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Past Spring Decor

Happy Monday everyone!  I hope you all had a nice Easter weekend!  Is everyone excited for Spring?  I know some of you are still trudging through winter weather.  I remember so well from our time living in Virginia how it felt when the first signs of Spring started popping up.  Buds on a tree here, a few flowers blooming there.  The warm sun on your face.  It’s the best!  Spring weather makes me want to exercise.  And garden.  And picnic.  It also makes me want to clean.  And organize.  And decorate.  No surprise to any of you on those last three.  :)  Since I am slowly starting to pack up my home decor instead of displaying it I thought I’d post a few past pics.  Just so I can have a temporary “spring decor” fix!  

Mantel from a couple of years ago.  One of these pics is doing its own thing…

These images make me excited for future decorating!  And they remind me to not go quite so overboard with a certain color theme in my next house.  If only I had a bit more yellow and aqua!  Ha!  Live and Learn.

Are you sprucing up your house for this beloved season?  

xoxo, Erin
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11 thoughts on “Past Spring Decor

  1. Pretty decor, Its finally a bit warmer here. I love lemons for spring decor! You always have the prettiest throw pillows, do you have a good source for throw pillows?
    I love Target & Pier 1 for pillows. I love to switch out my pillows every season.

  2. your design sense is amazing! I always think I do a half decent job until I see your home tour photos ;)

    Any chance you’ll be out in Maryland any time soon – I think I need to commission you to decorate!

  3. So pretty. I am still drooling over those lemon topiaries. Pier One doesn’t sell them any more. :(. I love the aqua and yellow for spring and summer.

    Have a great week,

  4. I always love you decor! We recently moved into a new home and I now have a mantle, I havent decorated it yet because I cant decide on anything! This defitely inspired me! Do you remember where you got your picture frame (that you painted yellow) ? Im looking for something similar!

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