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Merry Christmas!

Night Lights (Sunny Side Up)

Just popping in quickly to wish you all a Merry Christmas!  I couldn’t let the day end without telling my sweet blog family how much you all mean to me. :)  I’m so touched that you let me be a small part of your day!  Your support and words of encouragement put the sunny in sunny side up for me.  ALWAYS.  THANK YOU!  Thank you for reading and for being here with me this year.

We snapped this picture today just before kicking off a few Christmas Eve traditions!  We have quite a random evening that has been pieced together over the years of things my kids love to do.  Gingerbread houses, Christmas stories and discussions about the reason for the season.  Starbucks in pjs to get hot chocolate/pink drinks and then a drive through a favorite neighborhood full of lights.  Take out from a favorite restaurant and then singing “Sweet Caroline” at the top of our lungs on the drive home.  Fred Claus and Yes Virgina, There is a Santa Claus for our Christmas Eve movies.  Cookie dough for Santa (our kids know he prefers the dough), cheese for Santa Mouse (a favorite Christmas book) and carrots for the reindeer.  Kenny reads Twas the Night Before Christmas and then the kids go upstairs and watch Madagascar and play the game Sorry every year while I wrap and Kenny crashes on the couch with Family Man on in the background.  (He’s always a huge help after 10:30 pm.. ha.)  Like I said.. so random!  Every year we add something new to the mix and then it becomes part of the Christmas Eve tradition.  I love the night and these four people so very much. :)

Night Lights (Sunny Side Up)

{Sources for my kitchen can be found HERE and HERE and pjs can be found HERE.}

Here are a few random pics I had on my camera that I never shared of my kitchen at night.  I added some twinkle lights to my garland over my range and they make the kitchen feel so cozy!

Night Lights (Sunny Side Up)

Night Lights (Sunny Side Up)

Night Lights (Sunny Side Up)

I didn’t get around to sharing all of my Christmas decor this year!  The month just flew by too quickly.  But the kitchen was my favorite so we’ll focus on that and next year I’ll be more on top of it.

Funny.. I feel like I’ve said that before.  Ha.

Night Lights (Sunny Side Up)

Night Lights (Sunny Side Up)

Happy holidays to you and your family!  I love you and hope you enjoy this special time of year.  Good things are coming in 2021!  I can feel it.


xoxo, Erin
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30 thoughts on “Merry Christmas!

  1. Merry Christmas, Erin! Thanks for sharing a bit of your holiday with us. I think your traditions are wonderful and work perfectly for your family. Thanks for sharing your kitchen. I think it is so pretty. But your garland over your sink feels a little left out that the garland over the stove got lights and he didn’t. ;)
    I hope you and your family have a beautiful day today! Thanks for all the joy you’ve brought me this year. :)

    1. Ha ha.. I actually almost put lights on that garland too! But the window was already so bright with my village and trees I didn’t want to over do it. Although.. is there really such a thing when it comes to Christmas lights!? Next year! ;)

      Thank you so much Jeanne! I’ve loved getting to know you and want all the best for you and your beautiful family in the new year. Enjoy the holidays! xo

  2. Such a beautiful family! And Erin you and your family are even more beautiful on the inside!
    Merry Christmas!

  3. Happy Holidays to you and your beautiful family. I love your blog keep up the great work. Your home is beautiful as well.


  4. Thought I would share how i “found” your blod – about 3 years ago I was searching for a way to display Santa photos – both mine and my daughters. My search led me to your blog with your Santa photos hung on your staircase garland. Brilliant!

    Thank you for sharing your talents – I’ve reaped the benefits of your talents from the Santa photos, organizing motivation, to gift ideas for my grandkids.

    Merry Christmas and may 2021 bring an overflow of blessings to you!

    1. Beverlee! I’m so happy you found me through Santa photos! One of my favorite things. I love that and I love that some of my other ideas have been helpful to you. Your sweet comment means so much to me. I’m counting it as one of my top Christmas gifts this year. :) Thank you so much! Wishing you and your family all the best in 2021! xo

  5. Merry Christmas!
    Great Family Photo and all the following pictures as well.
    Love your content and always look forward to your emails.

    1. Thank you so much Dina! Sweet of you to let me know.. it makes me so happy to hear that. :) I hope you had a great Christmas and are enjoying this special time of year! xo

  6. Hope you had a very blessed and merry Christmas! I’ve so enjoyed all your Christmas decor, gift guides, and baking ideas (I’m with you on simple is best for treats!). Definitely looking forward to New Year’s Eve and then just starting fresh for 2021!

  7. Hope you had a wonderful Christmas. I love reading your blog and about your family! Wishing you a very happy and healthy 2021! ~Shannon

  8. Erin,
    a very Merry Christmas week to you and yours!
    Kitchen is so, so BEAUTIFUL!
    I WANT your kitchen, but very sadly, Santa did not get my letter ;-c
    More beautiful than your kitchen, is that family of yours. You are certainly blessed.
    This year I got the decorating done V. early in the beach place. Early NOVEMBER!
    In the reg. house, I had to revert to an old standby, I used once before, and actually got the most compliments
    that I have ever received on my Christmas decorating. Just little white lights on a family room tree, with all the ornaments
    in a big basket at the base.
    My 4 ft. tall, white, St. Nick(Mr. Frost) with a strand of lights in his hand, like he will decorate(light) the stair garland,
    Yes, and I plugged it in! :-D Had high hopes, but he is STILL holding the strand!
    Well, even though folks will not see it, due to the covid restric. I did compliment MYSELF!
    Where there is a will, there is a way!
    PS. I DID actually finish the entry way tree and all the outside!
    The “Christmas Lazy” stuff struck once I was inside!

    1. Sharon you crack me up! Your holiday decor sounds absolutely magical! I love that you did all that regardless of people seeing it! Next year you need to send me some pictures! I so get the “Christmas Lazy”.. been there many times. Ha. Happy New Year sweet friend! xo

  9. Such a cute pic of you guys! Love the matching pj pants you and Ad have on. And I’m laughing because El is still in a black hoodie!
    i’m so bummed we haven’t seen you guys this Season! Are you coming up to your mom’s at all during the break??

    1. Josie we miss you all SO much! We talk about it all the time. Can’t wait until we can see you all again! Hopefully this Spring! xo

  10. Erin it is always a joy to follow your deco and watch your family grow! I have been reading your blog for a very long time! I don’t remember when I found it but you were just building this home (maybe 2012?). I had recently bought my first home and my son (Cole with a C!) was a baby! Over time we renovated that entire house, I copied all your kitchen finishes and purchased your exact hardware from Resto (I actually e-mailed you about it and felt star struck that you responded!). I bought your PB sectional and definitely way more things over the years but for fear of sounding like a full on stalker I’ll spare you! We have since bought our final dream house and I added 2 daughters of my own! Our dream home was a short sale (and a track home/ McMansion at that) We have spent the last 2 years renovating each room and adding all the luxuries of a true custom home! We are finally tackling the HUGE task of remodeling our kitchen next month! I have been back to stalk my favorite kitchen of all time again! I am finally getting a farmhouse sink and a huge thermador range with griddle!

    <3 Jess

    1. Jess! Oh my word. Your e-mail made me SO happy! I loved hearing about your home adventures and am so excited for you that you are remodeling your kitchen! YEA! You have to send me a pic of it when it’s finished! I would love to see the way that farmhouse sink shines. :) It means so much to me that you enjoy my blog and get ideas from it! And I love that we both have Koles/Coles. No doubt we would hang out if we lived close! Good luck with your remodel and happy New Year to you and your sweet family! xo

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