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Somebody pinch me

I’m mentioned today on a blog.  On BECKY HIGGINS’ BLOG!  When I read Becky’s e-mail yesterday saying she wanted to include my Project Life Process in one of her posts I about fell off my chair.  Then after the shock wore off I started dancing and jumping around the kitchen.  Then I called Kenny at work….”you won’t believe it!….BECKY HIGGINS….Project Life…..”  I think that was about all he got out of that conversation.  Addison was loving it.  “Why are you so excited mommy!?”  Then we picked up Ellie from school and I had a perma grin on my face in the carpool lane that wouldn’t go away.  Smiling and waving to everyone.  Isn’t today a SENSATIONAL DAY!?  As soon as Ellie got in the car Addison said “Ellie, mommy is SO EXCITED today!  She was dancing around the kitchen.  Someone is going to do an e-mail that will make her very happy!”  Clearly she didn’t get much out of our conversation either.

BECKY HIGGINS!!!  REALLY!?  She has been my idol now for how long?  I’m such a major fan of Becky and all of her amazing scrapbooking, sketches, kits (which I own every one), organization, blog…

Excuse me.

I have to go lie down now.

xoxo, Erin
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29 thoughts on “Somebody pinch me

  1. Isn’t that feeling awesome. I had the same reaction when I recevied a reply back from Alie Edwards. I was on cloud now, I was telling one of my friends here at work, “Oh my Can you believe she emailed me back.” My friend was looking at me like “huh” then I called me husband also and he was like “Ok”. Nobody got it but I was on cloud now also. So congrats on your great post…so keep working on your project life…she might want to use your post again. :)

  2. COngrats and soooo well deserved!! Jade, was mentioned too, I LOVE her blog aswell!!
    Well done clever lady, lap it up, I would be , and you sooo deserve it! xo

  3. Congrats Erin! What a perfect way to start out your birthday month!!! I remember how you like to stretch the celebration for as long as possible, so this should give you a start, right? Love you and so proud of all you are accomplishing!

  4. Isn’t soooo exciting!!! She used one of my photos for the working jobs…I was on cloud 9 for days! And I won the contest for the camera So no to auto…All in two days! Talk about being excited. Way to go Erin!!!

  5. And you failed to mention this to me last night because……..

    Yeah, that’s what I thought, NO EXCUSE!!!!

    Very exciting though, Erin!!!

  6. Erin,
    this post made me smile :-)
    I checked out Becky’s blog this morning (as I do almost every morning) and when I saw your name mentioned, I just knew you were going to be so very excited. I’ve told you before, but I really enjoy following your blog and being inspired to keep up with my Project Life albums….well done friend!!
    Kristy Gussio

  7. Wow- that’s pretty darn exciting. Do you feel like a celebrity? All that hard work is really paying off. Congrats.

    Glad to see you changed your blog header, I was really worried about it.

  8. Loved your Project Life post and reading this one has gotten my day off to a very smily start. Congrats – what a thrill! (Love your blog by the way.)

  9. Congrats! That is so exciting! You deserve it! I know you make it look so wonderful, easy, and exciting, which is just the motivation that we most of us need! I think getting people inspired and making scrapbooking fit into real life is exactly what Becky Higgins wanted to accomplish through her kits!

  10. Wow–cool!!! I love your new header and background! If only spring were that close here in the frozen north…sigh…I live vicariously though you, you know! :)

  11. Ummm…who is Becky Higgins? Posts like this make me realize that I really am not a true blogger. Such a faker, I am. Because, you see, I thought you were the mostest famous Erin:)

  12. Sooooo funny! Congratulations lady! That is big time :) I actually saw her post (after reading it already) and I was so excited FOR you. I know exactly the giddy, jumping around feeling that you had. I am a fellow Becky Higgins Obsessed gal. One of my photos were featured in her “reflections” photo challenge video in December and I did the exact same dance around my kitchen.

    I mean, it is no email from Becky herself, but it was pretty darn exciting. Again, love, love, love your blog. Please keep sharing.

  13. My two favourite blogs who both love Becky were mentioned. You Erin and Jade from Super Organised Mum here in Australia…

    How fantastic

    PS good choice with the header!

  14. Erin, you are so dang cute! Congrats on the shout out because you definitely deserve it. You are my Project Life idol so it seems fitting that you would grace the amazing BH blog. I love her as well!

  15. I originally found your blog when Becky Higgins mentioned how you do project life on her blog last year. I have loved following your blog since! I especially enjoy your Project Life Ideas and organization posts. When I saw Becky’s post yesterday, I got all excited too! Sunny Side Up and Becky Higgins are my 2 favorite blogs! And I totally understand your excitement, Becky is like a legend to me! lol

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