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8 thoughts on “Hangin’ at my moms

  1. Sorry to Miss Blisters for her hurts and owies. That really, really,…… that just bites.

    Happy birthday to Kenneth! I do remember his sarcasm, so I’m sure marriage isn’t dull with out it.

    I leave on Saturday, if you’re still around. I know things get a bit crazy, so no worries if it doesn’t work out.

  2. Poor Addie! That photo of her and dad with her little “socks” on made me so sad! It sounds like Ken was still able to pull out a pretty fun birthday though – football and video games to the rescue! I wish we could’ve been in town to celebrate with you. Give Addie a kiss for me!

  3. Even I understand about the UTAH HAIR! My hair never looks better than when I’m in Nevada. No humidity even helps straight hair look better!

    Your hair looks great Erin. Oh and the girls are cute as ever too.

  4. I am missing all three of my girls “Hangin at moms”…and I miss Kenny too. We could have popped popcorn and watched the Republican Convention together! Kenny would have loved it!
    Wish I was in San Diego to help you unpack. I miss my hugs and kisses in the morning from my sleepy headed girls…and I am missing how sweet they smell after their baths when I am combing out their wet hair.
    Hurry back to grandmas!

  5. Hey Erin! It’s Lacey, from the good ol’ Jetette days! I found your blog through Amberlee’s and I just had to comment on how darling your girls are! Aren’t girls the best! I have two girls too and they are just so much fun! How fun for you guys living in San Diego! It’s fun to find old friends on the blog! If you’d like an invite to my blog send me your email to laceyDOTrignellATgmailDOTcom

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