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Fashion Friday (for the kiddos)

Each season I get a little bummed when my girls put on their summer clothes from the year before and they are too small.  That pair of capris that were SO big on Addie when I bought them are now too tight and too short.  Just like everything else I bought the girls last summer.  It bums me out because I want them to stay little forever.  It also bums me out because dang!  Those were cute clothes!  That they hardly wore!  It’s nice that I can pass El’s stuff on to Add, but still, the life of their wardrobe is pretty short lived.  So lately I’ve been buying a few things here and there so they have something to wear this summer.  Mostly stuff on sale!  Since each season I’m repeating the process.
Shopping for El is tricky because of the comfort factor.  I bought her the green dress at Gymboree and the grey skirt at Gap.  Both passed the test and aren’t “itchy.”  The blue tank is also from Gap but that’s for my 5 year old who will sacrifice all comfort for the love of fashion.  Or for a pretty butterfly. El would go crazy with those gathers at the top.  I know my children well.  And if you read this blog often, so do you.  :)

Matching days are getting few and far between, but I’m desperately trying to keep them alive!  I’m also trying to keep my girls little as long as possible which is evident with the popsicle “sweet” outfits I scored at Gymboree.  They might be wearing matching popsicle tanks in high school if I have anything to do with it.  Which I won’t.  Which is why I’m not all that excited about high school.

And aren’t these simple grey ruffle dresses cute!?  Target baby!  So cheap and they fit darling!  I love them on my girls.  They come in other colors and when my mom came to babysit the kids while we were in Virginia she brought them the yellow ones.  We laughed.  We do that all the time because we have such similar tastes.  These dresses are fun because you can add leggings, tights, a belt, headband, any accessory in a fun bright color looks so great with the grey stripes.  Makes me want to find a grey striped dress or top for me!

Isn’t the dress cute with this pink shrug I bought Addie!?  Also at Target!  Looks so cute over the grey.  I picked up these colorful socks for the girls too.  They have to wear good running shoes to school which means we always need ankle socks and I was going crazy with all of the white socks in the laundry!  I could never tell the difference between my socks and Ellie’s socks and Addie’s socks.  They were all identical other than a slight size difference.  I’m loving these new colorful socks!  So easy to match and the girls just share them all.  I don’t know why in the world I didn’t think of colorful socks sooner.

Since I’m on a stripe kick, here are a couple of other dresses I picked up at Children’s Place last week… 10 bucks each baby!  Love that.

And another summer dress from Children’s Place that was also on sale.  Nice and comfortable which is why you see a smile on this girl’s face.

My little man has been involved in some fashion pampering of his own.  A couple of weeks ago he got his first hair cut.  :)

We went on a Saturday and Kenny came.  I knew I’d need back-up support.  He held Kole on his lap and then turned on Tangled on the ipad.  The ONLY way we got this boy to hold still for the whole four minute ordeal.  

He is one stylish little dude.  :)
Some pics I took today while we were on one of our outings…
Here’s my boyfriend modeling his new Target shirt from grandma.  

What a pro.  I mean he’s only been in the modeling biz for a year now, but just look at that pose.  
Just before nap time.  This model needs his beauty sleep.  
Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
xoxo, Erin
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17 thoughts on “Fashion Friday (for the kiddos)

  1. I can’t believe how big the kids are getting. It seems like they just shot up during the last few months. I was in Vegas last weekend for my birthday.I don’t like to gamble. IMy husband knows that we need to stay at a place with a great pool and good eating! We stayed at the Golden Nugget. I have never been downtown but it was so much fun. It is all covered outdoors. I didn’t think I would like it but I really did. We always stay on the strip. The Golden Nugget is amazing too. The pool with the shark tank was my favorite. I spent all day out there. It is a beautiful Hotel. On our way back we stopped at State Line. I shopped till I dropped. It takes a lot for me to drop when it comes to shopping. I love all of the stores in there. Banana Republic had so many cute things. So did Gap and William Sonoma. I spent most of my time at Children’s Place. It was a successful shopping day.
    Looks like you found so many cute things too. Don’t you just love when you find so many cute things. :)
    Have a fun weekend.

  2. Adorable outfits! I dressed mine alike for as long as I could too. The only downside of that was that certain outfits we had to look at longer since the younger one wore the initial one and then the one passed down by her sister when she outgrew hers.

  3. Love the clothes you picked out for the girls. I just love Gymbo for my girls (I have four) because it’s so cute and not too grown up. My oldest daughter (10) told me that she was done with Gymbo this year. :( At least I still have three more to dress alike from Gymbo! :) I adore the gray striped dresses…I may have to go and find those at my Target. Of course, my ten year old hates all things dress so I will probably pair it with leggings and call it a tunic for her. ;)

  4. Oh, I love your posts!!! love seeing the kids in their adorable outfits and yes, that Cole is one styling dude!!!! Enjoy this process of being able to pick the clothes out for the kids because before too long, they will want to make all the choices, lol!! just speaking from experience!!! My daughter is 13 and my son is 11. I loved the pics of Cole getting his haircut!!!! So adorable!
    Have a great weekend!!!

  5. ummm why are your kids so cute?! And, you dress them so darling. I know what you mean about keeping girls little…

    I’m sort of sad I can’t match my kiddos – well, I sort of can, but not like 2 girls. Jameson might not like that. Okay, let’s be honest – he’s not even 1, he wouldn’t care! ;)

  6. I love the gray striped dresses!

    Here’s a tip for the socks in the wash issue: when you take them off, safety pin them together near the cuff. They’ll stay together in the washer and dryer, and then it’s easy to unpin them and roll together when you’re folding the laundry. I do laundry for only one person, but it helps a lot!

  7. What is it about boys and haircuts that instantly ages them into Kindergarten?!! He is so cute, but looking so much bigger (which, if it’s killing me it must be KILLING you). Happy weekend!

  8. Thanks everyone! I know Shelby — trying to make Gymboree last as long as possible, but I can tell Ellie is starting to grow out of it. :( And the grey striped dress looks so cute with leggings! Addison wore that yesterday. :)

  9. So cute! Love the ruffled grey dress from Target. I have two little girls & I LOVE to dress them alike. Luckily mine are only 3 & 5 and still love to match each other. I’m going to be so sad when big sister says ENOUGH with it all. I hope I can squeeze a few more years out of the matching outfits. Ha!

  10. I can’t believe how big Kole is getting…he is so cute!

    We could so go shopping together…Target and Children’s place are two of my favorites :)

  11. Such cute clothes. And your little guy looks so handsome! My daughter’s favorite movie is Tangled right now. We are lucky that Grammy is a hairdresser and does the whole family’s hair. Makes it a lot easier to get the kids to cooperate! :)

  12. Gorgeous Outfits! I feel your pain, I sepnd a fortune on kids clothes & they out grow them so quick!! I have a 10 month old baby, that one gets me worse because each piece of clothing has about a 2 month span before she outgrows it. At least I get a solid year out of wear for my 2 year old. Love the outfits :)

  13. Jessica! I was JUST saying my girls are “3 & 5” – I can’t believe how fast they grow. And it’s funny because it’s my youngest who doesn’t want to dress alike! Ellie could care less. Go figure! :)

    Thanks for all of the sweet comments on Kole being a cutie everyone! I’m going to have to agree with you on that one. ;)

  14. I LOVE those gray striped dresses! It is so hard to find things that still look “little girl” enough in the bigger sizes. I see a trip to Target in my future….

  15. Ummm do I have to be the one to point out that the girls get ALLLL of the fashion Friday clothes and Kole??? One cute shirt that Grandma bought…Ahem. Mom…go across the aisle to the boys dept. I know it’s not AS fun but come on…the injustice. (always stickin’ up for the boys:)

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