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My little helper

Oh my word!  You all spoiled us with all of those sweet comments yesterday after our little news appearance!  Thank you so much!  I loved hearing from so many of you.  I read some of your kind comments from the blog and facebook to the girls and they were all smiles too.  Several of you commented on El’s shyness and I have to tell you that is not normal!  Ha!  I think we were all three a little nervous!  :)  
I am just popping in with a few quick pics today of my little helper…

He has been a huge help with the rock as you can imagine!  :)  
Lots of new house progress going on that I will post next week!
Also, a quick reminder about the Stella and Dot giveaway!  The Autism Awareness Collection is live and there are so many fun things to choose from.  Swing by my trunk show to check it out.  Thanks to those of you who have already purchased something and helped to support such a great cause.  It is a cause that is near and dear to my heart.  I will announce the giveaway winner tomorrow!  
Happy Thursday friends!  
xoxo, Erin
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6 thoughts on “My little helper

  1. He’s so cute, I’m sure he’s loving all the building! Thats a great age for boys, My son used to carry his plastic tools around & loved to “fix” things lol ;)

  2. He is so precious. I was thrilled to learn about the Autism products offered through Stella and Dot. Our youngest’s sorority is hosting a trunk show to raise awareness and money for CASA, and I am thrilled to be able to support two of our favorite charities at once!

  3. Somehow I had missed Kenny’s text message – awesome! What a precious helper – adds to the beautiful memories of it feeling like your home.

  4. Wow! I love love love that stone work. It’s not really something you see here in Australia. Such character!

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