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Fashion Friday…kinda..sorta..ok not really

Happy Friday everyone!  Had some fun in Forever 21 the other day.  Oh my goodness.  They have SO many cute things in right now!  Spring colors are showing up.  This is my favorite time of year to shop for clothes!  Well.  Other than in the Fall.  And summer stuff is pretty fun too.  And I am loving winter boots and scarves this year.  Guess every time of year is my favorite time of year to shop for clothes.  Go figure.  :)

I bought this simple, classic V-neck sweater.  Love the little buttons on the sleeves.  It came in lots of colors – I was loving this soft blue.  I can’t remember exactly what I paid but I know it was under 15 bucks.  Forever 21 baby!  Love it.  I found some other cute stuff that I’m excited to share but I don’t have time to go through pics tonight.  We have a lot of family coming into town this weekend (I’m so excited!) and to say I have a lot to get done before they get here would be an understatement.  Here’s a peek at the current state of my bedroom: 

and my bathroom…

Ha!  Am I ready for company or what!?  :)  I tore into my closet last week and haven’t had two seconds to finish my little project.  Because my little project turned into a not-so-little project.  But have no fear!

I am armed and ready to tackle my messy situation!  I just need to find some time to do it. Hopefully before noon tomorrow.  It’s all good.  I work best under pressure.  :)

And just in case I need a little inspiration, I picked up this beauty at the grocery store the other day…

Have you all seen this issue!?  Looks so good.  I picked it up and thought 10 bucks!?  I’m not paying 10 bucks for a magazine.  Then I flipped through the pages.  And music started playing and the heavens opened.  And I found myself thinking 10 bucks!  Really!?  That’s it!?  For this work of art!?  Sold. 

What will my kids do while I bustle around getting the house ready for our guests?

They always seem to come up with something.  :)  
Happy weekend everyone! 

xoxo, Erin
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26 thoughts on “Fashion Friday…kinda..sorta..ok not really

  1. I am having family coming in this weekend too. Some from Vegas Friday and we are having at least 21 people coming in on Saturday. It is 11:53pm and I just got done cleaning. My husband shakes his head at me every time someone comes to visit cause I go on a clean frenzy. He always says that we can perform surgery in our house. He just doesn’t get it!! I re-organized every pantry, drawer, linen closet and closet in my house last month. Surprisingly, with a little help from me. it all stayed that way. Hope you get all of your stuff done. I am sure you will!! Have a great weekend visiting

  2. You always make me laugh. I have those canvas bins next to your container store bags and love them-they fit right on top of my closet perfectly and I use them to hide gifts in that I pick up here and there.

  3. Hi! I love your blog, and having three kiddos myself, I can totally relate to your crazy life!
    I love your fashion Friday posts, but I always wondered, what do you wash/maintain your clothes with? I buy clothes at Forever 21 too, but I find that the tops I buy dont look so great after a few wears. I notice that you have had some Forever 21 tops for a few years – how do you do it? Please tell me your secret so I can convince myself (and my hubby) that shopping in Forever 21 is a “investment” :-)

  4. Ha! I would end up buying the organizing magazine and then not get any organizing done because I’d be too busy reading through all of the pages! Can’t wait to see how your not-so-little project turns out. Enjoy the time with your family!

  5. F21 is a dangerous place!!! But one of my favorites for sure. I love that sweater. Anything with an excess of buttons is always wonderful.

    Good luck with all the organizing you need to do. I have faith it’ll look perfect in not time ;)

  6. HA HA I have never seen your bedroom and bathroom such a mess! i love it! Good lucky girlie! tackle it baby!

  7. It is hard to believe you have any messes at all. But I guess we all have the “it gets worse before it gets better” when organizing a space! Have fun with your family this weekend! My kids do that with the blanket and pulling each other around all the time too! :)

  8. I love the new top, I used to shop at forever 21 many years ago. I am thinking I need to go back and take a peak at some of their items. Good luck with your organization project and your kids are just so cute. I saw your container store bags and just realized that there is one right next door to my work. I need to go check out it looks like they are having a sale. Have a good weekend

  9. Oh my gosh – THANK YOU for showing me the disarray in your bedroom, bathroom, etc. – in my mind, your house is *always* perfectly organized lol so it’s sort of nice to debunk that myth and know you’re just like any other Mom ;)

    LOVE tha sweater – I haven’t gone to Forever 21 lately and you keep making me think a trip is in order.

    Loooove that last photo of Kole being dragged on the blanket – he looks like a happy rider :)

  10. I saw that one of the comments said that Forever 21’s clothes don’t really hold up. It seems like every time I buy a shirt there it winds up getting a hole in it after the first wash. I always wash all of my tops on delicate cycle and hang dry.
    Have you ever had this problem?

  11. Ok Erin, I don’t mean to be rude, but I am so happy to see your bedroom a mess. That is how my bedroom always looks! And as much as your beautiful, clean house inspires me, I get down on myself when I see other peoples homes looking so perfect. My bedroom is always the last thing I worry about. No one goes in there, and with my crazy life (3 kids, you know how it is) I can barely keep the main parts of my house clean. So again, not trying to be rude, just glad to see that I’m not the only one with a messy bedroom. I guess the difference is that yours is probably clean now, and mine is still a mess and will be for a while, I don’t have family coming into town any time soon. ;)

  12. I love that shirt so cute…WE have a huge Forever 21 in our mail and I think I need to go visit it soon! I sure hope you are going to share with us that organizing project you were doing in your closet! Hope you enjoy your weekend with our family coming in town!

  13. Super cute sweater, I’ve been looking for a nice lightweight sweater to pair with scarves but so far no luck. Pretty sure that I can’t fit into anything from Forever 21 however! ;)Enjoy the company coming in and have a great weekend!

  14. And I wonder how long it will be until one of your creations will be featured in that very magazine??? :) I’m thinking a subscription to that baby is in order for you girl. Right up your alley.

    I’m so so sad we are missing the big day tomorrow. I will be thinking of you and your sweet Ellie. Tell your Mom I said Hi.

  15. you made me feel better (like you do every day). I love all your organization. I have the canvas bins and martha’s new organization book too! The house looks like a mess before it looks perfect, I have two little ones and totally understand. I wish I could meet you some day. You are an inspiration.

  16. Here’s how this went down:
    Erin: Quick, kids..I need to make the house look messy so my blog readers will think I am real.
    Kids: You are real mom. What’s a mess? How do we do it?
    Erin: I’m not sure..I think just put stuff where it doesn’t belong so I can take a picture.
    I DON’T BELIEVE YOU! Hope your weekend goes perfectly just like you:)

  17. Thanks everyone!

    Kathleen – you crack me up. :)

    For those of you who asked about how I care for my cheap Forever 21 clothes, I’ll talk about that in my next Fashion Friday post!

  18. I just bought that same magazine… thought the same thing….$10.00? But great pictures and ideas, so I am sure the investment will pay off!

  19. Guessing by now you got it all done before company arrived or had a meltdown ;) Been nursing a sick kiddo around these parts far too long, and I so need to get back on track. Maybe I too need out of town company to get my rear in gear! LOL

  20. Erin,
    I’m just going to say, I can not believe that you spent $10 on that magazine! YOU should be the one writing it! You pantry looks better than their front cover!

  21. Hahahahaa about the 10 bucks comment!! I know this post was several months ago, but I had to comment because I have the exact same thought process every time I see one of those “special” organization-themed magazine issues. They are so beautiful to look at, and I’ve held on to every single one I’ve purchased! :)

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