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Beach day

A fun day at the beach.  Not today.  These pics were from a random summer day.  Today we went couch shopping.  A continued search we started weeks ago.  At store #1 we walked in and sat down on a couch and Kenny said “I’m bored.  Can we be done?”  So you can imagine how much fun it has been dragging him around to find “the ones.”  So much fun that I wanted to forget couch shopping today and remember one of our fun summer mornings at the beach.  I love it when Kenny comes to the beach with us.  The kids love it too.  He plays in the waves with Kole and boogie boards with the girls.  He is fun at the beach.  Not so much fun furniture shopping.  :)

Hope you enjoyed your Labor Day Weekend!

xoxo, Erin
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6 thoughts on “Beach day

  1. Oh Erin you make me laugh! Glad you haven’t lost your sense of humour after your patience was tested! Those beach days will be even sweeter once all your hard work is done and your home is finished…hang in there! xx

  2. This made me laugh. Marty is the same way!!!

    Love the pictures. It looks like your sweet boy had a blast.

    Good luck with finding a couch. I am sure the right one is out there. :)

  3. so cute!!!! next time you’ll have to just do the couch shopping by yourself- kenny won’t care! i love living by the beach – I’m homeschooling now (!!!) so we can go on the weekdays even in the Fall. Bliss!

    I moved my blog – I am on wordpress now – so hopefully this goes through – i am even using my full name:

    check it out if you get the chance – i have missed your blogs…i know you are busy!

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