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We’re back! 
Two full days at Disneyland.  
So much fun.
I’d love to tell  you all about it but I’m in a fetal position on my couch and can’t move.
We never left the park.
Never took a break except to sleep a mere six hours. 
We were HARD CORE this trip.
My parents were home with the babies so we had to make the most of it. 
And make the most of it we did!
Hence the fetal position.  
My sister’s flight home just landed and she sent me a text saying “Re-entry is a cruel joke.”
Cruel indeed.  
I am so not looking forward to tomorrow.  
What?  The house needs to be cleaned?  Sheets to wash?  Bags to unpack?  Clothes to fold?  Groceries to buy?  Therapy sessions to make up?  New house decisions to deal with?  Homework to catch up on?  A two year old to take care of?  Emails to answer?  3 newly gained pounds to jog off?  Appointments to keep?  A to-do list a mile long that I so enjoyed ignoring so that I could sing “It’s a Small World After all…” with my girls a time or twenty?  
I will be paying for this trip for a while. 

Now if I can just muster enough strength to get upstairs to my bed I will be in good shape.
And hopefully have the energy to share more tomorrow.
Glad to be home.
xoxo, Erin
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18 thoughts on “Re-entry

  1. Sounds like you had a fun Disney trip with your family. I love family time. I have spent the last few days waiting for a call from my daughter saying, “It’s Time! ” I hope she has the baby soon. She sent her babies to Disneyland last week. She couldn’t muster up enough energy to go. Those pregnancy hormones had her in tears. That is the first time they ever went without her. Thank goodness for season passes!! I am so happy to hear that you got to spend time with your family.
    Enjoy your rest tonight!!

  2. ah you guys are so lucky to live so close to Disneyland! Think I would be there all the time if we were at all close (I’m in Australia…. So we are Far far away) Baby free weekend… That alone is totally worth it! ;)

  3. Would love to see some pics from your trip, I too am reading from Australia and saving like mad so we can bring our kids over to Disneyland next year

  4. I LOVE that the husbands are carrying the gear… especially the pink/purple bag. :) I always get stuck holding the bags and being the one kids go to for everything, so it’s nice seeing the ladies look so footloose and fancy free!

  5. So fun! Most vacations seem to make you more tired :) And I have a random question- how do you get big pics on your blog? I always go through photobucket, but it’s more work, and it’s looks like you don’t do it that way. Just wondered if you had any tips. Thanks!

  6. bHope you do some blogging about Disney. Would love to hear, tips, tricks, things to do or not waste your time and money on. Line advice etc. What a cute family!

  7. Hi Erin, So excited too that my 21 year old daughter and I will be at Disneyland on the 27th of November, the first time at Disneyland and to the United States! Any tips or hints you can give us will be most appreciated!! Justine T from Brisbane Australia

  8. Ok, I can’t wait to hear about Disneyland, I bet the girls were so thrilled to go after such a long withdrawal period! But all I could think looking at that picture is, what happened to Ellie??!! Seriously, has she grown a foot since last time I saw her? She looks SO big!

  9. Thanks everyone! I will share more about our trip as soon as I can find a minute to go through all of the pictures. I took too many! :)

    Cathy – can’t wait to hear the fun news! Such an exciting time!

    Julie – yes – back to reality is exactly what I was talking about. Not fun! :)

    Evaly – I’ll email you this weekend about the pic size!

  10. OMG your poor sister must have had sore feet, I notice she is wearing flip flops. Our family loves disneyland, its a magical place.

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