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Rainbow Love

Hi everyone!  Hope you’re having a good week so far!  I’m loving having my mom in town.  It’s like having two me’s around here.  My kids are getting ample attention, the house/laundry is in order, Kole is taking naps when he actually wants to sleep.  Plus we just have a lot of fun together.  I love having a bit of adult company during the day.  We’ve also been able to do a little shopping together during the girls’ summer camps and I’m so excited about all of our finds!  Love shopping.  Love having help with my day to day.  Love my mom.  :)  
Ok.  Switching gears now.  A couple of weeks ago for Addison’s graduation I arrived super early (Kenny came later with the kiddos).  I’m always the first one to arrive at events like that because Kenny and I like to shoot for the best seats in the house.  We’re annoying that way.  Anyway, I was so early that I was able to help the teachers set things up and get the post graduation treats ready.  

They made the cutest little cupcakes topped with fruit in rainbow colors and the kids all loved them.

My girls and I especially loved them because we are big rainbow fans around here!

This was one of my favorite bulletin boards when I was teaching 1st grade.  (Excuse the terrible photo – it’s a picture of a picture because I’m too lazy to scan tonight.)  Remember the tissue hearts we made for our Valentine mantel?  I did the same thing with my 1st graders for the rainbow.  The whole thing was made out of little tissues.  I set a center up in the back of my classroom and my little 6 year olds worked on it on and off for about a month.  I added a little quilt batting for the clouds and wa-la!  A beautiful rainbow for our “Rainbow of Wishes” display for the month of March.  I’m planning on making one with the girls when I can muster up some time to cut all of the tissue into little squares.

Here are a few other fun rainbow ideas I’m planning to do with my girls.  (Ideas from Pinterest of course!)  First a few fun rainbow snacks —

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

Source: via Erin on Pinterest

I thought this was so much more fun than a regular veggie tray.

And a couple of fun and easy rainbow art projects —

My girls would love these!  They are perfect little projects for them to work on during our “down time” each afternoon while Kole snoozes.

And just to prove our love of rainbows, here are 4 beautifully illustrated rainbows that are displayed in my house at this very moment…

RAINBOWS.  We are fans.  :)
xoxo, Erin
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7 thoughts on “Rainbow Love

  1. That vegetable display looks decorative but not real functional to me. I think you just want to go to the container store for varying sizes of clear containers. am I right or am I right? go to bed, my friend.

  2. Very CUTE!! I may need to check out this pinterest thing–I see a rainbow snack in my kids futures!! You could throw a whole party with a cute rainbow theme–I attempted my first rainbow cake this weekend!! I’m filing that away for future use:)

  3. a friend of mine just recently hosted a rainbow party. Her ideas were from Pinterest as well. It was so cute: tie-dying shirts and all.

    Your fruit cupcakes look divine.

  4. Glad we live on opposite coasts…I, too, am the Mom arriving super early to grab the best seats in the house! Great ideas…thanks for sharing.

  5. I love all these pictures of Rainbows out of fruit! We just did an art project and made Rainbows…it was so much fun and they are still hanging up. If you want to check it out…it is up on my blog from last week!

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