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Plastering the pool!

Hello friends!  I went dark for a few days.  K.  That just sounded a lot more serious than I meant for it to.  Let me start again.  I took a mini blogging hiatus to deal with house stuff.  Wait.  It sounded cooler to say I went “dark.”  I’m sticking with that one.  It’s all about the pool this week!  Time to plaster!  After checking out several pools last week (so many fun options) we ended up choosing pebble tec with a hydrazzo like finish.  If that makes no sense to you it’s ok – I wouldn’t have understood it a week ago.  :)  The color is a custom mix my landscaper came up with based on the shade of blue we want the water to be.  Too funny that it matches all of the aqua in my house!  Not planned.  :)  Here are a few pics from plaster day…

I bought these three little turtles because I thought they would be fun for my three little turtles.  :)

I also picked out these fish for the shamu shelf.  I woke up at 5:00 am Monday morning and drove inland for an hour in crazy morning traffic to buy them.  Then flew back to the coast to be at our house by 8:00 when the plastering was about to start (yeah – cut it a little close with that one!).  When the kids saw them they decided the baby fish is Kole, the middle two are the girls, and the first fish is daddy.  Where’s the mommy fish?  According to Ellie I was eaten by a shark.  (What!?)  Now I’m totally kicking myself that I didn’t buy one more fish!  Clearly I’m paying the price.  :)

They started filling the pool with water this afternoon!
Three little turtles anxious to swim.  
p.s.  I’ve been getting several of the same questions about wood floors, paint colors, and a few other new house things so I’m going to write a Q & A post soon.  Let me know if you have any other questions in the comments!  Enjoy your day!  

xoxo, Erin
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36 thoughts on “Plastering the pool!

  1. It is so pretty Erin! Love the turtles and the fish. The house looks beautiful. Do you have a move in date yet? I bet it won’t be long now. I really don’t think pictures on your blog can do your new house justice!!! So….I will need a grand tour. ;)


  2. Thank you Cathy! We had to push our move in date back to mid October (still finishing up a few things inside). Hopefully just a few more weeks! And I would so love to give you a tour! You are more than welcome any time. :)

  3. So excited for you!! Now it will be a race to see what happens first–you moving in or my baby sleeping through the night. I have a heavy suspicion you will win–cuz it’s not looking good over here. My baby thinks every nights a party! Love your pool!!

  4. I love watching your house being built!!! I can only imagine the stress level right now trying to finish up everything. Good luck!

  5. I totally thought the pool color was chosen to match your house-then I read your comment-too funny! I love it and I CANNOT wait to have a full tour. Your home is amazing!!!!

  6. Erin – the pool looks gorgeous! I am so happy for you and your family! Thank you so much for allowing us to share this journey with you! I can’t wait for the virtual tour!!!

  7. We missed you those “dark” days. You can even make pool installation look exciting! I LOVE the color and can’t wait to see it filled with water and those three precious little turtles waiting to swim! The picture of them watching is the best!

  8. Good morning Erin. My husband and and I are thinking about building a house. OMG we are so nervous…What advice do you have to finally pull the trigger and just do it! There is so much financial uncertainties, ya know?

    Anyway- I want to know colors, tile information, and ANY advice you have send my way please!

    Also, are you selling your current house?

  9. I love your entire house and everything you have picked out! I can’t wait to see the whole tour. We are remodeling a 100 year old home. I would love to know where you picked your carpet and what for your runner. I think you said you decided on the gray one with the pattern.

  10. Ha ha.. I think you will beat my on that one too Darcy! Building this house will NEVER end!!

    Thanks for the sweet comments everyone!

    Anonymous – a shamu shelf is a shallow “shelf” in the pool that you can sit or hang out on. They are perfect for babies and toddlers to play on!

  11. M – yes – we picked the grey/brown trellis pattern carpet for the stairs.

    Ashley – oh I could write a book for you! :) I’ll answer your question and others in my Q & A post. Exciting!

  12. Oh my word, how cool! Love the pool & details!! I also really like the roses/pink flowers in the landscaping along your house. They are feminine against the craftsmen style house. I’ve always been a fan of combining masculine and feminine.

    My question is what color/brand did you end up painting the exterior of the house?

    Andrea L.

  13. Your house is gorgeous! I am super jealous of that amazing pool and backyard. Stunning!

    We are currently in the process of building a house, too, so I get the “dark side.” ;)

    I would love to hear more about your paint and lighting selections, as those things are next up on our list!

  14. I have a very serious question that I am really hoping you can answer for me….Can I come live with you?!?! Or at the very least jump your fence and swim in your pool at night :) Seriously tho if the hubs and I decide to build you will be my go to gal for inspiration! Thanks so much for sharing, I cant wait to see the finished product

  15. Oh Erin it’s all looking so fabulous! I love that pic of your 3 little cuties all lined up – can just imagine what their busy little minds are thinking! xx

  16. I’m soooo anxious to see your new home finished. I’m sure it will look amazing! What are dimensions of your pool? It’s hard to tell from pictures.

    Love love love your blog, Erin. I’m a devoted reader but I’ve never left a comment! Wishing all the best to you and your lovely family.

  17. Thank you so much everyone! I’ll answer your questions soon!

    Tanya – you made me laugh! :) Thank you!

    Sara – thank you for such a sweet comment! So nice to “meet” you. :)

    Kath – I hope you know you are welcome anytime. Partay!!

  18. Oh My Erin! I haven’t checked out any blogs lately with the start up of school for my three little people. :-) Everything is coming along so lovely with your house! OMG! I’m going to scroll through all of your blog posts to get me caught up on all that’s gone on. Anyway, happy fall!!!


  19. How deep is your pool and how big is it? We are trying to decide on pebble tec vs fiberglass. Everyone says fiberglass is easier on the feet, however it has its limitations for size and depth. Thanks so much!

    1. Hi Natalia! Our pool is 42×22 and it’s 9 feet deep. We used pebble tech and had it sanded so that it’s soft on the feet! :)

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