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Thanksgiving Break

So much fun having my cute parents visit for Thanksgiving this year! We thoroughly enjoyed every minute spent with them. My mom made sugar cookies and watched Christmas movies with my girls.

And my dad kept them busy making animals out of play dough and dancing with them in the living room to Christmas music. (LOVE Pandora Internet TV — Christmas favorites are playing around the clock!)

Chargers were playing Monday night! I’m quite sure the win over the Broncos was completely due to the fact that we were at the stadium rooting them on. And eating our fair share of nachos. After eating our fair share of food at the pre-game tail gate party.

Of course the football didn’t end at the stadium Monday night. It was on all weekend long and Kole seems to be just as much of a fan as his dad and grandpa are.

He especially loves half time when he is smothered with attention — rewarded for his loyalty to the right teams. :)

And then it was Thanksgiving day and our TV took a mini break from football so we could tune in to the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day parade. Lots of work getting the meal ready. A record was definitely set for the most my kitchen has ever been cooked in! Addison helped grandma with the dressing…

and my job was the rolls. Luckily I’ve made and destroyed Rhodes rolls enough times that I now have them mastered. I know. It should be simple. Let them raise and bake them at 350 degrees for 15 minutes. But I’m telling you these rolls are really quite tricky. And they required a lot of my attention. So much of my attention that I couldn’t possibly do much else of the cooking. Sorry mom. I love you. And I love your cooking. And I’ll always wash the dishes after to make it up to you.

My dad carved the turkey…

and the table was set. Ellie made name cards for everyone so there was no confusion about who was sitting where. And we had a lovely dinner where we discussed what are grateful for this year and what we love about each other. Ellie also put two and two together and realized for the first time that turkey comes from a real turkey. She refused to eat her meat, adamantly opposing cruelty to animals. It seems my daughter is now a vegetarian. Right up until it’s time to order McDonald’s chicken nuggets.

My Christmas cards arrived and I can’t wait to mail them out! While I didn’t make them this year, I chose to assemble them myself so I can still get my homemade card fix. :)

We also received some very happy news this week. Kenny made partner at his law firm. Becoming a partner at a firm like the one he works at has been a dream of his for a long long time. It is tough. His firm has offices in San Francisco, DC, and many other large cities and he was competing with very talented attorneys from each office. He has worked incredibly hard for this and I am busting with pride for my smart man. (you can’t tell right?… I could brag more, but I’ll stop now to spare everyone from gagging.) We took my parents out to dinner to celebrate. A very special night that I’ll always remember.
So so proud of you babe.

Also to celebrate I decided we needed to deck the house in more Christmas lights than ever! My philosophy with Christmas lights is the more the merrier. Kenny has a different philosophy about Christmas lights. He let me know his philosophy for over two hours while hanging from our ladder. Ellie rode her bike around the yard reminding her dad not to say “stupid” so much. Kenny and I were just grateful that she didn’t understand a few other words that were expressed. It was quality family bonding time at its best.

Addison wanted to help with the lights too. She came outside and exclaimed “Oh! – I forgot my accessories!” She ran in the house and came back outside a few minutes later decked in her princess shoes, necklaces, bracelets, and Fancy Nancy crown. Good thing. Those accessories put her in the best little mood! I think next time we hang lights I’ll try giving Kenny a few accessories.

Also over the break my little Kole started sitting up. My baby boy is 8 months on Tuesday and I would give anything to freeze him in this stage for a while. It’s hard to believe that last year at Thanksgiving he was just a little ball in my stomach causing me to practically tip over playing tether ball with my girls. So much has happened since then and I can’t begin to describe how grateful I am this year. Grateful for God – for my life – for my family – for all that is good in this world. Grateful for such a wonderful Thanksgiving break. Grateful that it is now time to start celebrating CHRISTMAS! This is truly the most wonderful time of the year.
xoxo, Erin
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23 thoughts on “Thanksgiving Break

  1. What a happy recap of a great weekend! A HUGE congratulations to Kenny for making partner. The grueling hours and time away from family are not lost on me and it’s a great accomplishment that you have both sacrificed a lot for. Now let some of the junior associates take some of the work!

    I cannot tell you how cheerful your front porch looks with all its flowers! When we woke up on Thanksgiving morning it was 27 degrees below zero at 7:00am. OUCH!

  2. Loved reading this Erin. What a great picture with your Dad and Kole! OMG that just craked me up:))
    Congratulations to Kenny! We have two attorneys in our family and I know what a GREAT accomplishment that is.
    Also, tell Kenny he’s not alone in the whole Christmas light situation. But thank God our wonderful husbands just accept their duties and get the job done!!

    Now on to Christmas! Woo Hoo!!!

  3. Looks like a wonderful week. So glad you were able to enjoy some time with your mom. Congrats to Kenny on making partner – what an accomplishment!

  4. What a great Thanksgiving week for you guys! That is wonderful news about Kenny, I know that a lot of hard work goes into becoming partner and you are very supportive of him. That Cole is so stinkin cute :)

  5. Congrats on Kenny making partner! As a lawyer married to a lawyer, I know how hard this is–and not only for him, but also for all of the time you lose with him! My husband is starting at a similar type of law firm in January, and we are both so nervous about the hours!

  6. I’m with you on the Rhodes rolls – You would think that you wouldn’t be able to mess them up, but I always find a way…..

    Your blog is so darling!!!! Even though I don’t know you, I enjoy checking it often to see the latest cute things that you post. BTW, I think Kenny and I used to work together years ago – did he work at Rococo’s???

  7. Yay, Yay, Yay for Kenny! We are so excited and happy for both of you. Now you can get serious about the house hunting, huh?! Wahoo! LOVE all the darling pics of your weekend! So glad such a great time was had by all, your parents are just the cutest ever, I adore all the pictures of them with the kids. And oh my, Kole is looking cuter every minute! Glad the Chargers had a good weekend too, I would have thought that would have helped out with the Christmas light situation….maybe Ryan can give Kenny some tips, he’s gotten pretty slick with hanging up our lights, definitely keeps the cursing at a minimum. ;) The girls are darling and cracking me up as usual, yay for my favorite kind of Erin post! Love you all!

  8. What a great Thanksgiving and so much to be thankful for. I mean a Chargers win is the best, oh yea, and you know Kenny making partner and all is pretty great too. Ha! :) Enjoy this time, you guys are the most darling family!

  9. Such a great post! I’m cracking up at Kenny cursing while hanging lights and getting reprimanded by Ellie! Butch mentioned that he felt guilty after seeing Kenny hanging lights, since I’m always the one on the ladder at our house. We’ll see if he felt guilty enough to get out there this year. :)

    We are so happy for Kenny (and you). And we are so happy the Chargers have been winning. Rebecca mentioned that Kenny gave her a $20 tip for babysitting and I told her it’s totally cuz he’s in such a good mood about the Chargers!!!! :)

    Can’t wait to see your new ride!

  10. Congrats to Kenny & your whole family! What fabulous news! Sounds like a wonderful Thanksgiving. That picture of Kole sitting up is perfect. He’s such a cutie pie! This time of year really is the best.

    p.s. we got kenny’s voice mail. we were gone all week. we’ll call you back this week. :)

  11. I was laughing out loud about the Christmas lights. Corey HATES putting them up every year and many choice words are said around here too.

    So glad you had a good Thanksgiving- there really is a lot to be thankful for.

  12. Congrats to Kenny (partner – awesome and hanging the Christmas lights) I love your ability to write in such a fun way. I love Rhodes Rolls and my extra creative flair is to cut three slices on the top and brush on with butter. Yummy sugar cookies. That is what I will be doing with my grandkids, someday.

  13. Loved all the pictures! Looks like ya’ll had a wonderful time.

    I’m wondering what kind of dishes you have? I saw them in the table setting picture…I’m on a hunt for new dishes!

  14. Marlowe – my good friend Haylee made my Christmas cards. She does an amazing job and can work around any budget. You can see some of her work and how to contact her at http://[email protected].

    Morgan – thanks for your sweet comment about my dishes! I’ve had them for years and bought them at a store that is now out of business. :( Sorry that isn’t much help!

  15. Sounds like Kenny and Mat will be spending time with the Grinch this year. No Whoville service with a smile either. Looks like you had a lovely time. Congrats on the partnership for Kenny, it’s good he’s humbled with Christmas lights.

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