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Merry Christmas Eve!

Merry Christmas Eve friends!  Love this day.  :)  Sharing a few pics I snapped of our home this morning.  We are really enjoying some down time with family today.  

 Our Elf left a little poem for the kids last night. 
Just to thank them for being so good and to get them excited for tomorrow.  
As if we aren’t excited enough!  

 He also left them some elf cookies.  These three cookies came straight from the North Pole, but in case you’re wondering I’ve also seen them at Barnes and Noble.  :)

I wish I could freeze this moment in time.  These three are at such fun ages!
They are my favorite Christmas present every year.  

And a quick shot of our tree.  We took the table out and put it in our breakfast nook this year.  Kenny’s entertaining the kids right now so that I can wrap so I better get to it!  I just didn’t want the day to go by without saying how grateful I am for all of you.  It means the world to me that you take a minute out of your busy day to read this blog.  I love connecting with you all and truly consider you all friends.  Thank you for being a part of my life this year!  One of my favorite parts.  :)

Merry Christmas everyone!  From our family to yours!
xoxo, Erin
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22 thoughts on “Merry Christmas Eve!

  1. Merry Christmas Erin!I love your picture of the kids with the tree in the background. It’s one of those moments that you wish would last forever – thankfully we have cameras. Thank you for sharing your home and family with me. I really have enjoyed seeing my old oboe playing middle school friend all grown up. Rachel

  2. Merry Christmas!! The photo of your little ones made me cry. They’re so sweet and I can imagine how excited they are! They grow sooooo fast! My boy is 7 months now, but I fill like I’m just pregnant and we are going to se him first time by ultrasound(it was in January). At the same time I can’t imagine that there was time when he wasn’t the part of my life.
    I like the colors you’ve used for Christmas decorations: blue,silver and red… Gorgeous!
    Aljonushka from faraway Belarus

  3. Merry Christmas sweet Erin. I am in love with the three kids on the counter. I hope your Christmas is filled with magic and love. Thank you for being such a great friend.

    God Bless you all


  4. Dear sweet Erin, Merry Christmas to you and your beautiful family! God bless you and thank you for this wonderful blog…….

  5. Merry Christmas to you and your lovely family, Erin!! I just adore your decorating with the turquoise, silver and red!! And you have one of the most beautiful Christmas trees I have ever seen! My favorite pictures are of your 3 wonderful children up on the kitchen cabinet reading your Elf’s letter. That is just the sweetest picture ever!!

    Thank you for sharing part of your holidays with us!!

  6. A very merry Christmas to you as well Erin! So fun watching your kiddos grow. I think time goes fast with mine and then I realize how long I’ve been following you on here and can’t believe that either. ;-) Kuddos on keeping it going, I got burnt out on mine…maybe another time I’ll be motivated to start fresh. Hoping Santa was good to all of you and that God blesses your year to come.

    Hugs from KS,

  7. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you our dear friend. You make us laugh, you make us cry, you make us happy without knowing why. Thank you for taking time out of your life to make our days just a little bit brighter! We love you Erin!

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