So I have a secret spot. A getaway. My favorite place to visit where I can really relax and leave all of my cares behind. It is a place where meals are cooked (or bought!) for me, a place where I can visit and connect with old friends, a place where I feel totally comfortable wearing my pajamas all day, a place aside from my home where my children feel the most content. And, most importantly, a place where babysitting is plentiful and free!

Mom’s house. Ahhhh. Isn’t it beautiful!!?? This last trip to Southern Utah I asked my mom if I could photograph and share her home. Around six years ago my parents decided to down size (yes! this is actually a lot smaller than the home I grew up in) and build their dream home. My mom wanted a cottage style home complete with a porch, pillars and black shutters while my dad wanted his dream yard. They both got their wish. This house is very similar to the style of home I love and it has been so fun having this beautiful place to escape to now and again.
Is there a better combination than black shutters and yellow roses? Not that I know of.
Side of the house with a little black gate that leads to the back yard.
And to the left of the gate is the garage. I can’t believe I forgot to photograph the garage! We love to tease my dad about his beloved garage that is actually more like a separate house. It’s a four car garage with two levels above it. We call it “the garage-mahal” and if my dad suddenly disappears when his house is full of kids and grand kids, we all know where to find him. He is no doubt in his coveted, quiet getaway where he can take a nap, do a little fly tying for his next fishing trip, watch sports on the big screen, or just putter in his tool space. Once in a while he’ll take the grand kids over to feed the fish in his aquarium, but for the most part the “garage-mahal” is a total man cave. Sorry dad — for forgetting to take pictures of what you believe is the most important part of your home.

And the view from the back of their home. Which is just as darling as the front. If I had zoomed in closer to the porch you would see several doll houses that my mom set outside so her granddaughters could play with their dolls in the shade. And a race track and cars for her grandsons. Even though Kole is the oldest of the three grandsons and the cars were mostly used as teething tools. Still mom. Such a sweet gesture. :)
I just love the vines growing around her pillars and the flowers planted around each tree.
Another favorite spot for the grandkids. Right inside these beautiful trees…
is a delightful, shady sand pile. My girls spend hours here always making me wonder why in the world I don’t have a sand pile. Then I remember how I can’t stand them bringing sand into the house. We get enough of that from the beach. My cute mom couldn’t care less. She is all about the kids. She says she’ll clean later – let them have fun. Then after we leave she tidies everything up. Except for the hand prints on her french doors. She’s never in a hurry to clean those.
Of course we always spend lots of time here every time we come to visit.
The girls and I love “the baby turtle and his mommy” that live in the pool.
This last trip after watching her daddy’s mad skills…
Ellie finally dared to jump off of the rock.
We also love all of the big open space (so hard to come by in San Diego!) where the girls run and play.

And next to grandpa’s garden full of all sorts of colorful vegetables, is a little swing for a little person…
who loves swing time…
almost as much as his grandpa does.
While I love so many things about this beautiful home and yard, the thing I adore the most…
is the darling couple who own it.
Love you mom and dad! Thanks for letting me share your home. If I come and bring your grandkids again really soon will you let me photograph the inside? I have a feeling I’ve got a deal.
xoxo, Erin
What a GORGEOUS home!!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Yeah…LOTS of luck finding something similar here…keep on looking Erin:) Beautiful!
I love your mom and dads house! Especially that beautiful yard. Sad we didn’t get to see you guys when you were down…but I must say we had such a nice time at your home in san diego. I LOVE your house. Thank you again for letting us stay. It was a delight! Love ya Erin.
Oh – that place is absolutely GORGEOUS!!! You don’t find places like that down here in Darwin (Australia). In fact those images pretty much illustrate a Very close version of my ultimately favourite dream home! Your family is VERY lucky to be living in such a dream!!!
Oh it makes me miss my momma and dad!! Love going home and feeling sorta like a lil kid again- everything is taken care of:)
so beautiful! it makes me want to move to Utah! I hope to have a house as beautiful someday- it will just have to be on the coast of Southern Califoria! :-)
Your parents’ home is beautiful. BEAUTIFUL!
I don’t blame you for going to “vacation” there as much as possible.
And now, excuse me while I pin it :)
Such a beautiful home your parents have Eirn. I love the way they have the special areas for set up for their grandkids. Of course that would have to be a major encouragement to visiting more often.
Beautiful Erin, certainly see where your great style comes from! Love it all esp the pic of the spacious yard and beautiful view
I love looking at houses and yards! Thanks for convincing them to let you share with us!!!
I can see why – it’s gorgeous!!! so beautiful with all the flowers, green grass and beautiful stonework. Thanks for sharing!
That house is gorgeous!! I’m totally jealous of that yard and house and pool!! Ha!! LUCKY!!!
Beautiful home! Thanks for sharing!
Just beautiful!
It is breathtaking!!! Love it.
Girls weekend here we come!!!!
What a beautiful home! It was a real treat to tour the outside via your blog. If your folks are reading this,… “Thank you! for allowing us to see your home.” The temperatures where I live are hitting triple digits today. That swimming pool sure looks good right now. haha!
Hi there,
I have a question about your site, would you mind emailing me back @ [email protected]?
So beautiful! What a perfect retreat for all of you! I bet your kids LOVE visiting Grandma and Grandpa. Thanks for sharing.
That house is beautiful! Absolutely amazing.
WOW! That home is gorgeous in every way! I can only imagine how perfect the inside is!! This is definitely going in my home-inspiration notebook :) Thanks for sharing!
When does this bed and breakfast open?! :)
Beautiful Home!
What an amazing getaway for you and your family. Your parent’s house looks like something out of a magazine. I love all the little spots to keep the kids busy. How precious.
So, I have always wondered, since your parents live in Utah, are you Mormon? I live in FL so I don’t know many Mormons, but my cousin lives in SLC so I have grown up with a little bit of knowledge about Utah. Anyhow, just curious. If this is something you purposely do not address on your blog, I certainly understand. :) Thanks again for sharing your parents beautiful house!
Amazing!! So beautiful, totally wish I lived there:)
I love, love it- honestly when I think of a dream home-it looks a lot like that. Love the style and the yard…oh the yard!! That is one of the things I really miss about St. George, it may be just as hot as here, but so much greener and prettier.
Wow, their house is beautiful! Reminds me of my favorite getaway in a very similar location ;)
Love the tour! Have you considered just moving? Ha!
Such a gorgeous home! Thank you for sharing! Can’t wait to see the inside!!
I want it!! It’s beautiful! And now you’ve got me wanting to go to my mom’s house too….it really is heavenly to be there! Glad you had a great trip! I really wish we could be there at the same time!
Wow. Wow. And more wow. I am taken aback at how beautiful their home is. Can I move in with them? Please? LOVE, LOVE, LOVE their home. Can’t wait to see pics of the inside….(please?)
Your mom and dad are the cutest :)
Thanks to you (and them) for sharing such awesome pics.
Shannon in PA
Your mom is so cute!!!!
LOVE your parents house. Now I want to see the inside as well. It is a dream house, so beautiful!
Love your Mom, love her house. They seriously scored with that lot for their backyard.
I think your parents should get an award for being such cute grandparents.
Beautiful :)
Erin! Love it! It is so lush! I think here in San Diego, we’ve forgotten what real yards, and homes like that look like! Breathtaking. thank you soo much for sharing! And, I love the post of cute Addison! sooo cute!
What a gorgeous home! Love everything about it! All the sweet kid friendly touches just make it that much better. So beautiful!Isn’t it the best to go home to mom and dad’s for vacation? : )
Can I come? My kids are really nice and I won’t make a mess (because I am a neat freak too).
:) Love it!!! :)
Hi Erin,
I´ve been reading “Sunny side up” for quite a while now but never left a comment. My place is far away from where you and your family live (Germany) but nevertheless I enjoy reading your blog so much…! Thx for all the fun, touching and lovable posts you share with the rest of the world. The images of your parents home now finally made me contribute sth to your blog! THIS IS JUST PERFECTION! Given the fact that we just built our own house I am pretty impressed with how much attention to detail your parents fulfilled the task of establishing their new home. It´s a real beauty!
Your parents home is absolutely gorgeous. Having lived in the USA for a year, it is something that I really loved- that you have such a sense of style in your architecture. Something I think is sometimes lacking here in Australia. So, I would like to know how you feel about being so far away from your parents? This is a dilemma I struggled with for 20 years before finally moving home. Do you struggle with this?