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Thank you all so much for your kind words after my paint update!  Hearing from my blog friends is always such a bright spot in my day.  I have truly enjoyed sharing our building process with all of you and I am constantly touched by your uplifting words.  I am also extremely appreciative that you have all stuck with me during the past year while my posting has been a bit sporadic and definitely heavy on the new house stuff.  At some point (fingers crossed!) I will be able to put more time into my other hobbies including blogging.  It is such a fun outlet for me.  I love sharing ideas and connecting with all of you so much.  But my blog has definitely had to take a back seat this past year because well..  as much as I try to avoid it, I do have to sleep.  :)  So bear with me these next two months while we finish up the house and move.  I will document it all – I just can’t promise that my posts will be all that exciting.  Or consistent.  Or grammatically correct.  Or make much sense at all.  In fact, I might ramble a lot.  I do that when I’m tired.  Kind of like I’m starting to do right now…

Moving on!

Tonight we are knee deep in hardware.  Picking hardware started out so fun…

 Wandering happily through hardware stores and checking out fun options on-line.  

Getting lost in my happy place picturing every single drawer and cupboard in my house with a label.  :)
But at this point.. tonight..
I am over it!

I snapped this picture two hours ago before Kenny and I started going through boxes of some of the door hardware that arrived today to make sure we got everything right.  We have two different spread sheets going on for hardware (one for doors and one for cabinets/built-ins) that details how much of what goes where and in what size and where we got it from.  Usually I tease Kenny for his over the top detail oriented spreadsheets, but I have to say that his spreadsheets have saved me through this process!  I could NOT have done this without him.  There is just no more room in my brain for remembering these kinds of details.  To be honest there isn’t a lot of room in my brain for much of anything anymore.  Building a house will do that to you.  Packing up a house and getting ready to move will do that to you.  Summer with kids home all day will definitely do that to you.  All three things together?  Quite a lovely combination.  Of course I wouldn’t have it any other way.  Just keeping it real by openly admitting that my brain cells have sufficiently suffered. :)

**sidenote: You can always tell how tired I am by my post titles.  Notice today’s post is titled “Hardware.”  Yup.  That’s all I got.

Here is a peek of some of my favorite hardware that you’ll see throughout the house.  I know gold is making a comeback right now, but I am a polished chrome girl at heart and always will be.

And oh yes.  There will be labels.  
xoxo, Erin
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18 thoughts on “Hardware

  1. Hi Erin – The hardware looks great! I cannot imagine picking it out for a whole house. When we did our kitchen/family room – I was so over it by the time I got to the hardware! I wound up really liking what I picked out but it was not as fun as I thought it would be because I was just plum worn out! Cannot wait to see everything when it’s done. Thanks for all the updates – it’s been fun! Kinda like someone else’s pregnancy – it just flew by for me!


  2. I agree with you Erin. I could never let gold back in my house. I remember when people were throwing out the gold and bringing in the silver and bronze. Now they are bringing back the gold. That is a band wagon I am not getting back on.

    Love the ones that you chose.

    Have a great weekend.

  3. Labels, yay! And, I am with you on the chrome- love it! Hubs and I are spending a few days at the coast easing back into our empty nest. So, keep the house posts coming; I will be checking in with you often! But, make sure you sleep too. ;-)

  4. Never worry for a second that your blog has taken a back seat… we’ve loved every minute. It’s been so fun to see your house come together, sprinkled with bits of you and yours here and there. We’re all so excited for you! Carry on and good luck in your sprint to the “end.” What a journey! :)

  5. Erin – I for one LOVE the all the posts about the house and I CANNOT wait to see pics from your move in and organizing and decorating.

    I am hopeful that you might do a post on how you and Kenny have managed to keep the planning of the new house organized – like a checklist and those spreadsheets!

    Also, would love to see a floor plan of the house, but I know some people don’t like to share that online.

  6. Erin, I just adore your blog. I can’t wait to see your finished house. Please make sure you post lots and lots of photos of EVERYTHING.
    There cannot be too many photos!

  7. Would you mind sharing the brand and model of your cabinet cup pulls? Really like the ones you choose. Thanks!

    1. I used several brands but they are all from Restoration Hardware! If you look at the hardware on their site you’ll find them all. :)

    1. Hi Emily! Sorry I’m just getting back to you. Our fridge pulls are 21 inches long. I bought them through Fergusons.. sorry I can’t remember the brand!

  8. Would you be able to tell me the size of your refrigerator pulls? Think I sourced a similar pull, having difficulty in sizing of pulls. Thanks!

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