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Fashion Friday and 20 years

banana republic striped skirt
We made it!  Flying high that it’s Friday!  Coming down off of a crazy two weeks and I am so excited to have at least a few hours to catch up around here this weekend.  Fingers crossed that happens!  Ok.  I’m in trouble.  I know that in my last Fashion Friday post I promised no black stripes for a while.
black and grey striped skirt
But I lied.  Excited to share one of my all time favorite skirts with you all.  I’m so in love!  It’s Banana Republic’s Bold Striped Pencil Skirt and every time I wear it I get so many compliments.  pencil skirt
The high waist is so flattering on this skirt that you instantly look slimmer!  Plus it’s made of such nice, thick material.  Fits true to size.  And it’s on sale!  I paired it with a simple black top I’ve had forever but I’m excited to mix it up with different colored tops.  Stripes are the new neutral!  They go with everything.
tanner small bar necklace
Another favorite?  This tanner pendant necklace (hard to photograph!).  A gift from my husband for our wedding anniversary.  May have strongly hinted it would make a good gift during the Anniversary sale.  He’s a good listener.  :)
Since I clearly broke my no stripes promise I’m going all the way in this post.  Remember when I showed you all my new favorite quilted vest?  I pair it with my Ashton ankle booties and a striped top..
banana republic vest 2
Or with a graphic tee..plaid army vest
But I just found this soft multi-plaid top that is a match made in flannel and army green heaven!  This picture is so bad and doesn’t do it justice.  This top and vest really do look so cute vest
I had to share it for those of you who bought the vest.  This outfit will be on repeat around here for sure.  black and white striped bag
Kinda like my Phoenix wedge sandals, jolt jogger pants and my favorite v-neck tees.  This picture might be the worst I’ve ever posted – terrible lighting and I snapped it so quick on my way out the door before traveling – but I wanted to share a new favorite bag that sort of made its way into my on-line cart a few weeks ago.  I know!  MUST QUIT STRIPES.  Next post.  For real.  Promise.  :)
Here’s what the bag really looks like.  How could I resist this!?  Can you see why I had no choice but to order it!?  It’s from Sole Society and such good quality for a great price.  It comes with a longer strap but I haven’t used that yet because I love the handles.  Now I have two favorite bags and I seriously use them both every day.  We have been so busy with my girls’ play.  I fill this every day with their cat make-up, dance shoes, jackets, Kole’s snacks and workbooks to keep him entertained, water, etc, etc.  (Hunter boots are Graphite Gloss)
Then I use my other favorite bag to hold my wallet, planner, papers, etc. etc.  So nice having them both!  Btw – I love that I’m still hearing from so many of you that you bought and also love this bag.  I feel like we need to have a party and all bring them and  ohh and ahh over the different color combos.  :)
So my quick weekend trip.  Last weekend was my 20 year high school reunion!  I’m so old. :)  Kole and I hopped in the car and drove to Utah for two days and then drove back.  Leaving my husband knee deep in cat make-up with a bunch of stage moms.  He’s a good man.  :)  Snapped this pic on my way out the door with my beautiful sister and and one of our favorite friends.  My friends and I made up the first graduating class of our new then high school so for the reunion we invited everyone from that first year (all 3 classes) back to celebrate.  I was so torn about what to wear to this thing and finally just decided to keep it simple and go with my favorite jeans and my favorite black keyhole top (which it looks like is sold out but still available in plus size).  My new necklace was a nice addition!
Tried to get a pic with my sister-in-law in there and that didn’t happen.  Wish I could remember what was so hilarious.  For every good picture we get we have at least 20 that look like this.  :)yellow lockers_edited-1
Meet the reunion planning committee!  These girls are my besties from high school (and all of childhood for that matter!) and I couldn’t love them more.  We planned the reunion and just kept it low key at the high school.  Here we are in front of our lockers.  Old stompin’ grounds!  The memories just flooded back.  :)  IMG_6352c_edited-1
The reunion was a blast.  It was so fun seeing everyone.  After the party we headed to Denny’s for late night nachos and cheese fries.  Our old high school tradition.  It’s a miracle we didn’t all weigh 500 lbs back then.  We talked and laughed for hours remembering one story after another.  Something so special about childhood friends.  Friends who have known you through every stage of your life.  And love you regardless.  Really grateful to have these people in my life!
tractor flagI was in my hometown just long enough to catch a parade for our annual Swiss Day celebration.  This picture makes me smile.  Such a fun weekend.  It ended way too quickly!  This weekend I’ll be cleaning up the aftermath from all the excitement that has been happening around here.  Wish me luck because I’m going to need it.


Enjoy your weekend friends!

*affiliate links used

xoxo, Erin
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24 thoughts on “Fashion Friday and 20 years

  1. My parents were just in San Diego last week and said the humidity was the worst they have ever felt there (worse than where they grew up on the East Coast). I couldn’t help but notice how amazingly straight your hair looks in these pictures. What products do you use to keep it that straight? And does it stay that way once you go outside? I’m desperate to know. We are traveling soon for my husband’s work to a very humid climate and I’m cringing thinking of what my hair will look like as I meet his co-workers and clients.

    1. Hi Lisa! Oh my word.. there is really only a handful of days I can pull this look off here! I love it when I go to Utah (no humidity!) and my hair goes so straight! I use ENJOY straightener and that helps. I also use Moroccan oil to smooth things out after I’ve straightened it. But if it’s really humid here, it doesn’t look this good/straight all day. Sounds like we are in the same boat that way! Humidity! Not a fan.

      1. Thank you for your reply! You’re such a sweet person and it shows all throughout your blog! I’m off to the store to buy those products you mentioned. Sometimes I feel like I’m being so shallow worrying about my hair, but humidity does evil things to my hair (think Monica from Friends in Barbados)! Anyway, I love your style and sweet family! Thank you!

        1. You made me laugh Lisa! One of my favorite Friends episodes! Ha ha.. :) Totally get the hair thing – I’m the same way! Thanks so much cutie. Your sweet words mean so much to me. xo

  2. What a beautiful outfit, Erin. You look amazing in it. I don’t mind the stripes at all. You wear them so well. :) How fun for you to go to your 20th high school reunion…and that you were on the planning committee! Looks like so much fun and I can just bet the memories came flooding back. My daughter’s high school just had their 50th Anniversary celebration and they had people show up from the 60s! Very cool. Congrats to your hubby for making it through the weekend you were gone. Great sport! Such a fun post, . Thanks for sharing. I hope you have a great weekend. :)

  3. First off, your hair looks so cute….how great that you can do curly, wavy or straight! How great that you have hair….I’m really okay with the chemo bald look right now because it means I get to start again in a few months with all new hair!

    You have such a cute figure, Erin, you should never apologize for wearing stripes! The skirt is adorable!

  4. Such cute, affordable outfits. I love that skirt and the vest…and the jogger pants. So glad I came across your blog! Have a beautiful weekend!

  5. I love that skirt on you and also your straight hairstyle!
    I love your Fashion Fridays and hope you do a makeup one again soon:)

  6. Isn’t it so fun have a little buddy!? It seems like stripes are back in! We are having major flooding here near the coast!?

  7. That skirt looks Ahh-Mazing on you. I love it. That stripe bag is darling. Sounds like you had a fun weekend. Enjoy our weather Sunday!! A taste of a fall before it goes back up. xo

  8. Was just in your “neighborhood” running the St. George Marathon. Oh my love your fashion fridays and all the fun finds you have! Help me know whats ‘in’ :).

    1. Oh how fun Becky! I had several friends running it this year! My husband is planning to run it next year.. are you? Maybe we can actually meet! :) xo

  9. Hi Erin,
    You look darling, as usual. :) My favorite tee shirts are from Banana too. I buy the crew neck and buy them every year, eventhough I don’t need more, just because I love the fit. I wear the tall size, I’m 5’11”. I took your suggestion and bought the cute skirt. Just got it in the mail yesterday. I love the fit and the fabric. I just need to try it on again and see what I think about the length. It’s shorter on me because of my height. It comes to my knee. Thank you for all your posts. You are such a darling, sweet person. Hope you are all enjoying the play practices. :)

    1. You are so kind Nancy. I always love hearing from you! I bet that skirt looks darling on you! It’s probably a little too long on me.. as most things are! ;) Thanks cutie! Happy Saturday! xo

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