Happy Friday friends! Man. I’m tired this week! I don’t know if I’m still recovering from the time change (Kole has been up by about 5:15 am every morning this week) or from staying up so late watching election coverage the other night. Either way, I’m excited to sleep in tomorrow. My kids have the day off of school for Veterans Day and they all have strict instructions to wake up, turn on the TV and leave mom alone. That should give me until at least 7:00 am.
Beggars can’t be choosers. I’ll take it. ;)
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Speaking of my lovely kids, my girls are joining me for today’s post sharing their favorites from Nordstrom! (Then I have some new favorites of mine at the end of the post!) My girls were clearly not in the mood to hold still when I snapped these pics before school. Some sort of dance move is going on here and I’m pretty impressed with myself that I caught El’s smile mid move. Clearly I’m well trained in the art of pre-teen photography. ;) Regardless, this “I’m only here for the SNACKS” shirt is a favorite around here. And couldn’t be more true regarding most events we attend.
This top and El’s favorite high top converse sneakers clearly bring out the best in her. Btw.. those dance moves? I taught her everything she knows.
Now for my calmer daughter.. ha! Her favorite shirt? #BEST DAY EVER. Enough said. It kind of reminds me of my favorite happy camper sweat shirt. You just can’t wear clothes that say Best Day Ever or Happy Camper and not be happy. Try it.
You’ll see. :)
Ad has loved her Ginni ankle strap flats this year. They look darling with everything! Dresses, pants, skirts.. really nice comfortable, stylish shoes.
We’re also a huge fan of Nordstrom boots around here. The pair Ad is wearing are from last year (similar here) and she really LOVES this Crochet Plaid top.
It’s long in the front and back and looks darling with these black leggings. (The leggings are staples around here!)
I snapped a picture so you could see the cute crocheted top.. it’s like that all along the top of the back. Darling! One of her all time favorites this Fall and I wish it fit me!
My girls are getting older and for the first time this year I don’t think there will be any toys on their Christmas wish list. They still play with the toys we have once in a while (especially all of the board games) but they are starting to get more excited about clothes and other things. Sometimes that makes me sad, but they are at such fun ages right now and are starting to enjoy the things I enjoy. I love that! Ad has always loved clothes and fashion and now El is starting to also. They love clothes from Nordstrom and Nordstrom makes Christmas shopping so easy! I have found so many darling gifts for them on-line and I know that if anything doesn’t fit/work, I can return it with no questions asked. I don’t know for sure what Santa has up his sleeve this year, but I won’t be surprised to see some of the cute clothes below under our tree.
A few of my girls’ favorite clothes/shoes from Nordstrom are on sale right now!

Ad’s Ugg boots. She is waiting so patiently to wear these! Hopefully cooler weather is coming soon.

Her favorite running shoes. These have been perfect for PE this year!

El’s Track Booties. We got two good years out of these boots and now they fit Addison. Score.

And Ad’s favorite Mixed Print dress we bought this summer is on sale too! You know how I feel about this one.

DARLING. Mom’s favorite too. :)
Thank you to Nordstrom for sponsoring this post! I’ve been having a major party with Nordstrom this Fall and in case you all can’t tell, I’ve loved every minute of it! Nordstrom has always been one of my favorite stores. They carry so many great brands and their customer service can’t be beat. My husband called me the other day and this was our conversation…
Him: “What are you up to today?”
Me: “I’m working”
Him: “Where are you right now?”
Me: “At Nordstrom”
I could feel his eye roll through the phone.. ha! It’s a rough job, but somebody’s got to do it. ;)
If you missed any of my previous posts on my favorite finds from Nordstrom (home decor and clothes) I’ll link to them all below. These posts are full of SO many fun gift ideas! Fun things for loved ones and maybe a little something for you too. :)
Also their Fall Clearance Sale is going on through the weekend! Here are a few fun things I found that I’ll be sharing in a Fashion post at some point. Great prices on some really cute sweaters!
Alright friends.. enjoy your weekend! Love to all of the Veterans out there. Especially to my dad. Couldn’t be more proud of him on this special day! I’ll be back next week with fun things to share. Feeling oh so rested from my day of sleeping in.
I was so excited to sleep in this morning, Erin, that I woke up at 4:15am! But thankfully, I was able to doze for another hour before I actually gave up and got out of bed. I am a morning bird, though. I hope you were able to last until 7. Thanks for this fun post. Great fashions for the girls. They are so cute and their personalities sure do pop in the photos. Big happy smiles! And I’m quite impressed with your fantastic photos. Especially on that one where it looks like Addison is jumping pretty darn high! You’ve got skills! I hope you all have a wonderful day. Yes, definitely thanks are in order for all the servicemen and women who have served our country so well. Hugs!
Jeanne! It never fails! That happens to me all the time! Glad you got to sort of go back to sleep for an hour.. ha! I slept until 7:30 yesterday and it felt so good! Love that. I wish it was the norm. :) Thanks for your sweet comment! Enjoy your weekend! xo
Beautiful girls! Such cute outfits. I love Ad’s ballet looking flats. Lauren is finally starting to get into clothes more. I cannot get her to wear jeans right now (hope it’s just a phase) Thanks for all the great ideas! Have a super weekend!
Thank you Pamela! Oh my word.. Ellie has NEVER worn jeans. She just hates them and years ago I gave up buying them for her! She lives in leggings, skirts and comfy shorts.. but never jeans. I hope it’s just a phase for Lauren! Seems like a life long phase for El. Kids! ;) xo
What size is your gray military jacket in your previous fall fashion posts?
Hi Kim! It’s an XS. Enjoy your weekend! xo
Oh my word .. such fun! Nordstrom is such my happy place. I was at a conference today where we had to share our happy place .. I said the beach yet Nordstroms would be so right up there. I think of you when I wear my boots with the toe peeking out … love them :). xo
Thanks Becky! Oh my word.. it’s definitely my happy place too! :) xo
My kiddo has been up at 5 too.. I’m dying here lol
I love the grey and floral dress, my middle would love that dress!
Every outfit was super cute, thanks for doing that. ..plus I was laughing at your hubby’s conversation..love it