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Out with the old!

So.  I’ve had an excuse to do a little shopping lately (not that an excuse is ever needed).  We have a vacation coming in the semi-near future which inspired a list of absolute necessities.  Things I needed to buy to get ready for this trip and summer in general.  Must haves.  Not wants, but needs I tell you.  
First thing on my “absolutely must buy immediately list” —  

New luggage for the girls!  Fun colors right!?  I fell in love with these suitcases from Pottery Barn Kids.  They just scream FUN!  They scream SUMMER!  They scream … ok… they probably scream WANT more than NEED, but somehow I convinced Kenny that they were a must have for this trip.  “Babe – love of my life – they are the perfect carry on size and I know how you hate it when I over pack…..”

Ellie was as excited as I was about her new suitcase and started packing for our trip right away.  She was NOT excited, however, when I told her that unfortunately the princesses will not be joining us on our journey.

Second thing on my “absolutely must buy immediately list” —

New beach/pool wear for the girls!  Ok.  I know they probably didn’t NEED quite so much swim wear, but honestly last summer I didn’t buy them a thing.  I had just had Kole and was recovering from my little scare and was so overwhelmed.  We didn’t spend as much time at the pool and beach as we usually do and the girls just got by with stuff they already had.  They’ve grown out of everything I had for them so it was time for a whole new beach wardrobe!  
Third thing on my “absolutely must buy immediately list” a suit for me.  
Stop right there.  Party’s over!  That’s where the fun ends.  I keep putting that depressing shopping trip off.  WAY more fun to shop for my girls. 
I went to put away the new swim wear for the girls and realized how over crowded their drawers were getting.  Remember when I moved a lot of their toys into their dresser?

 A few dresser drawers are still used for the girls’ clothes, but most of their clothes are in their closet.

 In the middle of their closet are a few drawers where I keep some of their clothes.

These drawers were so crowded that I decided I needed to have a little “out with the old, in with the new” organizing party!  
I love throwing myself an organizing party.  It always starts out with a great big mess!  I emptied all of the drawers out on the floor and started sorting through things.

So much precious space was being taken up with things we just don’t need.  Like all of these size 2/3 T panties for little dresses and these adorable size 2/3 T tights with hearts and animals on the bottoms.  Cute?  Yes.  Current wardrobe?  No.  Sadly, we have moved out of this stage and it’s time to move on.  Out with the old!

I also had to part with stuff like these fun boot house shoes and summer hats.  This stuff I purchased is a good lesson for me.  It’s stuff I bought that wasn’t practical and ended up being a waste of money and space.  It’s only cold enough for house shoes for a few short months here so the girls hardly wore the boots.  And the hats, while darling, were also uncomfortable and itchy so they didn’t get much use either.  From now on my motto is: practical!  Two things I’ve got to ask myself — “will my girls really wear/use this?” and “do I have space to store this?”

So here are the closet drawers cleaned out with just what the girls are really using/wearing right now.

 Ballet clothes, shoes and tights.

Gymnastic clothes.  I love that I have so much room left in this drawer!  I’m sure I’ll find something to fill it, but for right now I’m loving that the drawer isn’t crammed full.  Less is more!

 New swim wear!  (decided to part with the uncomfortable hats after the picture was taken)  :)

 Pajama’s  (I’m too emmbarrased to show you the pile of p.j’s I’m taking to Goodwill.  An insane amount.  Pajama’s are a total weakness of mine and I have got to stop buying them!) 
Clean drawers full of what the girls actually wear.  Feels so good!
And since we’re on an “out with the old” kick — see if you notice a change in the next two photos???

 Ahhhh!  We decided to chop Ellie’s hair!  I was going to chop Addison’s too and then chickened out.  Guess I wasn’t ready to say good-bye to those long curls just yet.  But Ellie was ready for a short summer do and we are loving the new look!

Her new hair cut accentuates her new smile – one front tooth down, one to go!  
Out with the old!  Time to enjoy our new.  
xoxo, Erin
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28 thoughts on “Out with the old!

  1. I love the new hair cut! It’s so cute that your daughter’s have completely different hair. I have a weakness for pj’s also…there is something about cute fresh pj’s after a bath.
    The thing I miss so much about my Abbey growing up is buying clothes for her, and cute things like those suitcases. Now she has quite an opinion (which is fine of course, the way it should be), but I miss coming home and her loving everything I bought for her to wear…and having it all be flowers, and pink and girly. Live it up while you can!
    (And I don’t even want to hear that you have trouble bathing suit shopping…you would look awesome in anything!)

  2. Love her new cut! My daughter has super curly hair so Im super scared to chop it but would live to give her a bob!

    What do you do with their gorgeous clothes?!?! You should sell them! I know I’d buy any 4t stuff. Your girls are always dressed so cute!

  3. Cute, cute, cute! I had to go shopping for a bathing suit a couple of weeks ago. Blech. Fortunately, I had great luck at Sears’ Land’s End shop. There isn’t anything I can do about my thighs, but those Land’s End suits do wonders for everything else. They have lots of fun colors and you can mix and match almost everything.

  4. Oh my goodness! Love the new hair cuts. SOSOOSOSOSO cute! Miss Ben has a few of the same swim suits. I buy her four every year. They really do need them. Who wants to put on a wet swimsuit?

  5. I love your blog. I found through my friend Danett (art for all ages and danett I love your organization and your truth-telling about your kitchen skills, they make me laugh!

    Where did you get your daughters ruffle/rainbow shirt.

    Keep the laughs and inspiration coming!


  6. Ellie looks so much like you Mom!!! I love the toothless grins.. Kade lost both his front top teeth within 2 day of each other almost 2 months ago and his permanent teeth are barely in about a 1/4 of an inch.. taking forever.. but cute while it lasts..

  7. I love shopping for my girls! It’s so fun. Those suitcases are adorable. I’d love to make an excuse to make my husband think we NEED them, but my mom bought the girls similar sized suitcases at Christmas. They are cute. Just not PB. ;)
    I hear ya on the bathing suit shopping. I need one. My cruise leaves in 37 days (who’s counting?) and I dread going shopping for that.

    Love Ellie’s short hair cut! It’s darling. Have a happy day Erin.

  8. You stop right now!!!! You better not have taken that stuff to Goodwill already or you’re in big trouble!!

    Remember my instructions???

    Let Shari sort through it FIRST????

    Call me.

  9. How exciting to have a vacation planned! Out with the old does feel so good … you are inspiring me to tackle some projects!

  10. love the new haircuts! ellie looks adorable with short hair.

    this week i’ve been doing some major organizing/cleaning-out as well. doesn’t it feel SO GOOD! love it.

    p.s. where’s the vacation spot?

  11. Erin, I just spent way too much on “must haves” yesterday for Emily’s room:) But man is it cute! I totally get the suitcases. Hey, there only little once right?

  12. Madi just looked up and said with a gasp, “Ellie got a new haircut?! She looks kinda different with her new haircut.” Way cute El! I’m loving that missing tooth smile. Remember Pierce looking like that at Disneyland? Sad.
    And loving those new suitcases! Although I’m afraid Madi might be a little envious. She was beyond thrilled to get her new suitcase for the trip and was wheeling it around the house for days. But after seeing the girls, I’m afraid she might be thinking her’s is not that cute. Daddy picked them out at Target, plain. No flowers or cute things. Hopefully she’ll still be thrilled to help me pack today! :)

  13. p.s. – no matter what, you are going to look smokin’ hot and skinny as ever in your new suit while sitting next to me. Seriously, I am worried about you and Kenny being embarrassed to be seen with me. Be prepared, it’s frightening.

  14. Love ELlie’s haircut! Olivia has been asking for the same cut! Great must haves & love getting rid of the old except that it means they are growing up!
    Also if you go to downeast outfitters online you can get 25% off swimsuits today only (just enter GTU as the code at checkout)- they also carry the Modbe suits & they are cute!

  15. her hair looks so cute short! i love that luggage- adorable! i have had my eye on it, too. :-) can’t wait to hear where you’re going.

    my oldest is super picky about her wardrobe, and the one thing i KNOW i can get her to wear is matilda jane…so i have been buying a lot of that. cha-ching. but worth it because she will actually wear it without a fuss!

  16. Ok, I recently started reading your blog. I love your younger daughters top in the last pictures. Where did you get it? I just looked at Gap and Gymboree……..not there! haha.. Do you remember?

  17. I love her hair like that- it looks darling on her. I have been purging clothes around here too. We buy a lot of the same clothes for our girls, I think it’s kinda fun to see that.

  18. Oh the girls’ hair is so cute. We just got haircuts too….Emma (2) got a chic little bob, and Natalie (5) got a 1-inch trim from her almost-to-her-butt hair :)

    I need to “spring clean” the girls’ closets and drawers too….I dread doing that when the seasons change, but LOVE when it’s done and organized!

    As for swimsuits, I can buy only princess or ballet-esque (with some frilly ruffles attached) style or no one wants to wear them. Love that blue dots & daisies set though….we have dresses from that line :)

  19. There is absolutely nothing better than organizing kids’ clothes. My fav thing in the world is to get a huge pile to donate. Love it. And totally love the pbk luggage. An absolute need – I agree. And I love all the new suits for your girls. When it topped 98 degrees last weekend I decided we also “needed” that shopping trip – so I will be taking care of that need this weekend. Isn’t is the best when you “need” to shop. ;)

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