they were just delivered. I LOVE THEM! They are spectacular – love, love, love them. I’ve been eyeing them for quite awhile and finally pulled the trigger. So glad I did! Thank you for the recommendations!

    1. Yea! I’m so happy to hear that you love them Beverlee! I’m obsessed with them too! They are so large and beautiful! You’ll love the lazy susan too.. so handy. Thanks for letting me know! That made my day. :) xo

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