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My new planner! (yes that needs an exclamation)

So I’m actually working on a different post I had planned to share, but I felt the need to quickly pop in and share my new planner with you because I’m SO excited about it!

Have you all seen these fabulous Day Designer planners?  They have always been my go-to favorite planners to keep at my house and use for to-do lists and special dates.  I’ve mentioned several times my husband and I use an app called COZI to keep our schedules straight.  Our kids are involved in too many activities right now to write it all down.  I love COZI (makes hectic scheduling a breeze!), but because I’ll always be a list girl I still enjoy having a planner at home to keep my to-do’s straight and the Day Designer planners are my favorite!
planner gifts
You might remember that in 2014 I gave them to my friends as Christmas/New Year’s gifts.  I’ve used these planners for years.  (Fun gift idea if you want to check out the details!)
I was so excited to see them popping up in Target this summer!  They go from July 2015 – June 2016 which I love because the beginning of a new school year always feels like a fresh new start to me.  They come in so many fun colors and patterns!  Check your local Target or you can order them on Amazon.  They are selling so fast!
The beginning includes a place to write your goals.
The monthly pages are like most planners.  I do like that there is a spot on the left for monthly to-do’s/notes.  I prefer the larger planners because I keep them home on my desk and I like extra room to write so I bought the 8×10, but they come in other sizes if you prefer something smaller to keep in your purse.  I love the large gold coil!  Makes writing on either side of the planner so easy.
My favorite thing about this year’s Day Designer is the weekly pages layout.  A weekly to-do column on the left, and then each day has its own column.
Here’s the best part!  At the top of each day’s column it says “today’s top three.”  LOVE this.  It’s so similar to how I’ve been structuring my own to-do lists lately after reading one of my favorite books Eat That Frog.  Those three things are your “frogs” so to speak.  The three things that are the most important things to get done each day.  The three things that you need to tackle first.  (If you’re new to my blog, I wrote more about this concept in my post 5 Tips to Manage Your Time Better – Eat That Frog!)  Then there is room to write your schedule for the day and a section for “tonight” where you could write what’s for dinner (if you’re a meal planner) or just evening to-do’s.
There’s also a square at the top right titled “Gratitude” where you can write down a few things you are grateful for that week.  Love this.  The kids and I have kept gratitude journals in the past – such a great way to remind yourself what’s important.  Towards the bottom right there is a spot for notes for the following week.  I love the layout of this planner!

K.  Carry on with your day.  Just felt it was my civic duty to alert you all when I found this little gem.


p.s.  Are you all ready for back to school?  My kids start next week!  Yikes!  That came so fast.  I’m joining a fun group of bloggers over at 11 Magnolia Lane for their Operation Organization (Back to School Edition).  A great line up of posts planned to help everyone get organized and ready for the new school year!  You won’t want to miss it!  Unless you’re a summer lover who is hiding under the covers in complete denial.

I’ve been there.  ;)

xoxo, Erin
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20 thoughts on “My new planner! (yes that needs an exclamation)

  1. I picked up the same exact one the other day, and I am absolutely loving it so far! It’s laid out perfectly, in my opinion.

    1. Yea! I agree Erika! I honestly love the layout of this planner so much. Excited to use it! I’m glad you got one. It’s sold out in all of the Targets in my area! xo

  2. Dang, was just at Target yesterday and didn’t get to see it. We were on a mission to get one thing and kept seeing and getting distracted by chatting with everyone we knew who apparently decided Target was THE place to be to finish getting ready for back to school (which is tomorrow for my kids). :) Looks like a great planner and I will have to be on the look out for it. Thanks for the heads up! Enjoy your last few days of summer bliss! :)

    1. Well Target is THE place to be this week. Ha! You’re actually making me want to go again! ;) Good luck with back to school tomorrow Jeanne! So exciting! :) xo

  3. I feel obliged to comment because I love your blog + I love Day Designer. The Day Designer is actually a completely separate brand and planner than BlueSky. However, they just teamed up to make a planner together for the first time. That is the one you found at Target this year. (Last year was just BlueSky.) You can’t purchase Day Designer’s original planner at Target. They sold out so fast for several reasons, but mostly because DD has a huge following. Glad you found it and love it! I’m still contemplating getting the DD/BS one at Target or the original one online at the DD site. They’re both great!

    1. Oh! Got it! Thanks for clarifying that Heather! I’m so glad I found one too – they flew off the shelves! When I bought mine there were a few left and I was back in Target soon after and everything was gone. Nothing like a cute/well laid out planner! Thanks cutie! xo

  4. I am a planner nerd for sure!! I’m a lover of the Erin Condren Life Planner and it’s made such a world of difference. I used to use the best planners when I was in college and it seemed that “adult” planners were never as practical or had enough space the way a college planner did…until I found Erin Condren. A tad pricy but worth it in my opinion. Everything goes in the planner and it calms me just enough : )

    now I’m hooked on all things Etsy for planner stickers…like I need any more obsessions smh lol

  5. LOVE THESE :) I have the Day Designer direct from Whitney and it holds my life! I saw these versions in Target and they look great. Not to mention, black and white stripe? With gold? Sign me up! Have a great day!

  6. Have you heard of the Simplified Planner? I’ve been (im)patiently waiting for months to the new ones to come out Sept 9! Looks like they have a lot of the same features – they are all just so cute!!

  7. I love the idea of a planner…and with 10 kids you’d think I’d have a planner book like that one, that I would need one! Well, I have bought planners before with the best of intentions…but I never used them! Crazy, right? This probably just about kills you to hear…a planner NOT being used? not fulfilling it’s planner destiny? Well the truth is, I just never put things in it. I just use my phone calendar. My phone is always with me so that’s one thing (I was always leaving the planner at home and I know you think, but how? isn’t it in your purse? well, I sometimes leave my purse at home when I’m hurrying out the door! and now you are thinking, but what about your wallet? you need your license to drive! — yep, I’m just an unorganized mess over here, LOL)

    1. Ha ha.. Katrina you are cracking me up! You are JUST like my mom! She is the same way. Can’t keep a planner to save her life. But somehow she keeps it all together! I don’t know how either of you do it, but I admire you both for it! :) Thanks for the laugh cutie! You have been in my thoughts and prayers! xo

  8. I don’t usually use planners, but this looked so awesome, I went right out to Target to get one only to find they are all sold out. I am so bummed. They had a plain pink one, but I really liked the vertical days of the week and top three things every day. This one doesn’t have any of that. There is one more target close by I am going to check tomorow.

    The Target I went to was a complete wreck, so many more people in the store this week. :(

  9. Could you please tell us specifically which version of the planner you have? I’ve looked at them on Amazon but the photography is too blurry to see what each page looks like. I would like one laid out like yours but I want it in a smaller size. They look cute. Can’t wait to start using them.

    1. Hi Riley! At the end of the post I linked to it (click on “this planner” in “I love the layout of this planner”) and it’s the one at the top! A little over priced though. They sold so fast and now cost more on Amazon. :(

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