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home decor 2

Lots of stuff

Just a glimpse of what we’ve been up to lately…

 Lots of coloring

Lots of lemon picking

 Lots of hot dog grilling
 Lots of climbing
Lots of decorating – 
by the girls…
and by their mom

Lots of painting (now that I’ve done the wall I’m kind of obsessed)
 Lots of organizing (always obsessed) – afters coming soon

Lots of curls cut off (don’t be fooled by the picture above – what’s left is still awfully curly!)

 Lots of fun in the sun
and of course…
Lots of capturing it all on camera
xoxo, Erin
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13 thoughts on “Lots of stuff

  1. Nothing like summer fun. That Kole in his jammies is too cute. We’ve been inside a lot playing Wii because it’s so hot here right now. Can’t wait to see your afters!

  2. Erin, your blog is so fun and entertaining! I don’t know your husband, but I can almost hear his laugh when you asked him to hold the package of hot dogs so you could take a picture for your blog! :) I hope y’all have a great week!

  3. Your babies are so beautiful! I am so glad you all are having a wonderful summer.

    Thank you for coming over to my little bitty blog. I gasped and about fell out of the chair when I saw your comment. So sweet of you! :-)

  4. Great way to post some pics w/out all the details (which then turns me off from making a blog post) sometimes, its just another “to do” on the long list! How are your PL books coming this Summer?

  5. If we lived closer, our kids would color together, I’d eat one of those hot dogs and Id make Kenny burn it for me, and Id sit on the floor by you while you refolded all those towels. really i would.

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