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Backyard grass!

Grass.  In the backyard!  Hands down the most exciting thing for me to date with our building process. Big patches of grass for my kids to play in.  I’ve dreamed of this day for quite some time!  Forever actually.  Well, ever since I started having kids which feels like forever.  :) 
Here’s a pic I took just a day or two before the grass arrived.  
 When our backyard was land of the pavers.  

And here they are installing it!

Isn’t that grass beautiful!?  Of course I took a picture or two.  Or maybe two hundred.  

My kids were using their little bike path tonight!  Now that the grass is in it’s finally clean and safe for them to ride around on.  
Exterior is still a work in progress.  Not much has happened with it lately since all efforts have been focused on wrapping things up on the inside.  Balconies still need to be painted (they prepped them today), shutters haven’t arrived yet (I’m so anxious to see pops of black on the house!), outdoor entertaining area has a ways to go, and there are still a lot of minor finishing touches.  Trampoline also isn’t finished. (I’ve had several questions on how my landscaper is doing the in-ground trampoline so I’m going to do a post explaining it all at some point when it’s completed.)  There are a few things we are still adding to the backyard before it’s all said and done, but oh my word.  Grass.  Room for the kids to run and burn off all of their endless energy!  I don’t think my excitement for this stage could be matched.  
 Well.  On second thought.  There might be three other little people who are equally as excited.  :)

p.s.  A few more outdoor lights were installed today (ignore the dust!  it’s everywhere!) and we started lights and fixtures inside.  So fun seeing the house finally starting to come together.  I can’t wait to show you all!  :)

xoxo, Erin
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28 thoughts on “Backyard grass!

  1. Your backyard is huge! Huge, I tell ya. And beautiful. So much grass! Are you going to have a fence around the pool? If so, will you have the kind that you can lift out when you don’t need it anymore? I’m only asking because we are going to put a pool in our backyard soon and I’m trying to decide what we are going to do about making it safe for our little guy.

  2. I have three things to say about this- LOVE, LOVE, LOVE! The grass- ahhhhhhhh! The bike path- heaven! The three precious children on the trampoline- priceless! I can just imagine their excitement(and yours). :-) The sunshine is pretty exciting too, actually. It has rained here in NC ALL summer, very unusual for us.

  3. Your backyard looks amazing! You will have so much fun playing and entertaining. I would love a post about how you installed the trampoline-its great for safety and looks awesome too! Thanks for sharing your house updates!

  4. Erin – It just looks beautiful! I just love your backyard, all the grass and fun places to play. I am so excited for you guys! -Mary

  5. Love this yard. Gorgeous. So much to do for the kids and adults. Relax, entertain, burn off energy, I wish I could sit outside with you and just chat the night away while the kids played in the backyard. That would be fun.

  6. Thanks so much everyone! So kind of you all to leave such sweet comments.

    Katrina – Thank you! We aren’t doing a fence around the pool, we are doing a pool cover. That’s why we made the pool a rectangle shape. Have you seen those? Very cool. You just push a button and it slides out and covers everything. I would have loved a kidney shaped pool, but I didn’t want to hassle with a gate and I was so worried about safety. Definitely look into them!

    Nonny – I know! Bigger yards with grass aren’t much of a big deal in a lot of cities but that isn’t the case where I live! Most people have grass around here, but it’s like our current house – a tiny little square patch. :)

    Thanks Julie! I’ll for sure do a post on the trampoline soon!

  7. Love it all!! Love those lights too!

    I will be looking forward to that trampoline post – would love one of those in my backyard. Not sure if it would work where the ground is frozen half the year – and the weight of the snow on top of it? But it looks so cool!

    So exciting – can’t wait to see more!

  8. Hi Erin – It looks amazing!! So much fun to follow along with all your progress. Cannot wait for you to move in! I really love the idea of the bike path in the back yard. Is this something that is popular in Ca or do your parents have one? I would love to put one in my backyard – so much safer – no cars to watch out unless it’s a Barbie Jeep!

    Have a great day,

  9. I’m trying really, really hard to not be completely jealous of that beautiful backyard coming together before you even move in, but I’m not doing very good. SO jealous! 5 years in our house now and no backyard grass, just a big old dirt and weed patch! Ug! someday! Guess we’ll have to come down and enjoy yours!

  10. SO excited for you and your family! We have a rectangle pool with a retractable cover and it’s the best thing ever. Thanks for sharing your pictures! You do realize that once everything is done you’re never going to want to leave home. I mean, EVER, as in I sent my husband to the grocery the first few weeks because I was too excited to leave! :)

  11. Where are you buying your light fixtures from? Looking for an online company? Any help would be great! Need pics of your kitchen , your helping me through our building process :)

  12. Thank you so much everyone!

    Lori – never seen the bike path before! I dreamed it up during years of watching my kids ride their scooters in circles in our tiny back yard. :)

    Brandie – I have purchased them from all over. Different web sites and catalogs. I don’t know if I have two from the same place! Sorry that’s not much help. I’ll share more soon! Congrats on building!

  13. We have a huge yard and I am always annoyed at how many kids it seems to always be filled with oh and the toys…and the sports equipment…and balls and so on and on…but I think I should be a bit more appreciative after reading this ;) you really have thought of everything – so many great details inside and out! Thanks for sharing!

  14. It is all beautiful as expected! I am sure you are well on your way to making many new and great friends, you are easy to be friends with! :) Good luck on all of the rest!

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