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Adding pops of coral… and blue

I’ve been adding pops of coral to the family room!
Someone else has been adding pops of blue.   
Cookie Monster does sorta go with the color scheme.  
Well played little buddy.  Well played.  
More coming soon.  Kole, Cookie Monster and I are on a roll.  

xoxo, Erin
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11 thoughts on “Adding pops of coral… and blue

  1. Erin, your new home is so incredibly beautiful!! I know you just have tons of time on your hands (haha!), so when we get a sec I’d love to hear how you are managing to keep everything so clean with all the extra space you added. Especially with the kiddos home this summer. I know you shared your routine in your old home, but in what ways has the changed or been modified in your new home?

  2. Is that a Caitlen Wilson pillow? I LOVE her pillows! It looks really great on your chair. That color adds a lot of life to a room. Very fun!

  3. Thanks everyone! Yes! My son has a good eye for decor. ;)

    Emily – Thank you! You are so kind. I’ll have to post about my cleaning routine sometime! I’ve definitely had to “let go” of a lot this summer. :)

    Courtney – yes! Caitlin Wilson! I ordered two of her pillows and I’m loving them!

  4. Selfish blog post request: 1) Three lessons you learned the hard way building your house 2) Three things you would change about your house (maybe because your vision isn’t consistent with actual, or what you really wanted cost too much, or you the function isn’t there, something). Because those sound negative and I know you like to keep your corner of the Internet happy maybe balance the entry with something like Three tips you had gotten before you wouldn’t have thought of so you’re so grateful or three unexpected bonuses you love and didn’t think you would. The building process is so fascinating to me! I bet you learn so much, but it’s not always reusable knowledge since most people only do it once! Whew. Long comment lol. Sorry!

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