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Things are a bit scattered around here lately.
 Toilet paper is scattered all over my bathroom floor.
Random picture frames are scattered in various piles around my house.
 Some that are waiting to be painted, replaced with new pics, and transformed into a photo collage.
Some that just need to be hung.
And some that just need to be put away for a while.

 School kits and pictures are scattered all over my scrapbook table.

 Magazine cutouts are still scattered in a messy pile waiting for me to finish what I started last week.

And we reached a new low tonight with dinner scattered all over the kitchen floor.  
Now if I can just stop my mind from being so scattered and going in different directions I might be able to focus and get something accomplished.
Or at least get the kitchen floor mopped.
xoxo, Erin
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24 thoughts on “Scattered

  1. I just laughed when I saw that first picture. I feel like I go in spurts like that when everything is everywhere. I admit it makes me a little crazy, but what are going to do? Everything is always a project around here, oh well. There won’t always be little ones shucking corn on the kitchen floor. I am sure it was spotless anyway.

  2. I absolutely loved this post. It made me laugh right off when I saw Kole in the bathroom. He is so cute and he is everywhere! I have two boys so I know what’s going down! :) Thanks for sharing! You’re the best! :) Melissa

  3. Erin – I feel the same exact way as you! So glad I am not the only one! I feel like I am pretty organized, but every once in a while, life takes over and I can’t keep on top of things!! Thanks for being so “real!!”

  4. ha ha! love this post. we’ve had many days like that over here.
    love your blog! just found it and i can tell i’ll be here quite a lot. :)

  5. A note on the corn: I clean them out at the store before I bring them home. You are able to leave the husks in the same area where you got the corn from. Less mess at home!!!

  6. Love your posts and photos! Always looking to you for inspiration on scrapping and curious what you are doing with the school kits? I’m currently doing digital project life for our family scrapping but am struggling with how to document the kids’ school years.

  7. may has turned into one busy month, hasn’t it!?! i’m dying to talk to you! maybe i can steal you from primary for a few minutes on sunday to talk. ;)

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