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Ellie and Addison

School Days

I made it!  Tomorrow is the girls’ last day of school!  WOOT WOOT!  I know many of you have been enjoying summer for a while, but not us!  The last few weeks have been so busy and I can’t wait until Monday morning comes and I can sleep in!  And by sleep in I mean wake up to Kole babbling at 6:30 instead of the alarm clock at 6:15.  Still.  It feels different.  :)  And no more making lunches and homework!  I know.  2nd grade and Kindergarten homework isn’t too painful, but still.  We are ready to set our own schedule for a while.  Kenny and I are celebrating tonight by starting Glee.  We’ve never seen Glee because with a lot of shows we like to wait until summer so we can start a series and stay up ridiculously late watching one right after the other.  (Hello Jack Bauer marathon that lasted three summers long.  Jack – you were in our thoughts tonight.  Well, at least mine.)  
My girls have had SUCH a great year.  They both had wonderful teachers and have grown so much.  I’ve had a great year too.  Lots of highlights and memories.  My “mom moment” is the first one that comes to mind.  :)  A special day and one of my favorite posts.  I had lots of “mom moments” this year and I’m so thankful for each and every one of them.  Here are a few pics I rounded up that I took throughout the year.  I love to snap pictures of the girls on their way out the door in the morning before Kenny takes them to school.  I’m always standing out on my door step in my pj’s with messy hair, trying to keep Kole from running into the street, waving to the neighbors driving by, and happily snapping pictures.  It’s my morning routine.  

First day of Kindergarten and Second Grade.  
(Love that they still hold hands.)

 Just last week.
 Addison in a dress and El in sweats.  My girls are nothing if not predictable. 
Looking forward to a wonderful summer with these two peanuts!!
Hope you are enjoying yours!
p.s.  I am guest posting at I’m an Organizing Junkie today!  Laura has such a fun blog – all sorts of great organizing ideas!  Be sure to check it out.  :)
xoxo, Erin
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18 thoughts on “School Days

  1. AWE Erin! Summer is the best time of the year! I hope you have a fun summer. I love making my own routines and most of all I love making summer memories.
    Enjoy :)

  2. Enjoy your summer! I’m curious to know what you’ll think of Glee. I thought it was really good the first season and went downhill from there, but I know a lot of people who do still watch it. :-)

  3. Your girls are darling! I would love to ask a question, maybe for your Q&A post? Do your girls fight with each other? How do you help them be such good friends? I have two girls in a row too (one is still just a baby) and I want to help them have a good relationship as they grow up. I had a sister just younger than me and we fought like crazy growing up! Thanks! :)


  4. Your girls are super cute <3!!!!And enjoy the summer break, it always goes too fast!Even though, we are ready to put kids back to school when time comes :)!!!

  5. Thanks everyone!

    Tiffany – that is such a good question and I was emailed a similar one a while back. I’m make sure to include it in the next Q & A. :)

  6. Your little girls are adorable! They are quite in style! Love all the bright colors! Have a great summer!

  7. Love that last pic, so them! Ryan and I were cracking up awhile back after you had mentioned Ellie’s idea for her invention to make pajamas that look like clothes, we actually saw an infomercial for “pajama jeans”! I was dying! So, it looks like someone beat her to the punch. She’ll have to come up with her own twist if her idea is going to take off. ;)

    El’s hair is getting so long! Did you curl it that day or is it starting to go curly?

    Can’t believe you’re just getting out! The past two weeks have been killing me! I’m already ready for school to start again!

  8. Your girls are just adorable! I have two girls, myself, and I love seeing them play together and how much they love each other. :)

  9. I love this post, Erin! Today was Frances’s last day of school, too. I cried a little (who am I kidding? I’ve been tearing up for weeks now), but Frances just looked at me and said, “Don’t be sad, Mommy. I don’t really like school anyway.” I didn’t have the heart to tell my little student that Kindergarten (next year) IS school.

    Have a wonderful summer! You’ve earned it!

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