Speaking of other posts, I’ll start working on one that explains how I do my blog header and sidebars (since several of you asked so nicely). But for now I just wanted to share a little story behind this photo shoot –

One morning last week when I was doing Ellie’s hair I decided I was so sick of ponytails (which is all I’ve had time for lately) that it was time to mix things up. So instead I did her hair in a side ponytail. Because I’m wild and crazy like that. Anyway, Ellie was not impressed. She didn’t like her hair and wasn’t shy about letting me know it. I told her to leave it alone because we were heading to see some friends and after we came home she could take it out. She stomped off into the other room mad and a few minutes later while I was doing Addison’s hair, she slipped this note under the bathroom door –
Made me smile. Glad to know that even when I’ve made her mad she still loves me.
No matter how hideous I do her hair.
That just makes me laugh. It’s kind of funny, I did Hailey’s hair in a side pony today and she was so proud of it.
Congrats on the better sleep. That really is the best, maybe he will keep it up! I will cross my fingers.
Didn’t I tell you he would start sleeping better at night now???
Oh my gosh I’m so happy for you and I can’t believe you didn’t mention this news when I saw you today!
Love that note from Ellie. So cute!
your girls are precious!
That is so funny! Congrats on Kole sleeping through the night. Always such a great feeling!
Oh my what a sweet note – love that you have it on record too. Hoping for another good night’s sleep for you,
Super funny…can’t wait till my daughter writes me “love” notes. ;-) At 8 mo. I still have a way to go.
Yeah for Kole. I agree that there’s nothing like waking up and realizing you slept more than two hours! I hope he keeps it going. Love the note and that she expressed her opinion in love.
That’s so cute! I’m glad you can decipher her writing! :) Adorable.
I love the note!! So stinkin’ cute! I found you over at Power of Moms! Great blog!
That is hilarious! What a good girl to leave it in, Lucy would have hid somewhere and pulled it out in seconds. So glad Kole is starting to sleep more!!!
haha That is so funny! I think it looks darling on her!
I’m so happy Kole is doing better. Ty started sleeping good about 3 months…but he still wakes up at least once. Guess I need to hear more about the baby boot camp!
Love the note! She did a great job writing it:) I think her side ponytail is so cute!
Save that note!! PRECIOUS….and the cabbage patch doll…my daughter had the same one!! (Red hair and all)
I think her hair looks darling! They are so cute together and that note is so priceless!
Erin-that is the cutest note! It just melted my heart! You have a sweet daughter. I have a sweet daughter too but I think she would have taken her hair out and no note! :)
Welcome back. We need to get together and I love, love, love the new heading and ESPECIALLY the picture of your little dude laying by the pool in his shades. Oh my gosh, that is the cutest picture ever!!!!!!!!!
I can’t wait to hear about baby boot camp. Janie fought me all day yesterday. She took a one hour nap for the entire day! I am exhausted and she is too! She is sleeping better at night though . . .
Love the note from Ellie
Re: the feeling when your newborn sleeps extra long–absolutely incredible!! Until you feel your completely engorged breasts and beg your husband to go get the baby to relieve your pain. I think he’s on a roll here:) Loved the note. So honest. This girl is going to be herself–how refreshing!!
I think I had the same doll! I think her name was Gail or something along those lines. She’s still at my parents house somewhere!
Such a cute story!
Give us a tutorial on your camera and photo editing skills too, please.
Haha!! I LOVE the letter! You will have to save that one! Hopefully you took a picture of the ‘Nw Her Stiol’ to go with it!!
My Abbie has that cute dress, too!! So cute!
Hi Erin!
Thanks for the photo tips today. I have that same camera and love it. I just figured you had some fancy lens or editing secrets because your photos always look great.
I love taking photos but still feel so lost sometimes when I do not get the results that I want. I did not even realize there was a way to set those kinds of things on our camera. I guess I will dig back into that manual. :)
I love, love, love Ellie’s note! That girl cracks me up! I love how she is always writing a note for something, and I adore her spelling. Sometimes I think- ya, it should be spelled that way.
SO glad Kole had a good sleep for you! Keep it up little dude!
I love it. My girls complain when I do something complicated and it takes a long time. They are adorable and I am so glad you are doing good.
Erin that is such a sweet note! Keepsake! And congrats on the good sleep too!
Erin that note that Ellie wrote is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen! I loved her hair by the way. You really need to write children books. I love to read your blog! Of course I love you too!
I was going to ask in previous posts if that was Mommy’s old CPK, cute! I have a whole collection of 80s CPKs but not my original..
Speaking of the 80s, my oldest daughter (soon to be 8 yr. old) has been ASKING me for a side ponytail. I think they are so cute and flashbacks to the 80s early 90s bring a smile to my face. I think they were cute!
That’s cute!
Hi Erin, Im a girl of Barcelona, who like this blog very much:)
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