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Valentine’s Day Decor and a fun tradition

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Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Mudroom is feeling festive!  We are all hearts at our house and it’s adding extra cheer around here which was much needed after January.  Why is January such a LONG month!?  I don’t even have weather issues to complain about like a lot of you do, but man.. that month drags doesn’t it!?  I always try to organize my way out any and all January funks.  Apparently Valentine heart decor helps too. :)

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

If you’ve been with me a while you might remember our February tradition I started when my kids were little of writing little family love notes to each other in February.  We each write things we love about each other on hearts throughout the month.  (You can read more about how we do this and see some examples of what we write to each other in this post.)  I found these fun hanging heart banners and they were perfect to hang on our mudroom lockers!  So cute and easy.  I’m thinking we’ll write our little love notes to each other on these paper hearts this year. :)  If you don’t have mudroom locker doors this would be fun to do on bedroom doors too!

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I added a few Christmas pillows that also work for Valentine’s Day on my little bench…

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

and picked up this cute Love rug on-line.

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve had these tri-colored hanging baskets for a while and am happy to finally have them displayed in their new home!  Aren’t they fun!?  It makes my day when I find organizing solutions that double as decor.  These are perfect for organizing loose papers and books for the kids but I already have wall baskets for that in my office so I’m still deciding how best to use these.  Rest assured I will come up with something! ;)

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Just what I needed on in that little wall space by the dutch door.  Sidenote if you’re new here.. I always get asked what the small door to the right of the baskets is for and I call that my hobbit door!  It’s a small closet under our stairs that I use for storage.  Mostly luggage and some pool stuff. :)

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Feeling the love around here.  I had to snap a pic with my cute 4th grader because he just got braces!  Blue bands this time around.  His smile makes me smile. :)

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Wearing this cute pink sweater I found on Amazon for the 2nd time this week.  I LOVE the sleeves!  I don’t usually wear a lot of pink but it’s making me happy this month (and is a fun reminder that Spring is coming!) so I’m sticking with it.

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Also here is a closer look at the pink puff sleeve sweater I was wearing in my last post.  February Favorites!

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Do you decorate for Valentine’s Day?  I’m so happy I decided to throw a few things together.  It’s hard to not be happy in a house filled with pink and red hearts. :)  I can’t wait to see what my kids write to each other on their hearts this month.  I don’t know that we’ll ever top the love note Kole wrote to himself 4 years ago..

Mudroom Valentine's Day Decor (Sunny Side Up)

Ha!  Don’t ever say my kids don’t have healthy self-esteems.  Clearly traditions like this one are working. ;)


xoxo, Erin
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10 thoughts on “Valentine’s Day Decor and a fun tradition

  1. Looking fun and festive, Erin. Great job perking up the mudroom. I noticed those striped baskets right away. Maybe some faux greenery would be fun? I’m sure you’ll come up with something terrific. The sweaters you showed are terrific. I love the texture in them and the colors. You always dress so nicely!Oh and I loved that heart that Kole wrote to himself. Too funny. Hope he doesn’t have to wear braces for too long and that he isn’t too uncomfortable. I hope you have a great rest of your week.

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! Kole has handled braces like a champ.. a little sore the first couple of days but now he’s fine. His sisters complained for weeks so he’s already doing better than I expected! I’m so happy you like the sweaters! You are the sweetest. Are you buried in snow this week? It has been so cold (for San Diego) lately! I can only imagine how chilly it is in your neck of the woods. I hope your month is going ok so far! xo

  2. Good Morning! I Just wanted to say I love your blog. I just purchased the sweater from Amazon.

    Mom of 6 living in Iowa. Savannah age 20 – Sophomore at Air Force Academy, Sophie age 19 – Freshman at West Point, Chloe age 17 (senior), Don 15 (sophomore), Andy (4th grade) and Felicity (3rd grade).

    1. Susanne you made my day! I’m so happy to hear you love my blog and I hope you love the sweater too! Mom of 6!? You are my hero! You deserve ALL the sweaters. And anything else you want. Ha! :) Love your kids’ names.. what a neat family and how lucky they all are to have each other! Thanks again for your sweet words! xo

  3. Erin, your children are so blessed to have you as their Mom! You have such sweet traditions – and of course, I love that you love decorating and organizing!! :) And Kole – such a boy – don’t you want to just squeeze him to pieces!! XO PS – love the sweaters, too, thanks for sharing them.

    1. Patty! You made my day! What a kind thing to say. And yes! I squeeze Kole to pieces every day and don’t want him to grow up a minute older! My girls tease me because I tend to spoil that little guy but I can’t help it. He’s a sweetheart. :) Enjoy your weekend and thanks again for such a thoughtful comment! xo

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