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Bedrooms, a Birthday, Baskets and Buys

Bedroom Organization (Sunny Side Up)

{winter art/moroccan rug/similar white duvet/similar navy quilt & shams (on sale!)/similar tassel throw/pink tassel pillow}

Talking Bedrooms, a Birthday, Baskets and Buys today!  I know.  What a title.  Stick with me and at some point it will make more sense to you.  Or it won’t.  But stick with me regardless just for fun. ;)  For those of you participating in my Get Organized Challenge I’m so sorry I left you hanging this week!  We are working on bedrooms and even though we’ve had a busy week so far at our house with family in town I’m still going through my challenge to-do lists and making small progress whenever I can squeeze in some time!  (These lamps are staying put in the dining room and I’ll find something else for the bedroom btw.. thanks for helping with that one!) :)

Bedroom Organization (Sunny Side Up)

{pondicherry bed/malibu chandelier/pearl pillow cases/similar white duvet/arabesque wool rug/x based stools/inhale exhale prints/similar navy shams/similar navy quilt/similar pink throw}

A few tips for bedrooms this week!  Clear ALL the random clutter.  Bedrooms can become dumping grounds.. especially the master.  Don’t let it happen!  Focus on one section at a time and remove anything that doesn’t belong.  Empty and clean out night stand drawers, dressers and anything lurking under the bed that you don’t need anymore.  If you didn’t get around to bedroom closets during closet week work on closets too.  If you have a desk and/or books in your bedroom go through those.  When you’re done wash your sheets and flip your mattress.  We all deserve a clean, uncluttered space to recharge from each day.  It feels so good to get bedrooms clean and organized!

Bedroom Organization (Sunny Side Up)

{owen bed/similar rug/solar system bedding/lab prints here & here}

If you have time get your kids to help work on their bedrooms.  Kids bedrooms need constant decluttering and the earlier you can teach them how to do it the better!  Kole and I need to go through his books and donate more again.  They start taking over his room if we aren’t careful!

Bedroom Organization (Sunny Side Up)

{bean bag chair/astro boy print/similar mirror here & here/solar orbit print}

Bedroom Organization (Sunny Side Up)

{toy storage organizer}

If your kids keep toys in their room you can go through those too, but we have a whole week coming up that is dedicated to toys so focus more on bedrooms in general if you’re short on time!

Bedroom Organization (Sunny Side Up)

{similar square black planters/faux lemon tree options herehereherehere/lemon tree baskets/another basket option/my rug/similar rug options hereherehere}

Speaking of toys and kids.. Kole turned 11 this week.  So hard to believe!

{Sidenote.. I’m still playing around with my Spring front porch but aren’t the pink trees stunning!?  Azaleas!  I found them at Home Depot and I’m going to attempt to plant them in my yard after summer if I can keep them alive!  I think I’ll move my faux lemon trees to the back yard or side door so they aren’t competing with the Azalea trees.. forever tweaking things. :) }

Bedroom Organization (Sunny Side Up)

I swear this was 5 minutes ago.  From day one this sweet boy has always been his moms sidekick and best helper.  :)

Spring porch (Sunny Side Up)

We didn’t tell Kole that my sister and her family were coming to town so that we could surprise him for his birthday.  His cousin is one of his favorite people in the world (these two boys talk or play on the iPad together every single day) so when he just showed up on our front porch with balloons and a birthday present Saturday I had one happy 11 year old!  This was a screen shot from the video my sister filmed.. we laughed so hard.  Kole was speechless!

Spring porch (Sunny Side Up)

It has been the best week having them all staying with us!  I have missed my family so much this past year.  I got the boys a jumpy for Kole’s birthday and we had a family pool day.  We lucked out with beautiful weather and we were all so happy to be together again and to just spend a whole day talking and laughing and eating by the pool.

Spring porch (Sunny Side Up)I wish I could freeze time and keep this sweet boy in Elementary school forever.  I have loved every stage with my kids, but the Elementary school years are pure bliss aren’t they!?  Not physically exhausting like the baby/toddler stage and not as mentally exhausting as the teens.  But they are still little.  And so happy and easy to please.  And mom is still cool. :)

Spring porch (Sunny Side Up)

Everything in my yard is starting to bloom.. I love this time of year in San Diego!  It just couldn’t be more beautiful.

Pool days (Sunny Side Up)

The sign of a good weekend. :)

Pool days (Sunny Side Up)

Reunited!  And feeling pretty grateful for my sister.  After all she has been through this past year (dealing with breast cancer on top of the pandemic!) she is in such a good place and doing amazing.. I’m so proud of her.  She can still make me laugh until I cry so all is right in the world again. :)

Pool days (Sunny Side Up)

Kole had the “best birthday ever” and we are still on a high from all of the celebrating with family.  Night swimming with the pool lights on always signals special occasions at our house and I’m definitely ready for more of that in our future!

Pool days (Sunny Side Up)

Bring on the pool lights!  And summer and happy days ahead. :)

Easter snuck up so quickly and I haven’t had time to share a few fun last minute basket ideas I rounded up!  These are Spring favorites for kids/teens we have and love if you need ideas for Easter, birthdays or anything else!

Easter Basket Ideas (

1- star wars t-shirt   2- short sleeve button-up shirt  3- nike training socks 

4- LED bicycle wheel lights  5- artemis fowl collection   6- Adidas sandal

7- nike elite shorts   8- havaianas flip flops   9- layered necklace 

10- plumping lip polish   11- sundress   12- floral print maxi dress 

13- wet brush   14- lancome mascara   15- blending sponge   

16- color removal sponge

I also thought it would be fun to start sharing what we’ve bought on Amazon each month because I absolutely LOVE seeing what other people are buying for their day to day stuff!  You can tell so much about people when you see what their Amazon orders look like right!?  Ha.  I would love to hear something you’ve bought and loved on Amazon this month too so if you have a favorite share it in the comments!  A few of my March buys include a new kitchen runner, pillow, bed skirt for El’s room, books (I’m always buying books for me and the kids – the two below are both so good!  I got the cute Joanna Gaines book for my neice.) and organizers of course.  Oh.. and Folex!  You guys!  Someone recommended it to me on IG when I couldn’t get a popsicle stain off of my kitchen barstools and it is serioulsy amazing.  Such a good spot cleaner!  We are all into biking and tennis right now which is why we ordered tennis balls and water bottles that fit on our bikes.  Kenny found some good cycling tops and we needed a new power strip for when we are all on our computers on the couch together each night. :)

What did you order from Amazon in March!?

March Amazon Buys (Sunny Side Up)

1- traditional accent rug   2- carpet spot remover 

3- the world needs who you were made to be 

4- surge power strip     5-  mens cycling bike jersey    6- pillow cover with tassels 

7-  made for living   8-tennis balls  9- bed skirt 

10- drawer divider   11- water bottles    12- drawer organizer set 

Good-bye March 2021!  You have been good to us.  Certainly better than March 2020.  Let’s keep the improvements coming. ;)

xoxo, Erin
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16 thoughts on “Bedrooms, a Birthday, Baskets and Buys

  1. The look on Kole’s face is priceless for his birthday surprise. Beautiful photo with your sister. And the pool lights are very cool. So wonderful to see families having special time together.

    1. Thank you so much Sue! It was so fun to all be together again. Nothing like family time. :) Thanks again and enjoy your weekend! xo

  2. Ahhh, Erin, a post that simply makes me smile. I’m so happy your sister and her family were able to come celebrate Kole’s birthday. That picture of his reaction is priceless. I’m so happy to hear she is doing so well. Happy Birthday to Kole, who is deinitely growing up! You are soon to have no kiddos in elementary school and I’m about to have no kiddos in high school!! Really enjoyed all the pictures and teeny peek into the fun. I hope you have a beautiful Easter. Hmmm, the only thing I bought on Amazon this month was the latest adult coloring book by Johanna Basford, Worlds of Wonder. I also bought several crafty goodies, but those weren’t from Amazon, so we won’t mention those. ;) I check out my books from the library and I did check out plenty of those! LOL Thanks for sharing all you share, Erin. It’s always a delight to read. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Thank you so much Jeanne! Our kids are growing up way too quickly! I can’t believe you’ll have two in college.. you made it! Ha. ;) My girls love those adult coloring books! I should have snagged a couple for their Easter baskets. Good idea. :) Enjoy Easter weekend with your sweet family! xo

  3. Your home is everything that I could ever want. I enjoy your posts so much and thank you for providing me with inspiration and ideas for future home goals!
    The flowers and your outdoor pictures of night swimming were heavenly!
    Happy Easter to you and your family.

    1. Oh my word Sarah.. what a sweet thing to say! Thank you! I’m so happy you enjoy my posts.. that made my day. :) Happy Easter to you and yours! xo

  4. WHAT a great picture of Kole opening the front door to his surprise cousin visit!! Loved that! Also wanted to ask you – I remember you all bought new bikes during the pandemic and I was wondering which ones you bought and how you’ve liked them? Thanks! Enjoy your Easter weekend! :)

    1. Thank you Lisa! I know.. that picture! So fun to surprise him! :) We’ve loved our bikes! Addison and I have Specialized mountain bikes and Kole’s is a Giant. I would totally recommend both brands! We’ve been very happy with them. Happy Easter weekend to you and your sweet family! xo

  5. Regarding Amazon purchases, my daughter introduced me to the most precious book. She brought it over a few weeks ago and I read a few pages. I promptly went to my amazon account and ordered 6 copies to give to some friends. I highly recommend this book. It is a book that is easily read. You’ll put down and then pick it up and re-read over and over again. It is meaningful, uplifting. It will make you smile and shed a few tears. Everyone can find themselves in the pages. Look up Charlie Mackesy’s THE BOY, THE MOLE, THE FOX and THE HORSE. I promise you will love it.

    1. I’m ordering it! Thank you so much for your recommendation! It looks like such a beautiful book. I can’t wait to read it! xo

  6. Erin,
    HAPPY EASTER to you and the family!
    I am so glad your sister was able to make it.
    It has sadly been so long for so many of us, being able to do ANY sort of entertaining, family or otherwise.
    Kole is just SO ADORABLE! Do NOT tell him THAT, tho! ;-D
    We are both lucky to have had 2 girls AND a boy.
    Seeing that innocence, in their faces, That little boy look, and the way they look at, and up to Mommy, for years longer than the girls do, is a very special thing, and having THAT experience w/a young son helps us to understand their fathers so much better, right???
    NOPE. It does NOT! NOT at all, not in the least!!!!! :-D you WOULD think so, though……………………………………………
    Anyway, your pics are great, night swimming-I remember THAT, now w/all out of the nest, it is rare, however it will start soon w/the grandchildren! YES!
    AMAZON!?!? WHAT does NOT -come from them???????
    Lots of basic needs, mostly, for us, this past month.
    Oh-2 pairs of black “lounge pants”, the PJs that are acceptable to be seen OUTSIDE in!
    You know-“THE NEW NORMAL” dressing, Dress um up or down. Just add a cute sweater and ACTUAL shoes(WHAT are they???)or some sweet flip flops-DRESSED UP, put on a T and a sweatshirt and some slippers, it is your NEW NORMAL, everyday “sleep over”
    “get up” .OPPS, sorry, I meant to say “OUTFIT”. Anyway, very handy, the Black “lounge pants”, and requires v. little thinking after our cold, New England Winter! You know, we have to kind of hibernate up here………
    I love this Amazon thing you have going. It just might make me bite the bullet, and buy some cute new things(ACTUAL pants/capris?) for me, and spruce up, Spring items for the the house!
    Take care,
    PS. I hope to get to the organizing SOON.

    1. I always love hearing from you Sharon! Your fun comments just make my day! I agree.. something about moms and boys! I laughed out loud at your father comment.. doesn’t help so much understanding them at ALL.. ha ha. I’m with you on that one! And I know.. EVERYTHING is on Amazon! How did we ever survive without it!? I’m sure my husband wishes we could go back to those pre-Amazon days. ;) This has been the year of lounge pants and we have been the same.. going so long w/o entertaining and travel. It feels amazing to have things feeling a little more normal and moving in the right direction. I hope you and your sweet family are doing well and had the best Easter! XO

  7. Love seeing the look on Kole’s surprised face! What a fun week you must have had. We’ve been enjoying great weather here in Indiana too most of this week. Recent Amazon buys: Actloe tie-dye joggers (so soft and comfy for home!), Scunci headbands and Goody hair clips (couldn’t find the assortments I wanted in stores), and the Milani Bold Obsessions eyeshadow palette (being discontinued, so I finally grabbed it!). Have a blessed and happy Easter today!

    1. Oh those are all so good! I’d be all over tie-dye joggers. Bummer that eyeshadow palette is being discontinued! I hate it when that happens to favorites! But happy you snagged one. :)

  8. Looks like a great time was had by all! Glad to hear your sister is doing well. She deserves a medal for dealing with cancer during a pandemic!! And I know what you mean about parenting elementary-aged kids. They still want to hang with you because they think you’re the best. I have two boys, one in 6th and the other 8th and my heart breaks at how fast they’re growing. Quick story….my husband and I took a walk the other day and passed by their elementary school and out of the blue I just started bawling. My husband thought something was really wrong! And I said “there is! They’re not going to be home much longer!” We have to enjoy every minute.

    P.S. Your home is just stunning!

    1. Oh my word.. I have done that EXACT same thing so many times! Sometimes it just hits you doesn’t it!? Time needs to slow down! So sweet of you to say that about my sister.. I agree! She deserves a medal for sure. What a year. I’m so grateful it’s behind us and she is doing well. Thank you so much Leah! xo

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