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Another great birthday

Oh my word.  Where did the week go?  I had a lot to post.  And then I never had time to post.  It was a busy week.  In a good way!  Tuesday was my birthday!  I turned 27!  Ok.  37.  But close enough to 27 give or take a year or two.  :)  I have been busy celebrating!  For Valentine’s Day this year my husband gave me an amazing gift.  One that made my jaw drop and made me wonder where my real husband was.  ;)  He told me that for my birthday this year he was taking the day off to watch the kids and sending me to a spa.  A what?  I said.  A spa he said.  
Did I mention my jaw dropped?  And I might have shed a blissful and grateful tear or two.  With my husbands’ 24/7 job I knew this was a big sacrifice for him and it meant a lot.  Plus I had never been to a spa before.  Or had a whole day off from typical mom duties.  What a treat!  
So on my birthday I helped get the kids ready and off to school, gave Kenny his instructions for the day – people coming by for house stuff, pick up, homework, therapy, dinner, friend time, snack time, bath time, story time, and all the times in-between, and then took off to dream land!  
Here’s a quick pic I snapped while I ate lunch by the spa pool.  
After my facial and massage and before my mani/pedi.  Do you all hate me now?  :)  
It didn’t feel real.  
I had to periodically pinch myself throughout the day and remind myself it was actually happening.  
When I got home that evening (ever so relaxed and zen like) it was almost the kids’ bedtime.  Addison surprised me with a clean kitchen (she was so proud that she did it all herself – such a doll!).  And my sweet Ellie surprised me with a card that she drew and then had her whole 4th grade class sign.  It had “Happy birthday Ellie’s mom!” written all over it next to fancy 4th grade signatures.  :)  Too cute and such a treasure.  The way Kole’s face lit up when I walked in the door was present enough from him (MOMMY’S HOME!).  He had patiently waited all day to blow out candles on the cake they all made me (a huge challenge for my little 3 year old).  My sweet husband looked beyond exhausted.  They were all happy to see me.  As much as I loved my day of peace and tranquility at the spa, coming home to those four was my favorite part of the day.  
To top off a pretty much perfect birthday week my BFF came to San Diego on vacation and we spent yesterday with her cute family.  SO much fun having her over!  She was excited to see the new house and we were both thrilled to catch up.  We pretty much grew up together and will always be thick as thieves.  I love seeing our kids form friendships now.  They truly are a second family to me.  
I could have posted a recent pic of us but old ones are much more fun.  :)
You can see more terrible pictures of us in the past here
(Love you Koni!)  
And of course I was spoiled with my annual birthday dinner with all of my San Diego BFF’s!  LOVE these girls!  Every one of them.  I swear this dinner gets more fun every year.  
Two friends had to get home just before we took the picture. 
(Katy and Vanessa your smiling faces were missed!  And Shari you are forever missed.) 
Another fun girls night out.  Another year I am so grateful for all of my wonderful friends!
And because it’s my birthday tradition…  a look back on my birthday dinners.  
They all just LOVE that I do this btw.  
They really don’t but I do it anyway.  Because that’s what friends are for.  And I’m a good one.  :)
When Vanessa sent a text out to plan my b-day dinner she reminded everyone of the dreaded blog picture.  What to wear!?  Oh the pressure..  



So 37 is off to a wonderful start!  Such a fun week of celebrating.  I always get a bit nostalgic and sappy around my birthday.  Ok.  I’m a bit nostalgic and sappy all the time.  But it does get worse around my birthday because I always reflect on how fortunate I am to have so many wonderful people in my life.  From my family to my girlfriends to my blog/facebook friends.  I am one lucky girl.  One lucky 27 year old.  At heart.  :)  

Now that I am back to reality (good-bye spa day!  I’ll never forget you!) I will be back to regular posting again.  As regular as I get these days.  Lots to share next week!

Thanks for putting up with another year of my sap.  

xoxo, Erin
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15 thoughts on “Another great birthday

  1. Ahhhh! A day at the spa!!! How relaxing. It sounds like your birthday week was so fun. I will never understand why anyone would celebrate their birthday for only one day. It takes a whole year to get here. You really need to make the best of it and celebrate for the whole week. How sweet was Kenny to do that for you, and the gifts from your kids are priceless.

    Sounds like you went for the gusto! So happy for you. Here is to another year of laughter, fun, good health and happiness.


  2. Wow — what a wonderful birthday gift and celebration! You have such a great family and you and your friends are just too cute! Happy weekend!

  3. I can’t wait to hear more about the spa day!!! Can’t believe it was your first time.

    I LOVE seeing the past birthday dinner pictures!! Good memories. Every year I’m so sad I’m not there.


  4. Sounds like a wonderful birthday! I am sure your family missed you like crazy…gone a whole entire day…sounds like heaven! Happy Birthday Erin!

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