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Valentine gifts for teachers and friends

I hope everyone had a great Valentines Day!  I don’t know about all of you but I ate way too much junk today.  Way way too much.  My kids weren’t the only ones on a sugar high!  So since I’m all about the junk food right now (starting that diet tomorrow…) here are some pictures of part of my temptation today.  I had so many pretzel snaps left over from December (we didn’t have time to make friends our annual Christmas Pretzel Hugs) and as you know I went crazy buying Valentine m&m’s this year…

So Valentine Pretzel Hugs it was!  
An obvious (and fun) choice for teacher/friend gifts for Valentines day this year.  

Addison and I have such a quick assembly line system with these babies.  
I line up all the pretzel snaps while she unwraps the hugs…
 Then we both place a hug on each one (a few may get eaten along the way)…

Then after they are melted to perfection (7 minutes at 200 degrees), I pull them out and pop some m&m’s on them and wa-la!  
A delicious treat perfect for Valentine’s Day. 
Or the day after.  
Or the day after that.  
I picked up some cute little owl sacks at Target.  
Then I punched a small hole in each of the kids’ Valentines.
Then I just tied the Valentine on with a little red ribbon.  
Simple.  Cute.  Done.  
We had a plethora of these owl sacks all over my kitchen counter this morning but the girls left for school with most of them so I was only able to get a picture of these three for Kole’s therapists.  

Later in the evening we delivered them to a few more friends on little plates.  The more pretzel hugs to go around the better!  That’s always been my motto anyway.  

Kenny worked from home this afternoon while Kole napped so that I could help with the girls’ classroom parties.  So much fun.  The kids all had a great Valentines Day.

And me?  Well Kenny got me a little something I’ve been wanting for a long time this year for Valentines Day.  No flowers or chocolates for this girl.  I finally got a label maker!!  Oh my word!  I’m flying high!  Just you wait until we get moved into our new house!  I’m going to organize and label every single thing we own.

And then some!   
So romantic.  My husband knows me well.  
Happy weekend everyone!  
xoxo, Erin
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15 thoughts on “Valentine gifts for teachers and friends

  1. Great job Knny! My husband surprised me with one for Christmas a couple years ago and nothing has been safe from me and my label maker since!

    Enjoy your weekend!

  2. I have never commented before, but have followed your blog for quite some time! I love looking for new posts everyday! You do a fantastic job and love how you keep it real!
    Oh how label makers make my heart go pitter patter!
    Keep up the great work you do!

  3. that sounds like a great day!! those hugs are such a great idea! easy, cheap, and super cute!!
    I’m super jealous about the label maker, awesome job hubby :)

  4. Thank you! I know, right? A label maker is the BEST gift. I’m so excited about it!

    Julie – so sweet of you to say. Thank you! And it’s so nice to “meet you.” :)

  5. Well, I think we know how I feel about the “pretzel hugs!” It still amazes me how you place every M&M on there so perfect…lol. Everything came out so cute.

    How sweet of Kenny! I love those kinds of gifts!

  6. So cute!!! Love how valentines day is a huge deal in the states, it’s not at all in Australia, there’s no decorating or giving teachers, class mates gifts. But on Valentines day there is still gifts, flowers and romantic dinners. :) But think we could all step it up a notch here & follow your lead!

  7. Wahoo, a label maker!
    The hugs have become a favorite at our house too! I always eat WAY too many! I made them for our Robison New Years Party and everyone loved them! See what a great cook you are, taught me one of my new favorite recipes! ;)

  8. 1) I can’t believe you’ve gone this long without a label maker!

    2) my daughter’s teacher told my daughter’s class that we don’t have valentine’s day, that’s something from another country. =o( Admittedly V-day isn’t such a big deal here in Australia, it’s much more of a holiday for adult couples- wine, dates, lingerie etc. But to say it’s something only celebrated overseas?! Love is for everyone :o) I’m glad you got to go to the kids’ valentines parties :o)

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