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Past Fall Posts

Man.  Last week was killer!  So sorry for my lack of blogging.  We had so many issues pop up at the new house that needed to be dealt with and Kenny was in LA all week for work.  Of course he was!  It never fails that whenever he goes out of town thing start to blow up.  On one of his last trips my washing machine broke and starting leaking water all over the upstairs.  This week… well… I don’t know where to start.  All I can say is that we are moving into our new house at the end of September and we will most likely still be building it for months after.  I keep joking with my cabinet, lighting and landscaping guys that before long I will be chatting with them in my pj’s while we all break for waffles and oj.  It will never end!!  :) 
Football is on and I’m lighting my pumpkin spice candle and sitting down to blog.  My mind needs a break from packing the old house and thinking about the new one.  Fall is upon us!  Not that you can tell in my neck of the woods.  It’s crazy hot here on the coast and the leaves on our palm trees tend to stay perfectly in tact.  But the soothing sounds of a football crowd on TV tell me it’s Fall nonetheless!  So I thought it would be fun to take a look back at some of my past Fall posts.  (You can click on the link below the pictures for the full post with more details.)  YEA!  Seeing all of these pictures again makes me want to break out the gourds, eat some Halloween candy, and hang a Fall wreath on my new front door.  Guess I better wait until the paint is dry first.  :)  Let the season begin!

And last but not least, the link below is to my favorite quote which seems especially appropriate this time of year: 
{Let Gratitude Be Your Attitude}

Enjoy and Happy Fall!  

xoxo, Erin
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11 thoughts on “Past Fall Posts

  1. It always seems like the last month of getting a house ready to move into is the worst!! Hang in there. Love all the fall inspiration. We are finally experiencing our July weather. I am ready for the cooler temps. However, I started working on some fall decor this weekend. Hosting girlfriends soon for Bunco…good motivator! My girls LOVE that snack mix. We called it “team mix” since we always brought it when it was our turn to provide the team dinner. I loved packing something extra for them to enjoy. We’ve learned to make it gluten free now since Katie and I can’t have it any longer.

  2. Autumn is my favourite time of year. I love it all – the beautiful colours on the trees & on the ground (except brown, I can’t stand that colour in any form!) the crisp air, scrunching leaves, conkers, FIrework night on Nov 5th – (Guy Fawkes) the dark evenings -so many wonderful things:)

    I find that a lot of people here in the UK are negative

    about autumn. They say things like “Huh, winters coming.”. I have now learnt to block out their negative comments & enjoy my favourite season regarless of what they think:)

    The only thing I would love more than anything tho is someone special to enjoy this beautiful season with.

    1. Whoops, sorry for the couple of spelling mistakes etc there! Sometimes when I press the edit thing it doesn’t show all the writing & I can’t work out how to correct it.

  3. I think by now you know how much I love summer. It seems like all I have been hearing is, “Now that summer is over.” I have been hearing that since August first. Last I heard summer isn’t over until mid September. It has been hot in California. The monsoon weather hasn’t helped much. Have you had much rain and humidity? I am so ready for that to go away.

    This is the first year that I can say I am looking forward to fall. I am excited for boots, jeans and hoodies. I never thought I would say that.

    But, I am going to enjoy every last hot day we have along with you, burning my pumpkin spice candle…lol.

    I am so excited for you. Hopefully by the Christmas season you will be somewhat settled. I can’t wait for, “My favorite Things,” party again this year. But, I think I am going to take each day and enjoy it.

    Hope this week is a little lighter for you Erin.


  4. The building will end eventually and someday you’ll look back and laugh! And also wonder how in the world you got through it, but you will! Small inconveniences now for a lifetime of wonderful. Hang in there, girl! :)

  5. Thanks Lauren! I love that – “team mix.” :)

    Julie – you are such a wonderful person that I’m sure it won’t be long before you find someone to share Fall with!

    Thanks everyone! Enjoy your day!

    1. Erin, thank you so much for your lovely (or brill:)) comments. You made my day:)

      I forgot to say – I especially like all the yellow in your autumn pix, especially the yellow photo frames.

      Is it strange living somewhere where you don’t get much of an autumn etc? I bet you miss Utah for that.

  6. Yay! So glad to have these all in one post. And if you are a coffee drinker, Pumpkin Spice Lattes are already making their appearances in Starbucks across the country : ) I have yet to enjoy one for some reason. I think I’m waiting for the perfect moment–kids with Will, magazine in my lap, and everything on my to-do list is completed. Hmm, I guess I better not wait after all! Happy Fall!

  7. i can’t believe it’s already time for Fall! where is the time going?! i think we may be buying a house in the next few months -eek! you know how the real estate is here…CRAZY. but it’s good. i’m excited. going to be checking out all your ideas to brainstorm. :-)

  8. Oh this post gets me excited to put up Fall decorations! My husband tells me it’s too early, but I’m dying to put mine up and burn my pumpkin spice candle. :) I love the feeling of your home. So cozy and real yet so clean and beautiful. I’m excited to see what you do in your new house. :)

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