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Dear May,

I remember a time when I used to love you.  
With your sunshine and green grass and promise of summer.  
But now I have three school-age kids.  
And my feelings for you have changed. 
You make me feel stressed and tired and the worst?
So happy you are behind me. 
Sincerely but not truly yours, 
xoxo, Erin
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15 thoughts on “Dear May,

  1. I hear you! We are wrapping up homeschooling for the year and the birthday party is behind us. I spent yesterday making my summer”fun” list of all the area around the house I will be organizing this summer. Yeah, for summer!

  2. Bless it! May is an expensive and busy month. I don’t have kids in school yet but do have nieces and nephew that graduated this year and my sister graduated medical school so I know how expensive it can get. Got to plan for May like December!

  3. That made me laugh ;) Totally agree with the end of the school year feeling like Christmas!! I can’t wait to see blank days on my calendar again!! And of course you have the best wall organizer even with all the schoolwork sprouting from it lol :)

  4. This is so true and spoiler alert: it never gets any better! Between my three boys they have 21 upcoming finals! School ends in June here but between confirmation and two proms May was especially busy! Kids need down time can’t imagine year round schooling!

  5. I second all of that! Between wrapping up the year with my class of fourth graders and my own 3 school aged kids, I’m beyond exhausted. I have an appointment with a lounge chair and a frosty summertime beverage. The summer project list can wait until tomorrow! :)

  6. May is second Christmas in our family. Gazillion birthdays and mother’s day followed by father’s day. Argh! I’m currently experiencing severe volunteer burnout and can. not. wait for school/scouts/sports to be on summer break so that I can get a break. (not looking forward to kids bickering during summer, but I can just take them to the beach and the sound of the waves extinguishes their whining)

  7. Oh my gosh-completely agree! I check my calendar multiple times a day for the whole month-there’s so much going on I am always afraid I am going to miss something! Today was my kids’ last day of school and I couldn’t be happier to be free of the paper and schedule craziness of May!

  8. I’m so happy I’m not the only one who feels this way!

    Stacey – I hung mine in my office! I’ll share that room at some point. :)

  9. Omg Erin move to Australia and then you would know what end of school year stress is about! Basically combine all your end of school year festivities/book lists ect and then add Christmas and summer holidays!!! It’s crazy, a bit sad too as much as I love that time of year it is just too much now I have 2 school aged! I long for January when it’s all behind us and we have a month to enjoy before school starts back. I plan to keep everything as low key as possible this year and try to just enjoy it all :))

  10. I feel the same way about May. It’s even worse when you are in education or your hubs is (or both :)) and we also have some big birthdays!!!! YIKES! So glad May is a thing of the past, but I really do have to gear up EVERY.SINGLE.YEAR. Sigh.

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