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Progress Made

You guys.  I’ve made major progress on the house lately.  I have a “before” and “after” to show you that I’m really proud of.  It isn’t pretty.  It isn’t that fun.  And it certainly isn’t “pin” worthy.  :)  But because of the amount of TIME this baby took I’m sharing it anyway.   Are you ready?  

Oh my word.  I can breathe in here again!  Can’t even BEGIN to tell you how happy I am to have this extra room in better shape.  It was seriously giving me a headache every day.  Just knowing it was there.  Lurking.  A total disaster waiting for me behind closed doors.  This is an extra room over our garage that will someday be a theatre room.  Or something else fun if we change our minds.  But for now it is a landing spot for all of the extras.  And I’m happy to say that my extras are finally under control!  The door in the picture above is to our attic.  Another space that isn’t so pretty right now.  But I’ll save that for another day.  For now I just have to celebrate progress made.  
I NEVER want to move again.
New furniture that I’ve been waiting for came last week!  
Pictures that are a lot more fun are coming soon!
xoxo, Erin
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13 thoughts on “Progress Made

  1. Excellent progress! Excited to see more! I just have one question… Where, oh where in your house do you have your fantastic yellow hutch?? Please tell me you two didn’t break up! :)

  2. Wow, I am impressed Erin. That’s a big accomplishment. Looks good. One question, I love that color of carpet, could you share the brand and color? Thanks so much. Piper

  3. Thank you Lis! Still have my yellow hutch! The two of us are still together. :) I’ll show you where it is soon!

    Thanks Becky!

    Piper – I’m not sure where my carpet info. is! I’ll find it or call the store and get back to you in the comments. :)

    Nonny – I still have the crib put together because we keep having friends/family over that have a baby and use it! :)

  4. Yay, Erin!! You always give us readers great ideas and the desire to go organize our drawers, closets, homes, etc., and I am so thankful for that. I am just loving the photos of your new home – your taste is impeccable! You are the best designer ever!

  5. I love to see progress photos. It looks awesome. I have a weird question, I love your five panel doors, did you order them or where they made custom for you? How tall and wide are they? Thanks. Stephanie

  6. That looks great Erin. I was wondering where you found the chests that are against the wall? I am looking for a large one just like them. I have been searching online but haven’t came across any that I like.

    Looks like you are making great progress!

  7. You inspired me to start cleaning out our basement today. Although we rarely ever go down there, it is always in the back of my mind that it needs a major clean out. We got rid of a ton of boxes and junk! I’ll sleep a little better tonight!

  8. Thank you so much everyone! On my word. Such kind comments. Jane – hardly the best designer ever but I’m so flattered you think so! You are such a sweetheart.

    Thanks Stephanie! Some of our doors are custom and others we ordered. They are all 8 feel tall. Some are 2 1/2 feet wide and some are 3 1/2 feet wide.

    Cathy – the chests were bought and refinished by my mom’s uncle! He is so talented. We have a lot of trunks in our family that are keepsakes from him. :)

  9. Hi, Erin. I was just wondering if you got the info on your carpet? What brand & color is it? Yours looks so lush and soft. Also did you put the same carpet in your kiddos bedrooms & playroom too? Thanks so much. Piper

  10. Hi Piper!

    Unfortunately I don’t have my carpet info.! So sorry! That was just one thing I didn’t keep track of. I put the same grey carpet in the playroom and theatre/storage room and then a slightly browner grey in my kids’ rooms. Sorry I’m not more help!

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