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Sunny Side Up Reader Survey

dining-room-nook{table/chairs/striped runner/vases/flowers/wooden tray – localstore/light fixture}

Happy 2016 everyone!  Even though I’m bummed Christmas break is over (always hard when the party ends) I had such a nice, quiet morning Monday with the kids back at school.  I sat at this table for a couple of hours (love the morning light in this space) setting goals and making plans for the new year.  Nothing like a fresh start!

I also did some planning for my blog and started thinking about how long Sunny Side Up has been a part of my life.  A lot of you may not know this, but I started blogging in 2008.  Yes!  I said 2008!  Can you believe that!?  I can’t.  My girls (who will be 10 and 12 this year) were just 2 and 4 years old when I started my little blog as a family journal.

pink-outfitsA picture of my girls from one of my first blog posts.

IMG_4795c IMG_4885c
My girls now.. still in matching outfits with their arms flung around each other.  :)

I loved being home with my girls, but was craving a creative outlet where I could just be myself and share things that interested me.  I never planned for my blog to grow or to become anything at all really.  I certainly never thought anyone other than a few close friends and my mom would read it!  But here we are.  This little blog of mine has brought more happiness, friendships and opportunities into my life than I ever could have imagined.  I’ve always told myself that I’ll stop blogging when it stops being fun.  So grateful that hasn’t happened yet.  :)  I love blogging even more today than I did 8 years ago when I first hit publish.  Really my blog has grown and become what it is today because I have so many wonderful, supportive people (who I prefer to call friends) reading along.  I can’t thank you all enough for that!  For the kind and supportive comments and e-mails.  For just being a part of Sunny Side Up.. really for just being a part of my life.  This blog truly is my happy place and when you take a few minutes out of your busy day to stop by, I want it to be a happy place for you too.

SO!  As part of my 2016 blog planning.. I want to hear from you!  All of you!  Yes.. even those of you who read often but never comment.  (I’m so ok with that btw.  I get it!  We are all busy.)  But I need you to speak up for me today!   I’ve created a quick survey that is only 5 questions.  It shouldn’t take longer than a couple of minutes!  I’d love to hear your thoughts and what you would like to continue to see when you visit Sunny Side Up.


Thank you so much everyone!  I really appreciate any feedback you can give me.  Happy 2016 friends!  It’s going to be a great year.  I just know it.  :)

*affiliate links used

xoxo, Erin
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16 thoughts on “Sunny Side Up Reader Survey

  1. Hi Erin! I just completed your survey and hope it will be useful! Congratulations for your amazing blog! I didn’t realize it had been so long already. Your blog is greater than ever :-)

  2. Happy New Year Erin!
    Love the flowers in the vases you have on your table. What’s in the smaller vase?
    I would like to see how you store all of your faux flowers.
    Thank you!

    1. Hi Kim! I know I e-mailed you about this already but let me know if this answer comes through. Seems like you aren’t getting my comment responses. Wonder if they are going to your junk mail?

  3. I took the survey Erin. I can’t imagine you changing anything. Your heart shines through your blog. Love all your posts.

    1. That is such an amazingly sweet thing to say Cathy. I can’t think of anything you could say that would mean more! Thank you so much for your love, support and friendship. So grateful to know you. :) xo

  4. Congratulations on 10 years blogging! I’ve been trying for 5 to get started:) Love the blog Erin!!
    Wishing you and your family a Healthy, Happy 2016!!!

  5. Wow, you have been doing this for a bit. I’m so happy that you do what you do. I’m always happy to see a post from you! I admire your upbeat and positive blog as well as the tips and eye candy. Took the survey, but didn’t have anything to suggest really because I so enjoy what you share already. :) Keep on doing what you are doing.

    1. Best thing to hear Jeanne. :) Thank you so much! I’m so happy you take time to comment because then I get to know you a bit too which makes my day. :) Thanks cutie! xo

  6. I have been searching for a small dining table like this….What table is this from Pottery Barn?…I can’t seem to find the one with the same table top? What is it wood? It is hard to tell with the light shining on it…anyways…I love it. Thank you!!!

    1. Hi Heather! They must have sold out of my exact one at PB because I couldn’t find it on their site either! It was an outdoor table with a zinc top and wood legs. I did see they still have the same table in a round shape. Bummer they aren’t selling it anymore! I’ll let you know if I ever come across something similar! xo

  7. I’m about to take the survey but before I did I just wanted to share that I’m praying for ya’ll in that area because I know you like the rain but the news made me scared for ya’ll with showing pics of flooding. Sending positive vibes!!!

    I’ve been a blogger and a blog reader for about a decade I think EEEKK!!! But I’m not a big commenter… so glad I started commenting on yours :-)

    1. Thank you so much Aria! Oh my word.. yesterday was CRAZY. I’ve never seen it rain so hard here and it’s supposed to continue all week. Thank you so much for your positive vibes! I’m praying it doesn’t do too much damage.

      SO happy you starting commenting here too. Makes my day cutie! :) xo

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