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My Skincare Routine

*Excited to partner with Colleen Rothschild on this post! All product selections and opinions are my own and affiliate links are used.   
My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

How is your January going so far!?  Feeling productive?  Lazy?  Ambitious?  Overwhelmed?  I feel all four things daily lately and it’s funny to me how quickly I can snap from one feeling to the next.  Did you set any goals this year?  After coming off of the year we all had in 2020 I completely understand if you decided to bag that little ritual.  Ha.  I did set a few personal goals.  Nothing we haven’t heard before and all health/self-care related.  For starters I’m trying to eat better and drink more water.  I feel like the exercise part of staying healthy I have down just because I love to exercise (mental sanity for me!) and it’s part of my daily routine.  BUT my diet has been horrible the last few months (my tight jeans tell the tale!) so I’m working hard to change a few bad eating habits.  I’ve also been prioritizing my skin care (something that has always been a hit and miss thing for me) so I was thrilled when I was asked to partner with Colleen Rothschild on this post!  I started using her skin products last September and have already mentioned a few times how much I love them.  She is having a huge anniversary sale this week and all of her products are 25% off!  *Use the code 7YEARS at checkout.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

These are the items I started out with and I broke down a little more about each of them at the end of this post.  I used each of these items consistently and after just a few weeks I started noticing a difference in my skin!

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

I love them so much that I’ve added a few new products to my arsenal. :)  To be honest I don’t have great skin.  It’s not horrible and I’ve never had to deal with major acne problems (a few random zits here and there), but I have really dry, dull, uneven skin with redness and lots of fun new wrinkles popping up daily since I turned 40.  Good times! ;)  Since I’ve been using these products the dryness is gone, my wrinkles are a lot less noticeable (especially the lines around my eyes!) and my face looks hydrated and re-freshed.  This is going to sound so silly but I honesty get excited to see my smooth skin when I wake up in the morning!  It just looks so much healthier than it did before I started using these products.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

I’ve been trying different combinations and this is what my routine looks like right now.  In the morning I wash my face with this Radiant Cleansing Balm (smells like spa time!) and then I apply the Vitamin C Treatment Complex.  Very excited about this because it helps with sun damage and improves radiance.. definitely something my skin needs!  I let it dry for a minute and then I put on this Sheer Renewal Cream.  LOVE this cream!  It’s so lightweight and a great moisturizer.  It feels so good on my face and keeps my skin hydrated.  Then I apply sunscreen (a daily must in southern Cal) and my make-up.  It feels so good to actually have a morning skin routine because until now I’ve never done much for my face in the am other than splash a little water on it!  These products are newer to my routine so I’ll follow up, but after just a few weeks I can already tell they will be staples for me.  I also just got this Intense Hydrating Mask and I’m excited to try it this weekend!  Thinking I’ll paint my nails with my girls and try out my new mask and have a little at home spa time. :)

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

In the evening I wash my face again with the Radiant Cleansing Balm and then I put on the Matcha Tea Treatment Toner.  For me the Matcha Tea feels like it gets my face 100% clean.  The Cleansing Balm takes off my make-up and feels/smells so good, but the Matcha Tea absorbs any extra oil/dirt on my skin and makes it almost squeaky clean.  I’ve actually stopped using my beloved Clarisonic because I don’t feel like I need it after I’ve used these two products.  The Matcha Tea also helps minimize pores and redness which my skin desperately needs.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

Ad snapped this of me a few nights ago when I was taking off my make-up.  I really look forward to my evening skin routine! :)   Remember my trick for consistent skin care!?  Do it earlier in the evening when you’re home for the night.  I always do it right after I get Kole in bed (around 8:30-9:00) when I put on pjs.  I used to wait until right before I’d go to bed (which is always too late!) and then I would get tired and decide to bag it for the night.  One night would lead to two or three and then the inconsistency made it hard to see results.  Consistency is key with skin care!  And all other healthy habits right?

Work in progress over here. :)

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

After I wash my face I put on a few serums.  My absolute favorite is the Retinol Supreme Eye Serum.  I can’t believe the difference this has made for the skin around my eyes!  My wrinkles are so much less visible and it really helps with the dark circles/bags I often wake up to.  Lately I’ve been using the Retinol Supreme Night Oil and the Mandelic Acid on my face.  I just got the Age Renewal Serum and am excited to try it too.  It felt strange to me at first to use oily products on my face and I thought they might make me break out, but they really do the opposite for me.  My skin is so much more hydrated and smooth!  After the serums I put on this Extreme Recovery Cream.  I know I sound like a broken record but I love it too.  Read the reviews!  It’s lightweight, smells amazing and makes your skin feel so smooth.  Perfect way to hydrate your skin before bed.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

I mentioned in a previous post that I’m also obsessed with this Quench and Shine Restorative Mask for my hair.  I use it once a week on my hair in the place of my regular conditioner and it makes my hair so shiny and smooth!  I was about to run out so I hurried and ordered another jar and soon after it sold out!  I’ll definitely share when it’s back in stock again because it is GOLD and a great price.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

Added bonus?  My new skin care products work great in my organized bathroom drawers. ;)

If you want to try out Colleen Rothschild products now is the best time while everything is 25% off!  For me it has worked best to buy a couple of things to try at at time and get in a good routine with them first before adding more.  Her website is great at explaining what each product does so that you can figure out what would be best to try for your skin.  She also has some kits that you can order to try smaller bottles of multiple products to see what you love.  It feels so good to finally have a consistent skin care routine in place that I love after years of trying random products!

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

I’m motivated to look my best as I get older so that I can keep up with this beauty.  She turned 17 on Tuesday!  I honestly can’t believe it.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

The two of us were watching The Wiggles together snuggled on the couch while Addie napped just last week weren’t we!?  Time needs to slooooowwww down.  I will die a thousand deaths when this girl leaves for college.  Get ready.  You will all need to pick me up off of my floor and mail me tissues for months.  Blog posts might not be so chipper for a while.  I honestly can’t imagine my life without seeing her happy smile and hearing her sweet laugh every day.  Thank goodness for FaceTime!  I will drive her crazy. :)  I couldn’t be more proud of all she is becoming.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

Thank goodness this cute girl isn’t going anywhere for a while!  My two girls truly are my best friends.  So grateful for them!  We always laugh about what my life will be like when they both move out and it’s just me with the boys.  Well.. they laugh.  I cry!  It will be a rude awakening for me for sure!  ;)

The older I get the more I realize that taking care of my body and skin and working to look my best (because let’s face it, as we get older.. it’s work!) is so much more about how it makes me feel vs. how it makes me look.  When I take care of myself and look good.. I feel good.  That positive, feel good energy spreads into my overall attitude every single day.  My attitude absolutely affects my family.  I work hard to look my best because I know that it helps me be my best self in every area of my life.

My Skin Care Routine (Sunny Side Up)

Plus it doesn’t hurt to look my best for this guy too.  At least once in a while. ;)

Poor Kole got left out of this post, but I have a feeling that good skin care doesn’t interest him as much as it does the rest of us so I think we’re good.  Ha.

I would love to hear your goals for the New Year!  Anyone else nailing down a good skin care routine?  Any tips for how to drink less Coke Zero?

Actually ignore that last question.  I’m working on attainable goals this year and I’m not really interested in attaining that one just yet.

There’s always 2022.



xoxo, Erin
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12 thoughts on “My Skincare Routine

  1. You look beautiful. You did before trying these products, in my humble opinion, and you look beautiful after. I am happy for you to have found a great product line that you feel good about and have confidence in. Part of how you glow is the fact that you are a naturally happy and radiant person. That accounts for a lot. I never noticed any of the lines you mentioned. You and your lovely daughters honestly look like sisters to me. Thanks for sharing what you are using and I hope they continue to give you all that you are looking for in a skincare routine. Have a wonderful weekend.

    1. You are so kind Jeanne.. thank you! Such a thoughtful thing to say. I don’t know about sisters.. but you made my day nonetheless. ;) You are a naturally happy, positive person too and you always think of others. The kind comments throughout my blog are evidence. :) So grateful for your friendship! xo

  2. All sorts of new routines here. And when she leaves call me and I will help you get through it. I can’t believe she is 17!!! You are both gorgeous.

    1. Sarah I will be calling you every day! Totally planning on you getting me through it. Totally planning on you getting me through a lot of things in the future so don’t go anywhere! Ha. ;) Love you!

  3. Hi Erin,
    Seeing the pictures of you and your daughters reminds me that I’ve been following you since your girls were practically toddlers. I always loved your posts about organizing kitchen cabinets back when they were mostly filled with plastic kid dishes and cups, because mine were too! Anyway, I think I finally want to take the Colleen Rothschild plunge after seeing so many talk about it. Is there a certain product that you feel gives the most “bang for your buck”? I’m 45 with combination skin that gets dull often. I’m considering the Cleansing Balm or the Vitamin C serum as first purchases. Thanks for any advice and happy new year!

    1. Audrey! Love that you’ve been with me so long! That means so much to me. Can you even believe how quickly it has gone by!? Kitchen cabinets full of plastic kid dishes feels like last week. (tear!) I started using Colleen Rothschild products for the same reason! So many people were raving about them. For me my #1 has been the Retinol Eye Serum! Just for lines around my eyes and circles. But if your eyes aren’t an issue I think the two you chose are great places to start! One thing I’ve noticed with the Cleansing Balm though (and I mentioned this in my post) is that I still pick up some make-up/stuff on my face with the Toner so I would recommend using those two together. I love the cleansing balm (feels so good on your skin!), but I like to use the toner after to get my face 100% clean. Since you mentioned dull skin you would love the Retinol Supreme Night Oil. That at night and the Vitamin C serum in the morning would be good places to start. If your skin is dry at some point try the Extreme Recovery Cream too! It’s so good. Sorry if that was more confusing than helpful. Really I don’t think you can go wrong! :)

  4. Last year my goals were skin care, get 7-8 hours sleep each night, continue eating plant based, read more, travel to new locations, get 30 min exercise 5-6 days a week, prioritize God, and then my marriage. Glad to say I’ve done quite well but because of Covid some were challenging. Sad to say the challenge with getting my goal hours of sleep has carried over to this year. Your post reminded me to get back on the saddle. Otherwise, my planned goal this year was only to straighten my posture. 😁

    1. Amazing you did most of those things last year Debbie! Getting enough sleep is always a goal of mine too. I have yet to check that one off the list. ;)

  5. Thanks for this post. I’ve never heard of this brand until you mentioned it a few months ago so I’m going to check out her website. The eye retinol serum sounds good as those pesky lines keep getting worse. And by the way, your skin looks great! As for goals this year, I tend to not do well with resolutions or goals so me and some mom friends try for a Word Of the Year. This year, it’s going to be Fearless. I want to stop living in fear of failure, decision making, making people upset (classic people pleaser over here!), etc. I’ve already found that when I start to have those feelings, I just say, “don’t be afraid. You’re strong; you can do this.” We’ll see how long it lasts! 😜

    1. Thank you so much Leah! So sweet of you. I absolutely love your word for the year! So smart. I have no doubt you will be able to stick with it. And I seriously love that eye serum. Let me know if you get it and love it too! Those pesky lines! WHY!!?? Ha ha.. ;)

  6. I’ve recently restocked my skincare, so may not be trying these anytime soon – although you’re right, this brand seems to be everywhere! I’d really like to try the hair mask, though – my hair is desperate for some good conditioning. And I agree with Jeanne – you and your daughters look more like sisters! All so lovely.

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